Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 144: The arrival of Odin (2)

As a result, Watson, who didn't care much, saw the figure that appeared after the light beam disappeared, and a bite of cold beer didn't spray out.

Watson stood up quickly from the ground, with some alertness and some confusion in his eyes.

What's the matter ... I haven't done anything, as for Odin to run down? !

Odin is not so eloquent on the surface, but this product was started by the expansion of capitalism!

It was only later that he understood the drawbacks of doing so and began to change the policy, from the Great Qin Yingzheng to Kaihan Liubang, and began to conserve the family business.

Although it is much better than when I was younger, it was not bad at all when I was a bloodshot.

At this moment, Watson even had a little urge to slip his wings open, but he still pressed the idea down, and it was a protagonist anyway ...

This is too much counsel, and Odin should not be running alone to bully people ...

Calm ... There are people on us, ah no, there are dragons.

But can Zulong rival Odin?

Not at all ...

No, lose, not lose, calm ...


Odin slowly walked to Watson in a golden robe and began to look at Watson.

Although the breath is from the same source as the previous eye, the breath is not lost to yourself.

And this person in front of him is just a young human child? And the child's breath is obviously weak.

After seeing it, Odin determined that Watson was not a person transformed from a powerful dragon, and he was a human himself, but this lucky child gained some dragon abilities.

And Watson also looked at Odin in casual clothes for a while and didn't know what to say ...

After a brief silence, Watson couldn't help but lifted the newly opened ice beer and said: "I am Watson, Watson Dialand. Hmm ... Wanna drink beer?"

Odin suddenly froze when he heard Watson suddenly coming and shook his head: "No, thanks. I am Odin, from Asgard."

The sound of a helicopter has been heard in the ears of two people, and a team of SHIELD agents appeared on the street in the distance.

"Well ... shall we change places?"

"Of course." Odin finished, and a golden spear suddenly appeared in his hand.

Watson watched Odin stun Gunganier, the must-have gun, on the ground, and the landscape in front of him instantly changed.

The vast grass in front of me turned into the sea, and the grass under my feet turned into a cliff? !

The cool sea breeze blowing on Watson's face made him unconsciously sigh: "It's worthy of being the king of Asgard's gods. This ability is really convenient (but are you giving me off Mawei? !). "

Odin slightly raised his head when he heard Watson: "You know me."

"Yes, I know who you are."

Watson looked at him and said slowly, "Odin, the father of the gods, is the king of the Asgard clan. There are also elders with rich ancient knowledge and mysterious wisdom like you in the dragon group, they tell I've talked about Asgard. But ... Although I know that Asgard is coming back, I didn't expect it to be the king of Asgard. Forgive me, respect ... Oh! "

Just when Watson wanted to say the words "Your Majesty" politely, an indescribable tingling sensation suddenly appeared in my heart, as if I was electrified, Watson couldn't help but call it out sound.

Watson rubbed his heart and was full of doubts. He had inherited the thunderbolt physique of Feilong, how could he be charged? !

Moreover, there was no reminder that I was under the "attack" system, then there was only one explanation, Zulong Milaruz did it, and Watson immediately understood why it would call itself ...

At that moment, Odin saw that Watson was not right, and there was a rough guess in his heart. This child should represent the powerful dragon family, and the proud dragon family would not bow their heads like others.

And when Odin wanted to use his divine power to further explore Watson's situation, a layer of black and red 'lightning' suddenly burst out of Watson, instantly blocking Odin's divine power, and at this time Odin Several thunders in the sky above Watson's head exploded out of thin air. The dark clouds turned into a huge vortex, and a majestic thunder sound appeared out of thin air: "Pay attention to your behavior, Asgard!"

The moment Odin heard this voice, a golden armor appeared on his body, and the sharp gun Gungnier also emitted a slight divine light. At this time, Odin's eyes were more dignified.

Because Odin noticed that the thunder flashed in the sky turned out to be red! And it feels very dangerous for yourself!

Aside, Watson also heard this familiar voice, which was the voice of Zulong Milaruz in the link corridor, and the black-red lightning energy burst from Watson was also very familiar. It was the monster hunter. The expression form of pure dragon attribute energy, remembering that scene of Watson just reacted just now, almost unwittingly made a move?

What's special is that Odin is not a good person, you old man is bad.

Sooner or later I will rub your son on the ground!

But fortunately, we also have a strong boss to support.

Look at this special effect, listen to this sound, and don't lose to Odin at all!

But having said that, my strength is really not enough to see in front of Odin. It seems that I have to work hard to upgrade. Not to mention that it is comparable to Odin. Anyway, I can easily abuse Thor. Just live with his sister. .

Seeing that the owner of the eyes before appeared in person ~ ~ As if nothing happened, Odin calmly recovered Odin's power and said to Watson: "I am not malicious, just come Find answers. "


Watson looked at Odin, who was talking to himself, and knew that he was talking to Zulong. Originally, Watson thought that Zulong Milaruz would continue to talk to Odin out of thin air, but after a while, he found that there was no movement. , Even one of your ancestors ran away with a harsh word? !

If it ’s not that the heavenly vision has n’t disappeared yet, Watson thought that there was an illusion ... Is this Zulong ’s intention to test himself?

Watson said while thinking: "Well ... it might be a bit busy."

Watson, who knew he had a big boss to support him, simply let go, sitting directly on the ground, looking at the calm sea in front of him and saying, "You can tell me anything, and I know what your purpose is. You Do n’t worry, the dragon family has its own habitat, and I think you have seen that we are not harming humans, are we still helping them. ”


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