Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 141: Watson and Banner (2)

Watson turned his head to look at the man who was bowing his head and said, "Banner? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, how long will it take?"

"The next level is almost here."


As the elevator doors opened, Natasha and Clinton walked in front first, and Banner next to Watson would look up inside when passing each ward, when he saw someone he did n’t care about. Will be involuntarily relaxed.

Turning a corner, at the end of the ICU stood two men in black suits.

"We have arrived."

After hearing this sentence, Banner suddenly stood in the same place, and several expressions suddenly appeared on his face. He regretted, apologized, blamed himself, and had been looking for Betty.

Natasha showed her credentials to the two, and then turned her head and said, "She seems to be sleeping, let him go in. But pay attention to the time."

"Thank you my dear, and you guys."

Watson turned his head and looked at the uneasy Banner who came forward and patted him gently on the shoulder: "Hurry in."

Banner nodded and opened the door gently, afraid of making a sound.


The sound of the ECG monitor was particularly harsh in the quiet ward. On a multifunctional hospital bed in the middle of the ward, Betty was lying right in the middle sleeping.

Banner gently walked to Betty's side, looking at her pale face, her eyes changed softly, no one would believe that now such a gentle man lived in a violent Hulk.

Banner wanted to reach out and touch her face. She stretched out halfway and shrank back somehow, fearing that she would hurt her again.

Banner sat gently in the chair next to the bed, carefully pulling Betty's hand out of the quilt, feeling the cold temperature of her hand and slowly grasping it.

"I'm sorry I'm really sorry"

Banner took a few deep breaths and lowered his head to kiss Betty's hand, then stood up gently: "This is the last time I hurt you."


Banner closed the door, watching Watson alone, and asking, "What about them? I think I should be taken away by them now."

Watson looked around: "They? Who? Is there anyone else here before?"

When Banner heard Watson's words, he bowed his head and smiled, "You help me again."

"Okay, don't stand here, or do you want to talk to your elder husband for a while?"

"Ok let's leave here first."

Watson walked out of the hospital door with Banner, then walked to the black Corvette c7, opened the door and looked at the stunned Banner. "Why? Don't get in the car yet."

"Yeah, the car is good."

"Thank you"

After Weng started the car, Watson asked while driving into the avenue, "Want to drink?"

"No, no, no, okay, just a little, I'm afraid Hulk will"

Watson smiled: "Relax, I will take you to a place where no one is. However, we need to find a convenience store now."

After talking about the accelerator pedal, the engine ran quickly and made a roar.

Jingle Bell

"Welcome to visit. I need to choose what I want from here. After that, please come to my side to check out. The cash register over there is broken."

"no problem"

The woman at the front desk suddenly felt familiar with the sound, and raised her head to find out what kind of flame knight was it? !

"Oh my **** is you ?!"

Watson heard this sentence and put down the potato chips just picked up and looked back at this somewhat um, complicated woman? Sorry, he really does n’t know how to describe it. The woman looks a little nervous, but seems to feel a little embarrassed again?

"Yes, is there something wrong with me? Er, should I be able to buy something to eat?"

"Of course, you are free." The woman watched Watson, who turned around, took a breath and stopped him again: "You won't hurt us, right?"

After hearing this, Watson froze for a moment, then turned and walked over. This action caused the woman to step back slightly against the wall.

Watson saw that he quickly stopped at the same place: "Hey don't be nervous, what the **** happened? Why do I feel like you saw me as a robber? Why did you ask that? I certainly won't hurt you."

The woman seemed to get a sigh of relief when listening to Watson's words: "Sorry, I'm a little too nervous. I saw the news today."

It was said that the woman turned on the TV on the wall, and the latest news was being inserted on it. The picture was abruptly the ruins of the Harlem War.

"Just this afternoon, the" Hulk "Hulk, who had previously pursued the operation, and the newly appeared code-hating" Huge Giant "fought fiercely in the Harlem area. The specific reason is not yet known, and after that, together with Iron Man The Flame Knight who went to Monaco to play arrived at the scene to start fighting against them, and the Flame Knight stretched out a huge pile of wings in front of everyone, and according to the description of the person rescued, the Flame Knight appeared at the same time when he arrived at the scene A huge monster, but because the battle area is blocked by the military, there is no exact image, but the people outside the blockade said that they saw a huge black shadow flying into the sky, and howled loudly, "

The woman looked at the silent Watson and said, "Is everything above true?"

Watson looked at the words on the TV and was slightly silent and then shrugged: "It's not wrong to say that ~ ~ But I am still the original one, am I? I think it makes no difference. I am still my former lady do not be afraid"

"Then are you human?"

Watson suddenly froze when he heard this sentence. Is he human now? The fusion of the genes of the dragon family, in essence, should not be a pure human? But just like Peter, he has a spider gene in the future to become Spider-Man, so is Peter a human?

Watson suddenly smiled and thought: Humans are themselves, and dragons are themselves. As a combination of the two, they have not abandoned the essence of humans, nor have they resisted the transformation of the dragon family. I am me, a special and unique individual.

As for how other people think, even how to characterize themselves, what does it have to do with themselves?

Only now, of course it is needed

"Of course I am a human lady, except that I have some special abilities, and a few special friends and they are all very friendly, so don't behave as well, you make me feel like a robber"

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