Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 157: Ceremony invitation

After doing all this, Rocky put on a smiling face again and followed Thor into the meeting place, and the people around him all gave Thor a blessing and praise.

"Hey Thor ~ Congratulations ~"

"Thank you guys."

"Thor! Haha, Asgard's strongest warrior, congratulations!"

"The strongest warrior? Ha! I have to admit this ha ha ha ~"

Thor smiled and responded to everyone, accepting everyone's praise and blessings, but his tone was a little bit floating.

Odin looked at the constantly boasting Thor below and did not know what to think about. After everyone was seated, Odin slightly pointed Gungniel in his hand.

The otherwise lively meeting place immediately became quiet.

Odin looked at everyone and opened his mouth and said: "Today everyone is here, not just to celebrate, in fact, the real dinner should be held tomorrow night. There is one thing that needs to be announced to everyone today. At the same time, a statement will be issued to all Asgard tomorrow. "

After hearing this sentence, the people concentrated on waiting for their king to unravel the mystery. What is it that made His Majesty call the crowd to announce?

"Just a while ago, the Dragon family reappeared in the Nine Worlds. And just yesterday I have signed a peace and mutual assistance contract with the Dragon family on behalf of Asgard."


The chicken leg in Vostag's hand accidentally fell to the ground, but even this sound was very obvious at this time.

Thor's original happy smile quickly turned into surprise. In fact, everyone showed an unbelievable look, and even Rocky was stunned.

"Now, enjoy the banquet. Xifu, the three warriors, come here, the others can enjoy the banquet."

The crowd below quickly became lively ...

"Did I hear that right? The dragon family appeared? And your majesty signed a peace contract with the dragon family ?!"

"This is really incredible ... I haven't seen Long Chang in two thousand years of life ..."

"Nonsense, I haven't even seen me 100 years older than you!"

"You two stink boys, your father and I haven't seen you more than 1,200 years older than you. I thought the dragon only appeared in the biography, as if it was a story read to you two as a child."


"But this is what your majesty said must be true ... I am now a little bit looking forward to what the dragon looks like."

"It's ..."

Thor ignored the noise around him, but turned to look at Loki and the two brothers walked to Odin together.

When he walked to Odin's side, he heard his father's voice.

"Several of you, choose one person to be an envoy to invite the heirs of the dragon family to pay a formal ceremony invitation. If he agrees, the heirs of the dragon family will also arrive at the scene to participate in the ceremony.

When the three warriors looked at each other in silence, Odin thought they were unwilling to go.

Hogan suddenly stepped forward and knelt on one knee, saying, "Your Majesty, let me go."

Fandral saw Hogan take the lead and hurriedly knelt on one knee and said, "Your Majesty, let me go."

Shef on the side watched the two of them clamoring to go to each other and stolen a few words in their hearts. They must want to see what the dragon looks like, and on behalf of Asgard to another ambassador The task is quite glorious.

So Schiff also wanted to go, but seeing that they had taken the lead, she still didn't go up to fight with them.


Thor came to Odin and said, "Well, when did you sign a peace contract with the dragon ..."

Odin turned his head and watched his son raise a brow: "On the day you are going to slaughter the dragon."


Thor bowed his head a bit awkwardly, Vostarg smiled, then said to his father: "But Father, why don't you let me invite the heir to the dragon? I think we should····"

At this time, Thor ’s mother, Friega, came over and looked at him and said, “Tor, you need to prepare a lot of things for tomorrow. And just as an envoy to send invitations, neither you nor Rocky is suitable. We just need to express the proper etiquette. "

Loki heard Ying Ying after Thor: "Father is right, we really are not fit to go."

Thor turned his head away and nodded. "Okay."

Odin nodded when he saw Thor ’s response, and then turned his head to look at the two of them on the ground and said in a slight silence: "Sif, would you like to send an invitation to the dragon family on behalf of Asgard?"

After hearing it, Shiv stepped forward and knelt on one knee, and said, "I would like to be Your Majesty."

"Very well, I have told Heimdall that you can go now. If he agrees, you will be responsible for leading him to Asgard before the tomorrow morning ceremony."

Schiff nodded with a smile: "Your Majesty."

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked out. After seeing the three warriors, he quickly followed them out together.

Fandral walked a few steps to the front of Shiv and looked at her and said: "Why does His Majesty ... let you go? Obviously we asked first."

Vostag laughed a few times after hearing this, "That's a question, I guess the heir must be a male ~"

Hogan felt a little funny after hearing this: "Male? Why don't you say it's public?"

"That's right, shouldn't the dragon use **** to distinguish between sexes!"

"Listen to you saying that ... does it make sense?"

"Of course ~ ~ haha ​​~"


Thor looked at the four people and walked out laughing standing at the place and suddenly thought of something, turned to Odin and said: "Father ... Since you invited the dragon family to come to observe the ceremony, then the other people in the alliance What about? "

After hearing this, Odin turned to look at Thor and said, "Warnerheim, Yalfheim, and Walter Alheim all came, and I also told them about the dragons. As for the others, , We are just a truce with them. "

After listening, Thor continued to say: "But even the dragon came to watch the ceremony. Shouldn't the men who defeated you before come even more?"

When Loki heard Thor's words, he quietly took a step back and put on an innocent expression of the melon-eating crowd.

"Thor, no one is a defeated player. At the time we defeated them, they also paid countless blood! You should now think about how to protect the people of Asgard, and only then can you become a qualified king!"


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