Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

: She's on the shelf

Sleep: I wish you all · ·

Editor Seven Sauces: Lets you write testimonials, not blessings

Sleep: oh ... that testimonial ...

A serious face of sleep: Before 73 days, sleep was a gray and ordinary college dog (now also).

At the time, I was still writing novels. Two of my roommates, one graduated from the library, went to the library to study, and the other was tired and crooked with the subject every day.

Only me was staying in the bedroom from dawn until dark, and suddenly one day I realized it and began to write my first word.

Then it took 30 minutes to write the first 3000 words. When the brain was hot, a starting point was created and a manuscript was submitted.

Thought that this book would end soon, because when I first wrote this book, An Mian was prepared for everything, and even the hundreds of words outlined for the creation of the new book were the current emmmm

As a science college dog, the ink in the belly of Anmian is quite low =-=, so when I first started writing, I could basically write 2000 words in 4 hours?

But when An Mian wrote more than 20,000 words, he actually received a contract message from the editor (moving crying, I can be seen as a scum-virgin debut ...).

Behind is basically the process of learning how to write while writing ... (it is really not very written, sometimes a sentence can hold for half an hour ...)

Then An Mian was surprised to find that many people were willing to support the downright newcomer ...

Then I have been holding on until now ~

Personally feel that it is a miracle that I have n’t been so serious when I raided the final exam ==

Therefore, I also love book friends who support An Mian ~

Then Anmian also knew that there were many and many problems in this book, such as the hostess (Huti Hutti, the heart of Anmian has been inserted by countless people, and there are many people who greet the parents of Anmian ...

For example, punctuation ... Typos ... For example, the plot is too fast ... For example, the power is soaring ... For example, I ca n’t control it ... I drink too much ... etc. (drink too much ??)

So An Mian has never deleted a suggestion post that is friendly, and I hope I can correct it! (Several bookmates who have always pointed out typos are thank you again, and those who have put forward various opinions. Anmian basically changed it according to your wishes. Cough cough ... Except that the **** must write a new book to change it. Other than)

There are still many problems, so I hope it can be improved slowly.

The last emmm is the book push section (send a wave to the book shortage people ~) ~ All are fantastic books (no, only two are not ~) Everyone can go and take a look.

First of all, they are also in the Marvel category, "Yasuo in the Marvel World", "Overwatch Invades the Beautiful Man", "The Beautiful Man World Demon Hunter"

Then, "Shadow Prisoner" and "Witch's Tavern"

Then comes the "Eternal Call" of the farming category

There is also my friend Xiaobing's fast-wearing military article "Military Contractor" and his new book gourmet article "Legendary Cooking Soldier"

Then, 10 will be delivered immediately ~

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