Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 147: This old man is very bad

Link the corridor.

Milaruz felt Odin murmur after leaving the monster space: "The power of me now is too weak ... if it is not necessary to guard the link corridor and cut off my connection with this universe, it will not be A racial coalition about to perish. "

Milaruz watched the essence of the Zulong, which was almost as small as a gravel, flung into his mouth, and a thunder of red flashed across the silver-white scales.

"However, the progress is so smooth, this is what the appearance of the Asgard Protoss is a windfall ... This will definitely accelerate the process of the emergence of the Gulong clan. And this funny little guy, it seems that our choice is correct ····· "

With the end of the voice, the red pupil slowly closed, and the dark corridor originally illuminated by the red pupil was once again plunged into an eternal darkness.


Long time after the exchange with Zulong.

"What the **** are they doing forbidden trading, has it been a long time to form an alliance? Why hasn't it come out yet ..."

While Watson was lying on the grass and complaining, a white light appeared beside Watson to attract his attention.

Was Odin in a golden robe showing up? Odin turned around and walked in front of Watson, constantly looking at the child in front of him with his wise eyes.


Watson watched Odin keep staring at himself everywhere, sat up quickly, looked down, and looked at himself as if there was nothing wrong ...

I don't know why, a terrible idea came to Watson's mind: Is Odin = blame Shuli? But I am not a little loli!

If you did n’t know that Odin loved his queen Friega, Watson almost thought he was an old glass ...

After all, the years are long. Isn't it normal to breed a quirk? Look at the collector and the two brothers Gao Tianzun. Didn't you think of the hobby (quirk) of collecting and fighting for yourself not to lose yourself?

Watson quietly moved his **** to the other side and said, "Is there anything wrong with my clothes?"

After all, Odin, who had found nothing, closed his eyes, and those who did not know that he was a serious God King were about to collapse.

Odin said to Watson in front of him: "There are no children, it's good. If you have the opportunity to welcome you as a guest at any time, I have two children, Thor and Loki. Maybe you can be friends."

"Well ... I will definitely go if there is a chance (friends, of course, it is better not to fight without getting acquainted)."

Watson listened to Odin's rhetoric, and suddenly there was a scene where the parents of Tianchao introduced their children to each other, which made Watson a little doubt whether Zulong took advantage of him ...



Why is it so embarrassing! ! Looking at the old dead fish face of Odin, I don't want to talk at all! ! !

Although they are not the same age as Thor, they are much younger than Stark ...

"Aren't you going back to Asgard now?"

"No, it's rare to come here again." Odin shook his head and sat down on Watson's side.

Watson looked at this old man who seemed to recall something and asked, "Here?"

"Yes, according to the place name of the atrium, this is Norway. The place where it starts and ends."

Odin closed his eyes after speaking, and he would re-predict the evening of the gods ...

After listening, Watson looked at the sea in front of him and the surrounding scenery, and then he understood why he was so familiar here!

This is the first battle between Thor 1 and the Frost Giant, and then in Thor 3, Odin's place of exile and died ... I later learned that this is still an egg, because the birthplace of Nordic mythology is Norway (according to (The urinary nature of a person named netizen, all the unintelligible places are eggs).

However, Watson turned his head and looked at Odin, who closed his eyes and thought: The old man did n’t know how to teach children. Although the Thor was exiled to the earth to experience, let him let go of his selfish desires and learned the heart of benevolence. It will not show the iron wrist. More importantly, he has never or does not like to use his brain, he prefers to use the hammer ...

Loki has always shown wisdom, cunning, and selfishness. Even when Hella first met, he said that he had Odin's legacy (part of the legacy ... Hella was a paranoid * himself). )

Although Loki occasionally becomes a brother-controlled creature named Xiaoshou, it doesn't matter.

The important thing is that Loki only inherited these, and did not know that a king must have a majestic side. Why do you use that trick every time, how can you calm the place!

It would be perfect if Tor and Loki were one, but unfortunately this is just a beautiful fantasy ... These two goods have been in love until the father died and Asgard is on the verge of death. Only the demise is reconciled ...

Not to mention the old man doing it in the end? Crisp son stopped, and the remaining two sons fled the elder sister's poisonous hands with all their strength, and then watched Asgard be destroyed by the **** of fire, the giant of fire at dusk .

The last two brothers finally took the people of Asgard out of their misery and were ready to stay on the earth to rebuild their glory.

Thor and Loki were miserable one by one, and even Hulk was beaten down.

It hurt me when I saw this scene in the movie theater, and even the popcorn in my mouth felt not crisp! ··· All this to blame the old man!

After a long time.

Odin opened his eyes, he found that he could not feel the original progress, the progress of the gods at dusk became unknown ...

However, there should be no worse result than destruction.

Thinking of this, Odin suddenly felt that the child around him seemed to have a bit of a grudge ...

"That ~ ~ If you don't want to go back and trouble send me back, it will take a long time to fly back by yourself."

Odin smiled and stood up: "Of course."

With that, Odin raised his hand and Gungnier knocked on the ground again, and the surrounding environment changed instantly.


Watson, who shook his head helplessly, looked at the mark of the Rainbow Bridge when Odin came on the ground, and the beer that he hadn't had time to take away was still scattered on the ground, and he returned to his original place? !

But this place is not already by Coulson ...

"How is this going?"

Watson looked suspiciously and took out his mobile phone to dial Coleson's phone.


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