Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 156: Universe-level forces, East ...

Watson immediately asked Nick Fury: "What do you need from me?"

"In exchange, you told me about the civilization information in the universe, and you made Natasha into ..."

"Wait a minute, how do I feel like you are in a white glove with empty gloves? Now the only thing that troubles me is you. Ask me if I want to be paid or you?"


"And I solved a big trouble for you, avoiding the consequences of being removed by two fat men in New York!"

"So what do you say?"

Watson walked to Nick and sat down with his legs raised. He said, "Well, let's be more sincere. Don't come to trouble me, and if I have anything, you can help me."

"So what can you give me?"

"I will stand on the side of the earth when the earth is in danger."


"Why? Dissatisfied? At most I will tell you some information about the forces of the universe."

Nick Fury's eyes lit up after hearing this sentence: "Okay, talk about it."

"Cherita, Cree, Shandar, Titan, symbiota, raccoon, treeman, orc, Azeroth, Voraran, Ibudo, Tokyo ..."

Nick Fury listened to the names of these cosmic forces that he knew or did n’t understand, and his eyes grew brighter until the end ...

"Wait ... Tokyo?"

"Ah ... that ... Ignore it, just rename it."

"K, keep going."

"What to continue?"

"The specific situation of these cosmic forces?"

"It's gone. I only know the name. I don't know the specific circumstances."

Hearing Watson's words, there appeared to be a faint tic-tac-toe on Nick Fury's head ...

"You are also intelligence ?!"

"How can this not be counted? This is a very precious intelligence resource! Moreover, most of the earth in this life can not meet it."

"But I met you, I feel you are far enough away."

"I am just a coincidence."

"So there will be more coincidences in the future, until the earth becomes a colony of aliens?"

"Um ... this is not possible, after all, I am there ~ and I am not a person of other race, and I haven't traveled before. How can I know ~"

Nick Fury: Staring ...

"A lot of things are said to be fun only if you experience it yourself, don't you think I am like this?"

Nick Fury: Staring ...

Watson looked at a dead fish face Nick Fury shook his head helplessly and said: "Ah ... Then I will tell two more things, who makes us friends. The first one is the recent possibility There will be people from outside the world who come to me. If he comes, I will say it later. The second thing is about Tony. It should be time now ... but this is my last concession. The transaction is established. If you break the contract ... be careful to become a walnut ~ "

After listening, Xiaohua raised her head very cooperatively and vomited its big tongue full of purple liquid ...

Nick Fury's expression on the dog's face slammed, and this guy had been with Tony Stark for a long time, and he couldn't learn anything! Who the **** is the white wolf!


Tread ~ tread ~ tread

Click ~

Coulson looked at Nick Fury who came in and stepped forward and said, "Sir? Are you ... are you smooth?"

"The smoothest thing is that I am still alive and not spitting out with venom. Ok, Coleson, tell Agent Carter Sharon I already know Tony Stark's situation, remember to help me find some old ones today. Old things, I want to see if there is anything that can help that playboy. Oh yes, let me create a new file first and remember a few names ... "

"Meow ~~"

Nick Fury, who was talking, was suddenly attracted by a black cat stretching his limbs on his desk.

"Wait ... Isn't that Watson's cat? Natasha didn't take it away before going out?"

"Meow ~"

Nick Fury stared at Lord Ban and said, "Meow? I can't understand what you meow ..."

"Ben Ye said he wanted to play here for a while, so he didn't go with Natasha ..."

Nick turned to look at him when he heard Kerson's words and asked, "It says? Can you understand what it says?"

Coulson looked at his boss surprisedly and nodded slowly: "It seems that as long as it is marked by some kind of energy from Watson, he can communicate with his cat, and it will not be hostile to monsters ... · "

"Mark ?!" Nick raised his eyebrows and pointed at Lord Ban. "This report was not written on him, and Watson did not mark me, although I don't want to be marked by any of his energy."

Nick rolled his eyes and walked to the desk to look at Lord Ban. He just reached out and stopped in the air, turning his head to look at Coulson: "It shouldn't spit me in venom? "

"... I shouldn't be a sir."

Nick nodded and then looked down at Lord Ban, and said, "I heard you can understand us?"

"Meow ~"

"I heard that you have the same IQ thinking as normal people?"

"Meow ~ d"

"So you are the spy your dad stays here, right?"

Coulson: "·····"

Ban Ye: "······ '


Nine Worlds-Asgard.

At the banquet held by the king, a thick wine wafted throughout the hall.

All of Asgard's status people gathered here, and everyone's faces were filled with smiles.

Because they all know that tomorrow is the big day for Asgard, the **** Odin will pass the Asgard throne to his son, Thor-Thor!

But everyone is a bit strange ~ ~ Shouldn't the celebration dinner be after the ceremony?

Although there are some doubts, for a dinner, or a dinner initiated by the king, every Asgardian will be happy to attend ...

Um, you might want to remove someone-Loki.

"Hey, Rocky. Why are you here? Everyone has started, don't you feel happy for me?"

Rocky turned his head to listen to the voice from behind and smiled at Thor who came by: "How could I always be happy for you, my brother."

After listening, Thor hugged Loki happily and said, "Haha ~ After tomorrow ends, I'm taking you to have a drink. Well, let's go in first. Father, he seems to have something to say."

Thor said that he turned and walked towards the meeting place. Loki watched his brother's back and took a breath. A trace of green energy drifted from his fingertips and dissipated into the distance.

\ '


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