Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 148: It doesn't matter, we whisper 1

Soon, Coleson's **** voice came out of the phone: "Watson?"

"Yes, it's me. Didn't you come to the suburbs to find me before? Have you seen the beer on the ground here? Also my car?"

Coulson raised his head and looked at Clinton, who was with him. Clinton shook his head and said that he did not see it.

"No ... nothing was clean when we went. Is there anything left behind?"

No? I really can't underestimate the old man Odin ...

"It's a bit of a thing, but it's useless to you now. Well, it's okay. I'll ask you to have a meal next time ~"

Watson hung up the phone, picked up the shopping bag from the ground, put his car on the diameter and drove to Tony's house.


In a small car space.

嗤嗤嗤 ~

The rolling sound of the wheels stopped? I do n’t know who helped me, and who played this unpleasant music?

When Ivan was thinking this way, the headgear on his head was suddenly pulled off by someone, and Iwan sat up and turned to look at the scene outside the car door ...

White walls, white lights, white airplanes, small white tables, and a fool in a white suit? It looks like a rich idiot.

"He's here, aha ~"

Justin Hammer looked at the brilliant smile of the man walking by: "I'm so glad you are here, welcome ~ Oh, really, unfasten my friend's handcuffs."

"Forgive me, I'm a big fan of you, I don't want you to make a bad impression ..."

Ivan glanced at the forceful gun in front of him and bit the toothpick in his mouth.

"My name is Justin Hammer, I want to do some business with you ~"

Ivan looked at Han Mo's extended hand and hesitated after holding it a little.

"Haha, please sit down ~ Eat, salmon with sauce. I can get anything you want. For example, I like to eat dessert first ... I think you also want to kill Tony Stark? When I am When you saw him attacking him on the racing track, you were standing in front of him like a god. Everyone was stunned at the time ~ And to be honest, if it was n’t for the knight, I think you will succeed. "

Hanmer seemed to find that the dirty man in front of him didn't mean to talk to himself, so he simply stated the real purpose.

"But I think I ’m going to give you a suggestion ... We are only targeting Tony Stark. I ’m talking about killing him, do n’t you just run and understand like this? But from his achievements Destroy it. I think you are very similar to me, the only different thing I have resources, I think you need my resources. I am willing to be a sponsor ~ "

Hearing the last sentence of Ivan's face, he finally laughed.

"You are a good person, but I need you to help me with two things."

"You said, I can do everything for you ~"

"I want information about the knight and my bird."

Hanmer suddenly froze when he heard Ivan's words: "I'm sorry I may not have heard clearly ... you ... what do you want?"


"No, no, no, first." Justin Hammer looked at the man sideways, he really hoped he had heard it wrong. Does n’t he have a TV in the prison before? ! But when Ivan's words came into his ears again, he had to accept the reality.

"What do you want from that knight's profile? You ... our goal is Stark ... not that knight ..."

"It's my own business. I want information about the knight ... and the bird."

Seeing Ivan's serious expression, even such a fool as Hanmer despised him in his heart: Isn't your bird special to you? ! You idiot··

"God ... I can give you information but there is a condition. Let's solve Tony's affairs first. After Tony's affairs, I will give you detailed information ok?"

Ivan looked at him and smiled and said in Russian: "In addition to being an injustice, he is still a coward."

"Okay, can you stop speaking Russian? I think I should always have a translator?"

"Nothing, we deal."

After listening to it, Hanmer finally let go of his heart. After the end, how would you have a dime relationship with me?

"Hahahaha ~ I knew you were someone with me!"

Ivan looked at the laughing Hanmer and said quickly: "Wait, I want my bird. This must be given to me first!"

"It's okay. I can give you birds and ten birds. (If you clean, I will give you my birds.)"

Ivan photographed the table in an instant: "I mean, my bird."

"Ok! Your bird, it doesn't matter ~ Okay? Your bird, your Russian bird, you give it to me, how about I give it 10 bird wives? Is your bird male?"

Ivan lowered his head to bite the toothpick in his mouth: "It's a mother."

"Oh ... I won't give it anymore ... um, I'm done, do you want to eat it?"

Ivan glanced down at him and began to eat the fish in the plate.

"Ok, you eat slowly and I wait for you on the plane ~ I will take you to visit and visit my factory tomorrow, you will like it."

Justin Hammer stood up and walked like an airplane.

Immediately after entering the cabin door, the entourage stepped forward and asked, "Boss, are we really going to Russia to find his bird?"

Hanmer turned to look at him and scolded, "Is it **** in your head ?! If you want to go, I have no idea. Also, let the kitchen come to my room while preparing some food. I was not full just now. "

"Okay boss."

Hanmer looked at the back of the attendant and suddenly licked his lips, then opened his mouth and said: "Wait ..."

After the attendant listened, he turned around again: "Well, how is the boss?"

"After the meal is ready ... you come to deliver the meal, remember to take the wine."

"···· here? They will hear (you just came from the murderer's house?)"

"No, no, it doesn't matter ~ ~ Let's whisper, that's it."

After talking, Hanmer also blinked an electric eye at him, and the electric follower had some soft feet ...


At night, at the door of Villa Tony.

Peng ~

Watson closed the door and sipped his last can of beer, then threw it behind him.

Slap ~

"Man, it's not good for you to throw garbage like this ~"

Watson turned his head after hearing it. It was Rod.

"Lord ~ ​​I haven't seen you for a long time, but I didn't expect that the only time I threw garbage was discovered by you ~"

Rhodes smiled and shook his head after hearing: "You got it."


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