Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 143: The arrival of Odin (1)

When Seef and the three warriors saw Odin, they immediately dismounted and knelt on one knee: "Your Majesty ..."

"This is bad ..."

"Shut up Vostag!"

Odin watched a bit of disappointment flash in his son's eyes: "Why don't I remember that I gave this order? Thor!"


Rocky took the initiative to step forward and said: "It's my idea father, I just want ..."

"No, not Rocky, I think ..."

"Enough!" Odin gave Gungnear a shock on the ground, the sound of which seemed to spread throughout Asgard.

Odin watched the quiet two come to Thor and said, "I will lie for the first time when I see you, Thor. And you Rocky, don't tell me you don't know if it should be Do it! Let me go back to the dragon's business! "

"Yes ·· Father ··"

"Your Majesty."

Thor and Loki also followed Shiv and they slowly turned around, and Odin's voice just came out of two steps again: "There is no second time, you are all the same."

"Good father ..."

Thor and Loki turned back and rode on the horse to walk back.


Odin sighed as he watched the two sons leave.

Heimdall was slightly silent after hearing it, then said to Odin: "Your Majesty, they will grow up ..."

"But now there is not much time for them to grow, they must be able to take their responsibility ..."

Odin shook his head and looked back at Heimdall: "How is the condition of the atrium?"

"It's over, even though the dragon can't be seen, but the man didn't shy away. The people in the atrium seem to know him well."

Heimdall looked at the silent Odin and asked, "Is it serious, Your Majesty?"

"I felt a very strong breath before ... but Asgard is not afraid of anyone."

Odin asked after being silent for a while, "Where is that person now?"

"Well ... sitting on the grass and drinking."

"A person?"

"Yes, one person."

"Send me over, I'm going to meet him."

"Your Majesty."

Heimdall did not hesitate to execute Odin ’s order. Although he did not know what would happen when he met the dragon that Odin all called powerful, he had absolute confidence because this man was the **** Father-Odin!

What's more, if something unexpected happens, countless Asgard warriors will descend from the sky through the Rainbow Bridge to fight for their king!

Thor, who was walking back, sensed the huge energy transmitted at the moment when the Rainbow Bridge started.

"Is it father?" Thor said, turning to look at Loki.

Schiff shook his head: "It seems that the dragon's thing is not so simple, and even made His Majesty go."

"But his father did not bring guards with the soldiers."

Loki patted Thor's shoulder: "Father, he doesn't need that, maybe your father can come back and go to the dragon if his father comes back?"

"No, why wouldn't he let us follow him if he went to slaughter the dragon? And then he would definitely lead the army."

Rocky was a little surprised to hear Thor say such a thing, it's rare that your brain is so good ...

"Maybe Your Majesty has become a Dragon Warrior by himself to hahaha ~ uh ... you see what I see ... I'm just kidding."

Rocky rolled his eyes as he watched Vostag, and it seemed that he had a bad brain for no reason.


Watson felt a little bored after drinking another can of ice beer. Well, go and see Stark's house.

[Host, God's energy is aimed here. 】


Just the next second when Watson heard the system prompt, a huge dark cloud vortex appeared in the sky, and a thick beam of colorful light descended from the sky onto the ground in front of Watson.

Watson recognized this beam of light when he saw it: "It's Asgard's Rainbow Bridge ..."


Himalayas-the world in the mirror.

A voice suddenly appeared in the otherwise silent world.

A bald woman who is cultivating also opened her eyes: "The old friend went to find it first? Modu said that the strength comes from the mythical dragon, which may also be related to him. So I have no trouble."

As the voice fell, the world in the mirror returned to silence again, a strange symbol looming over the woman's head.


At the same time, the headquarters of SHIELD.

Nick Fury, who was drinking coffee, was frightened by the sudden alarm.

"Colson? What happened?"

"Sir, we found an unpredictable upper limit energy fluctuation ..."

"Where? Is it because of Watson?"

"Just in the northern suburbs of New York. I think it might also be related, because Watson's communication signal has disappeared and I don't know what went wrong."

Is it the ghost of Watson? ! Nick Fury frowned: "Let the recent action team go to see the situation, and by the way inform Natasha and ask her if she knows the situation, I will be there in a moment."

"Okay sir."

Just as Nick Fury was about to set off, an agent came by and said, "Sir ... I think you can't go now."

Nick Fury narrowed his eyes: "What's the matter?"

"It's Congress phone sir ..."

Nick Fury squeezed the bridge of his nose helplessly and scolded.

"Fak ..."


Link the corridor.

Zulong Milaruz seemed to feel the huge energy fluctuations around Watson, and a pair of red pupils opened again: "Rainbow Bridge? The energy contained was really amazing to the dragon. Unexpectedly, this person named Odin would go to Watson That little guy. The little guy has a lot to do with it, even if it is guarded by the power of the rules, it is a bit uneasy ~ ~ After finishing, Milaruz stretched out the dragon claws, and a shining gem appeared on the huge On top of the dragon claw. This gem is the essence of the ancestral dragon that Hua Sheng gave him, and if you look carefully, you will find that the essence of the ancestor dragon seems to be much smaller than that when Watson first gave it. One and a half left.

Milaruz embodies the essence of Zulong, a thin ray of light flew out of it and disappeared into darkness.

At the same time, watching Heimdall at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, he suddenly found that he could not see the area where Odin, the father of the gods, had arrived.

This is not as simple as not seeing the dragon, but the whole area! It ’s like being blindfolded by a layer of stuff ...


At this time, Watson opened a new can of ice beer and looked at the light column: "After the small explosion was exposed, he knew that he would be seen by the guardian of the Rainbow Bridge, but it was much slower than I thought. Well ... I do n’t know who the person will be? Thor? Or the Three Warriors? Or Rocky? "


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