Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 176: I still want to do something

At the Golden Palace, Odin raised his head and looked towards the Rainbow Bridge immediately after the appearance of the dragon's attribute energy.

Seeing Odin's reaction, Frigga stepped forward and asked, "What's wrong?"

Odin slightly stunned, turned his head and said: "He is here."

[System tasks, the king cannot be peeped. updated

There used to be a mountain, and there was Asgard on the mountain. Asgard had a gatekeeper called Heimdall. He had used thousands of eyes to peep into the dynamics of countless creatures for thousands of years. , But sometimes he must understand that the king cannot be peeped.

Mission Objective: Get Hemdall ’s apology or beat him up

Task progress: completed

Mission reward: Zulong essence ×, special summon ticket fragment ×, secret medicine small gift pack ×】

【The task reward has been put into the backpack, please check it in time. 】

Hua, who was looking at him affectionately with Heimdall, suddenly heard the system's task completion prompt.

‘It ’s so simple? Why do n’t you just give me the rewards in the system, and I ’m still in trouble at Odin ’s site as soon as I get up. ’


[Congratulations to the host to unlock achievements: Journey to the Exotic Kingdom. Congratulations to the host for obtaining an atlas of records of different worlds. Every world that the host reaches can be recorded in the atlas. As the host records the world, it will be rewarded with different degrees. The world of record requires the host to manually use the album, and the reward will be issued after the record is successful. 】

‘······ What the **** ===, record the world? I will also be a guest of EZ as a cosmic adventurer in the future? ’

Forget it ...... Anyway, rewards are handed, others are easy to say.

Thinking of this, Watson withdrew his might, and his eyes returned to normal, and then he looked at Heimdall's straight posture and never nodded.

Heimdall is really a qualified goalkeeper, worthy of the kingdom and his position. In fact, he liked this person very much in his previous life, like his personality and capabilities.

"I can feel your sincerity, and I accept your apology."

Hearing the words of Watson, the three warriors who had recovered and Sif were relieved, although Asgard did not fear anyone, but if today ’s day of the original throne became a day of war with the dragon, then It is estimated to be the biggest laughing stock.

Sive stepped forward and said to Watson that Heimdall was not suitable for saying: "Thank you very much for your generosity, Your Highness. Let's go ahead and King Odin is already waiting for you."

"no problem."

Hua Sheng responded, looked at Heimdall and said, "You are a powerful and excellent warrior, and a qualified gatekeeper, and deserves the Dragon Clan's approval."

Heimdall nodded slightly to Watson, and Watson didn't care about it. He turned his head and the four warriors went out.

But soon Watson stopped again, because there were 5 snow-white pegasus in front of him. These horses had no trace of variegated body. They should be special ceremonial horses. They looked very good-looking, but ... ··

‘Specially, I ’ve never ridden a horse, although it ’s not difficult to do this, as soon as I get started with my own ability. But for these elite riders, you can definitely see at a glance that they have never ridden a horse! The created image is easy to collapse. As for riding a dragon, I stand on top of them when there is no dragon saddle, let alone a dragon saddle, let alone a seat similar to a chair! ’

"His Royal Highness, this is our highest quality horse in Asgard."

Fandal walked out and pointed to a slightly tall white horse in the middle, saying: "The middle horse is selected for you."

Watson nodded silently, slowly walked towards his horse, and at the same time slightly released a little dragon power against these horses, trying to make these horses startled but not too much.

The originally quiet horse suddenly began to wear gruffs, and as Watson got closer and closer to them, the four white horses on both sides had begun to uneasyly raise their hoofs and walk around.

"No, it's not enough ..."

Waited for Watson to go forward two more steps while strengthening some of the dragon's power slightly. The tall white horse that had long been patient in the middle instantly lifted his body and made a loud hissing noise.

And Watson stopped just half a meter in front of the hoof it lifted, the strangeness here also attracted Heimdall's attention.

‘Reliable, even a horse can endure 5% of my Longwei? Heimdall just did not know how much strength he could suppress, but he could see that it did not affect him much. System, can I mention it? ’

[All personal skills of the host will increase with the level of the host. 】

‘Okay, upgrading is the top priority, but today I can get to my first copy. ’

"His Royal Highness!" Fandal and Hogan, who followed Watson, immediately ran to the restless horses, slowly appeasing them, and at the same time looked at Shiv, who had the longest contact with Watson ~ www.mtlnovel .com ~ Shiv also shook his head at them, and then walked to Watson and was interrupted by raising his hand just when he wanted to speak.

"I think it should be my problem."

Watson saw several people and looked at themselves and explained: "Dragons have a kind of coercion to animals. It is different from the previous time when it was in it. This is an innate ability, and I It ca n’t be controlled well, so these horses behave like this when I get close to them. "

A few people looked at each other and accepted the explanation, but the long distance from Rainbow Bridge to the Golden Palace could not be walked over slowly, right?

At this time, Watson continued: "How do I say a way? Of course, this requires your consent, after all, I came to attend the ceremony."

Xifu nodded: "Of course Your Highness, please say."

"How about I call out my mount? And I can also enjoy the scenery of Asgard for the first time ..."

The moment he heard this, Shiv thought of the behemoth he saw last night, no ... this is absolutely not good!

"You can use your own mount, His Royal Highness."

! !

Heavy turned her head abruptly, saying that her brother turned out to be Heimdall? !

Heimdall gave Schiff a peaceful look and then looked at Watson and said, "Your Majesty Odin has agreed to use your own mount, but there is a condition. At present, Asgard has many guests from other worlds, so please Your Highness, do n’t cause noise and disturbance. "

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