Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 166: I am the real blue star!

Natasha looked at Watson with a silent smile.

"What are you looking at ~"

"Looking at my moon goddess."

Watson smiled and walked in front of Natasha and gently kissed her forehead, then stretched out a hand, and a handful of tiny electric flowers slowly emerged from her fingers.

"It's so beautiful ~"

"Of course, lectures require full marks for special effects ~"

Natasha looked at the little electric flower and stretched out her hand and suddenly asked, "Can I touch it?"

"Of course, I'm a controllable power supply ~" Watson said as he changed the small electric flower on the back of Natasha's hand.

"Ah ~ there is a little tingling, it would be nice if such a flower could be kept."

Watson smiled and said, "It seems that I have a new problem to overcome? Okay baby, now, it's time for me to give you a class ~ By the way, tomorrow you will take a class for Nick Fury Save him looking for me like a curious baby every day. "

Hearing Watson's words, Natasha sat up wrapped in the quilt and began to listen carefully.

"There are many mysterious forces in this universe and the most important thing is space, time, energy, matter."

Watson turned his head to look at Natasha and said, "This is the universe itself, and there is a wonderful mixture of energy and matter. It is called the world tree by the gods. It connects nine planets or space cities. together."

Zizizi ~

As Watson's voice fell, he opened his hands and faced each other.

Nine tiny electric **** slowly floated out of Watson's fingertips, and a thunderbolt was pulled from the palm of his hand to connect.

"The nine worlds are called the Nine Realms. These nine worlds will orbit the world tree in a sense, just like the earth surrounds the sun. The earth is one of the nine realms."

Natasha interrupted Watson's question and asked: "Earth ... is one of the Nine Realms? Isn't the earth part of the solar system in the Milky Way?"

"Yes, but there is no conflict. It's as if a person can work part-time for two jobs, as is the earth. It's just that no one pays the earth ~"

"Ok ~ So the woman who appeared today, she said that Asgard is also one of the nine realms?"

Watson divided the nine electric **** into three layers and said, "That's it. Asgard is one of the three layers of the nine worlds. The earth is one of the three layers of the world."

Natasha pointed to the rest of the electric **** and asked, "What are the other seven worlds?"

Watson thought for a while and said, "In addition to Asgard, the upper three floors of the Nine Realms include Warnerheim where the Warner Protos are located, and Yalfheim where the elves are located. In addition, there are the frost giant Jodenheim and the dwarf Watham and so on ~ are all mythological ethnic civilizations. But although they have myths on the earth, they have not been on the earth now. . "

Natasha looked at the air and gradually dissipated the electric ball and asked the most concerned question: "Are they all strong?"

Watson tilted his head for a moment and said, "Okay, the strongest of the Nine Realms is Asgard. A long time ago, the **** Odin used force to conquer the Nine Realms, but he did not directly rule. , Who should be the original ruler of Nine Realms, this behavior has kept Asgard in a transcendent position. So to be precise, they used force to declare that Nine Realms are the strongest kingdom of their own, and then I went home to celebrate. "

"So including the earth ..."

"That was thousands of years ago. At that time, the earth had no technology, and weapons such as knives and guns could not harm Asgard's army. More importantly, for the situation at that time, Odin only needed He showed his hands as a **** to worship. So the Earth did not break out of the war of resistance. Even after that, Odin helped the earth people fight back the frost giants who wanted to rule the earth. "

"Help the earth? Why should he ..."

"I do n’t know this, but it should be related to the glory they admire. What kind of detached position they prefer, without actually letting their own people rule. The time that helped the earth was in 965 AD, The Frost Giants are coming to Norway and want to occupy the earth. Because of the characteristics of the Frost Giants, they want to turn the earth into a big ice ball ... "

Hearing Natasha's brows twisted here: "Turn the entire planet into an ice hockey ?!"

"Yes, they have the ability to do it. But Odin once repelled them with Asgard's soldiers, which was considered to save the earth once."

But Natasha's frowning was not Panasonic's, and she was obviously scared by the frost giant's star-extinguishing weapon.

Watson looked at the silent Natasha and reassured: "Now you don't need to worry because the dragons are stronger than them. So I am stronger than them."

Natasha lowered her head and sighed, "I know, it's just that you are talking about ... it's too scary."

Watson smiled and hugged Natasha into his arms and said, "I will protect the earth, not for anything else, at least I will protect the earth for you, Aunt Liya, and Uncle Polk."

Natasha leaned on him and reached out to touch his face. After a slight sigh of relief, she recovered her smile.

"Then talk about you now ~"


Natasha turned her head and said with a smile: "Yes, since you are the heir to the dragon, and there are many myths about dragons on earth, what is the dragon in that world?"

Watson sat by the bed and hugged Natasha, looking at the moonlight outside the window and said: "There are many races of dragons in the universe. They are not necessarily from the nine worlds. There are dragons in other worlds. The small explosion of their ethnic group, all from a beautiful planet named blue star in the M77 card bit galaxy ~ ~ blue star? "

"Yes, all the dragons live there, and the blue star is also the honorary title of the entire planet. I, is the strongest blue star ~ and the highest place among the blue stars is called the dragon peak, the dragon The peak leads directly to the top of the sky, where the ancient dragon family with long life is linked. "

At the same time, Watson thought to myself: Milaruz, the leather of the Dragon Clan has been blown out for you. If you come out and do n’t give power, you ca n’t explain it.


[Post Unknown Mission: Cyan Star]

[I heard that the host wanted to prove that he was a real blue star? That being the case, then satisfy him.

Obtain the proof of the blue star: (0/1)

Task progress: not completed

Mission reward: unknown

[Post Unknown Mission: Top of Dragon Peak, Dragon Realm]

[As a tall family of ancient dragons, how can there not be a living environment full of compelling characteristics? So the task of creating the Dragon Realm is given to you.

Create Dragon Realm: (0/1)

Task progress: not completed

Mission reward: unknown


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