Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 177: 1st flight in Asgard

Watson naturally agreed: "Of course, I am also one of the guests here, right?"

The three warriors finally let go of this sentence, and Xifu nodded to his brother and agreed to Watson's request.

And Watson turned to look at Shiv and smiled and continued: "And, I haven't said that I only have one mount, so I can bring you all, but you need to show the way."

The three warriors heard Watson's words and waved to let the horses go back by themselves, and then stared at Watson's movements one by one.

Watson felt their eyes smiled and might be disappointed e.

‘System, summon Xiaokong, and Dahua! ’

With Watson's hand waving in the air, two huge white lights appeared on both sides of the Rainbow Bridge.

Under the four pairs of curious eyes, two roars rang through the surrounding waters.

嗷嗷 嗷嗷 ~! Aoao ~!

Once the Watson took back Longwei, the five horses who walked back slowly immediately spread their hoofs and ran, and in a blink of an eye, the smoke disappeared ...

The four warriors raised their hands to block the slight air waves that accompanied the roar, and looked at the legendary "dragon", even Heimdall turned his head slightly, a glimmer of light circulated in his gem-like eyes.

Under the attention of everyone, Xiaokong and Dahua appeared in everyone's eyes. Xiaokong's shape was still quite pleasing. After all, when the face was not grim, with white hair and curved wings, it looked more Mengmeng da.

"No way·····"

"This is far too different from the imagination ... Although they are really big, at least as big as 5 battleships?"

"At least, that's what the giant dragon said of Schiff? That's impossible ..."

"of course not,"

Hua Sheng shook his head, knowing that it would be the result, so he slowly walked to the Rainbow Bridge.

"Xiaokong, come down."

Ao ~

Xiaokong obediently moved down, his **** eyes glancing at the four warriors as if thinking about something.

Seeing Xiaokong constantly glancing at herself, there is always a feeling of looking at food? !

"Your Highness ... Are you sure he will not harm the people here?"

Aoao! Xiaokong screamed at her very unhappy when he heard the words, and the three warriors stepped forward and walked beside him.

Aoao ~

The big flower on the other side of the bridge heard Xiaokong's call and also stared at them at the Rainbow Bridge, as if looking for ‘elastic walnut’ ...

"Oh, this is OK ..."

"Vostag, don't talk!"

The two warriors who were surrounded by two flying dragons, subconsciously stood into a four corner, looking a little nervous and a little excited ...

"Hush ~ Don't embarrass me."

As Watson's words fell, the two flying dragons immediately obediently put their eyes on food.

"Heve, they can understand you, so you have to trust them."

Seeing Watson's smiling face nodded embarrassedly, and waved at Xiaokong: "Um. Sorry."

Aoao ~

Xiaokong whispered, turned his head to Watson and lowered his height again, put his head on the Rainbow Bridge, obviously using his head as a ladder to let Watson go up.

"Good ~"

Watson touched the white hair on his nose and stepped on it to reach the top of his head. He turned and said to the following people: "They are not pure-bred dragons, they are subspecies of dragons. Konglong, there are poisonous demon birds over there. "

嗷 ~

Dahua heard Watson introduce that she spit out her big tongue full of mucus happily.

"Wow ... its tongue ... so long =="

Watson looked at the three warriors and smiled and said, "Ms. Xifu and I take the small sky and she will guide me. Can you take the big flower and follow behind?"

The three warriors nodded politely to Watson after listening to them. Although they are not real dragons, sub-species of dragons are also acceptable!

"Of course your Highness ~"

And after listening to it, Dahua flew forward and flew forward for a short while, and then placed her big wings on the Rainbow Bridge. It would not let others step on its head.

Aoao ... It is obvious that Xiaokong is reluctant to let the food in front of him take its head.

"The obedient little sky."

Hua Sheng reached out to her directly after he finished speaking, and Sif would naturally not be like a little daughter, he simply pulled Hua Sheng and was pulled up.


"Er ... I'm sorry." Vostag looked at the big footprints on the feather and smiled embarrassedly at the big flower, then ran to Fandral and sat down.

Seef rolled up his eyes when he saw Vostag.

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, because the relationship is so good, sometimes they are more casual when they are together."

"It's not bad, but don't call me His Royal Highness anymore. Have you always called Your Royal Highness to your prince who will succeed the throne?"

"Uh ... No."

"Then you can just call me Watson, after all, we are now an alliance, and don't be too decent, so I sound comfortable ~ ~ After hearing this, Xifu nodded comfortably. Of course you can ~ "

"So, let's go now! Xiaokong, let's listen to Hive for a while."

Ao ~!


Today's Asgard is destined to be the most lively. If the succession of the throne is to make them like the most exciting spirits, then the appearance of the dragon clan is like adding K powder to the wine!

On a patrol boat.

A gold-soldier soldier is maneuvering the ship and asked his sister sitting on the bow.

"I heard that we signed an agreement with the legendary dragon family yesterday?"

Comrades turned their heads and looked around, and found that no dragons appeared in the sky except for tall buildings and other battleships patrolling.

"Ah, it seems that this is the case, and we have received notice from His Majesty. But ... This is about to begin, and I have never seen the shadow of the Dragon Clan."

"Will the Rainbow Bridge not fit in hahaha ~"

Comrades rolled his eyes and looked at him and said, "Hey, you are stupid, Rainbow Bridge will expand the range with energy. At the time, Your Majesty Odin took tens of thousands of brothers to the earth to defeat the Frost Giant. Did you forget?

"I'm just kidding, why do you think ... Be careful !!!"

"Ah! Quick flash!"

The golden armor soldiers tried their best to control the boat downward, and a huge black figure suddenly appeared from behind the building, flying against their scalp.

But the boat flew over to avoid the dark shadow and rushed towards the building in front!

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