Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 142: The current brother who was caught

Watson said he turned around and continued to buy. Well, besides buying alcohol, by the way, buy some snacks?

Forget it, eating snacks is better than eating a bite of cooked meat

By the time Watson came out carrying a large bag of things, the night had slowly begun to fall, and Banner was almost asleep on the co-pilot.


The sudden closing sound awakened Banner: "I thought I was going to sleep here today. You bought so much wine ?!"

"I just found out that I was on TV again and delayed a little bit. It doesn't matter. How about most of my drinks?"


Watson parked his car on the outskirts, found a clean grass field and sat down directly. He took out a can of beer from the plastic bag and threw it to Banner. Then he opened a can of beer himself.

"It's so comfortable." Watson took a sip of a can of cold beer and breathed out comfortably. Then he looked at Banner sitting down and said, "Any plans?"

As Watson spoke, he took a piece of fully cooked meat from his backpack and handed it to Banner with a small blade.

"I don't know." Banner took the meat and took a bite and shook his head, then raised his head and asked, "Oh, Betty, her injury, will it?"

"Betty will recover, and will not leave any root causes or other hidden dangers. You can rest assured. You will see a good girlfriend after a while."

Banner listened sadly and lowered her head: "Girlfriend? She became like this because I caused it, and I don't want to hurt her anymore. You should know that I am connected"

"Uh, can't be excited?"

Banner smiled bitterly: "Yes."

Watson looked at Banner and expressed his sympathy. Hulk can be happy as long as he smashes it, but as a normal man, Benner ca n’t even have a fast heartbeat, especially at night. The beautiful girlfriend looks at Chunchun When he was, he could only stare at the pity that was so pitiful.

"Don't be discouraged Banner, life is to carry forward with weight, although suffering, but also have to go. We are all the same."

"Thank you."

Banner briefly remained silent for a while, then looked at Watson and said, "Remember the man you and I saw before? I think he is fine, at least not to put Betty in danger. As for me"

Banner finished drinking the wine in his hand and sighed: "I want to leave here and find a place that is inaccessible. Maybe you told me last time that I was right, I can't deny the existence of Hulk until today I have been thinking Back to normal life, I want Hulk to leave my body, but I have hurt too many people, not only Betty, but also those innocent people. Maybe you and I are talking about a way, I want to go A place where no one is actively communicating with Hulk, at least you can try it. "

Watson nodded and said, "Then I want to give you a suggestion, you have to buy a baby plan, because Hulk is still a baby, which is a kind of unreasonable temper"

"Well okay I will buy it"

"Hahaha, where do you want to go?"

"I haven't just wanted to go to a place farther away." Watson heard here and suddenly remembered the small island shrouded in thunderstorms he found on the Atlantic Ocean.

Is n’t it better than a small island for a place where Coulson can help? At least you can let your monsters live outside.

"You also know that Mr. Jiao's body type is not suitable for appearing here. I also want to build a stronghold and call you over when I find a place."

"Really? That's better, at least I don't have to worry about Hulk going somewhere else in case of failure."

"That's all for sure, when are you going to leave?"

Banner looked down and thought: "There is nothing to do, just now."

"My mobile phone number does not change. If you have any problems, please contact me."

"Of course, thank you Watson."

Banner finished drinking the second jar of wine and stood up, turned and walked away to the grass.

System, marked Banner.

Mark successful

The stronghold of Asgard's God Realm.

"Loki, what exactly is your plan?" Thor looked at Loki and asked anxiously.

When the three warriors on the side heard Thor ’s words, they all gathered around and looked at the ‘think tank’.

"Father, he generally knows things other than Asgard, especially if legendary creatures like dragons appear, how will they know?"

"Heimdall, the eye of omniscience?"


Thor bowed his head and thought, "So, ask Heimdall?"

"No, if asked, Heimdall will not tell us directly, you forgot his attitude of the father?"

"What then?"

"You should say so"

Hogan looked at Thor and said, "Fake King Order? This is not a trivial matter."

Vostag: "Is this possible? Maybe our current conversation will be seen by Heimdall!"

"I set up a magical enchantment that should start."

Thor stood up and looked at them: "We just went to find a dragon and did not violate the orders of the father, and Dragon Slaughter is the supreme glory that appeared in the biography! Guys, don't you forget that we worked What's the matter? Who is Vandal, Hogan, who led you from birth to death in the most glorious battle? "

"It's you."

"Vostag, who brought you to taste the delicious dishes and make you flutter like a palace in Valhalla?"

"It's you."

"That's right! And who is behind the crowd to prove to the whole country that a girl can also be a heroic warrior ?!"

"it's me!"

"That's right ~ ~ But I support you" Thor returned to look at them: "My friends, now, there is a newest thing that is so far glorious waiting for us to do! Let's go to the Dragon Slaughter! "

Da da da

"Your Majesty, let you go to the Dragon Clan to ask about the situation?" Heimdall stood at the gate of the Rainbow Bridge and looked at Tor and Loki and Schiff who had come up with a strange expression.

Thor looked at Loki and then turned his head to look at Heimdall and said seriously: "Yes, you also know that the Dragon Clan hasn't appeared for a long time. The father is worried about the impact on Asgard, so let's go to communicate first a bit."

Heimdall looked at Thor's eyes for a moment, then suddenly sighed and turned his head, saying, "Your Majesty, have you ever given this order?"



Tor and Loki suddenly looked dumbfounded as Odin appeared behind Heimdall.

The two quickly turned over and dismounted, then looked at Odin, who was calm, glanced silently.

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