Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 167: Flying Thunder Dragon Gloves

‘Is this a dig for myself? System, are we good friends? You didn't tell me before that I can post tasks to myself! ’

[This is a task issued by the system, not a task issued by the host. The host cannot release the task by itself. 】

And Natasha, unaware of all this, drilled into Watson's arms and asked: "Dragon's planet ... what's it like?"

Watson sighed slightly, looking at the starry sky outside and suddenly remembered the light curtain showing the 'New World' seen in the link corridor.

"It's a beautiful planet with valleys with clear skies and turbulent winds and hustle and bustle, mountains with dense and dark forests and an endless sea, as well as vast sands with scorching sun and extremely cold mountains, The scenery in each place is very beautiful, and these places have a common feature, and there are groups of dragons living here. "

Natasha stretched her feet out of the bed while listening, feeling the breeze blowing in the window.

Seeing Watson stop speaking, he said his own evaluation: "It sounds good ~"

Watson looked down at Natasha and said with a smile: "If there is a chance, maybe I can take you to see ~ (Take the Women's Federation to travel?)"

Watson sat quietly holding Natasha, and the good days of the earth would soon be over ~ Thor's ascension is tomorrow, then the blackening of Jimei will be tomorrow.

By that time, the first crisis of the earth is coming, no, it should be said that my first wave of express delivery is coming ~

Natasha raised her head and kissed Watson's cheek softly, then took a bottle of red wine and two glasses from the side cabinet and poured herself and Watson back into his arms and said, "I both I feel more and more degraded. At least in the past, I would n’t lie in bed and drink like this, so now every time I go to the headquarters, I will find someone to practice. "

"Look for someone to practice? I feel that no one at SHIELD should be your opponent now ~"

"Hmm ... If I deliberately hold up my strength, there is still someone who can play with me."

Watson narrowed his eyes and listened to Natasha after listening to it. Is there anyone in the SHIELD that can fight Natasha?

Natasha smiled at Watson's expression and said, "You shouldn't have seen it ~ She was called a legend in the SHIELD Training Academy."

"She?" Watson seemed to already know who it was.

"Yes, she, Melinda May, the Iron Rider of S.H.I.E.L., but I do n’t know where the title of her Iron Rider came from, and she is now transferred to the management department. I heard it was because of a mission. There has been an accident."

Sure enough, it was her, Watson remembered the brilliant Aunt Mei among Agents of SHIELD, a woman who was proficient in fighting and liked to solve problems with her fists.

I still remember that when she first got rid of her difficulties, her backhand dislocated her wrist and felt comfortable. The signboard word hanging on her mouth was: If I need a gun, I will grab it.

"When I first came to S.H.I.E.L.D., I heard about her and went to discuss with her a few times, and I also had several missions with her, but now she is no longer my opponent ~"

Listening to Natasha ’s words, Watson thought for a while, the secret medicine had already added to Natasha, and her original fighting experience would never be inferior to Captain America. Watson looked away while thinking. When I reached Natasha's chest, the red amber necklace she gave her was lost in thought.

So the easiest way to increase her strength is to give her some new equipment?

‘System, if my equipment is worn by other people, can they use my backpack? ’

[No one except the host can try the backpack, but the host can independently control the equipment to dress the person marked by the system, and can control it back to the backpack at will, as long as the target character must be within the host's vision. 】

'Well? This ability is not bad ... By the way, what if I wear it to women? ’

[All equipment will automatically switch between male and female forms according to the gender of the character. 】

Thinking of here, Watson raised a hand and summoned the next part of the flying thunder dragon, the hand armor, in Natasha's puzzled eyes.

Natasha looked at the armor-style glove with a forearm. A layer of blue leather was wrapped in a few pieces of metal. The arm part also had the blue and white plush of the flying dragon. It looked pretty.

Natasha knows that Watson ’s equipment has some powerful capabilities, just like the fireproof ability of this necklace on her chest. Sometimes she will deliberately create flames during the mission. Anyway, she is not afraid of ordinary flame erosion. Defense against some special high temperatures? That's not important. It already gives you many advantages.

"Would you like to bring it to try? This glove has a certain amount of thunder and lightning ability, but it's not big. It only needs to control it with your mind, it's very simple."

"I will use it, just like the bow you gave to Clinton, right?"

"Yes, it seems that you have played that bow too?"

"I used it when I was on a mission, and it's quite easy to use as a shock stick ~"


If this bow is the same artifact as Myrnier ~ ~ I guess I will cry when I hear this sentence ...

Watson snapped his fingers, and the gloves in his hand, Huawei, and Huawei's white light disappeared. Just when Natasha was puzzled, she suddenly noticed a layer of white light on her hands.

When the light dissipated, Natasha was surprised to find that a pair of flying thunder dragon gloves had been put on her hands! What's more, the glove that was a little bigger in size has become just the right size!

"Wow ~ He will automatically adjust the appropriate size? It feels just right, it looks pretty ~ And ..."

As Natasha spoke, she controlled her gloves, and an electric current from her fingertips slowly emerged from the flying thunder dragon's armor until it wrapped the entire fist.

Natasha watched the dazzling thunder light and saw her joyfully jumped out of the bed, standing in the center and quickly hit the BABA set of super combos.

The thunderous light beating continuously draws countless blue fist lines in the bedroom illuminated by the moonlight with her double fists. The lightning that remains in the air seems to outline a perfect picture, and the light emitted will be slightly The dim interior shines brightly.

After a trial, Natasha stopped her movements and looked at the two power generation gloves again and smiled: "If it is used as a glove, it is estimated that May will like it. I still prefer to use weapons."

Although Natasha said so, she did not hide the trace of satisfaction and liking in her eyes.

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