Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 179: Blessing of Odin

Friega was a little surprised to see that the prince of the dragon family was so polite. It seems that the biography is not all right.

"Yes, it's my child. Welcome to Asgard for the ceremony."

Watson smiled at her and said, "This is my honored lady."

"Meow ~"

Braised Egg and Ban Ye, who had no sense of existence, finally ran out from behind Watson.

"Oh, are they your pets? I heard Schiff mention it."

Let everyone's attention shift to them.

"Meow ~" Fortunately, Watson told the two cats to generously take care of everyone.

"Hello ~"

Watson saw Frigga seemingly able to communicate with Ban Ye halogen eggs and asked curiously: "Madam, can you understand them?"

"No, but I can feel the general meaning they want to express. If the animal language is spoken, my child Rocky is better at ~"

Watson looked down on Friega's eyes. A tall and strong man and a slightly slender man were looking at themselves curiously.

"Uh ... so these two should be the two princes? I think I can see that the one on the left must be Thunder God Thor, the protagonist of today's ceremony. And the one on the right should be the magic God Loki? "

Rocky was very surprised to hear Watson call him that, and smiled at Watson: "God of magic? In fact, you say so ..."

When Loki said nothing, Thor stepped forward and interrupted him.

"Yes, I am Thor, Thor, and my brother Loki is over there. But one thing is wrong, he is not a **** of magic, he is a **** of fraud and mischief. Also, not two There is a prince because there will be only one prince soon ~ "

Fandral and Hogan among the three warriors suddenly laughed softly, while Schiff rolled his eyes at Thor helplessly.

Suddenly feeling that the atmosphere was a bit off, Thor finally recovered and quickly changed his mouth: "Well, it's wrong ... I shouldn't be a prince anymore."

Watson heard Thor ’s mouth straightening and twitching, and almost could n’t hold back his smile. This kid is really floating now, and he ’s frankly outrageous, and he does n’t see the face of Rocky Are they all green?

Frigga turned his head and glared at Thor, and said to Watson: "Boy, Odin is already waiting for you inside, let's go first."

"Of course, Madam."

"Meow ~"

"You two follow Shiv first, are you familiar anyway, aren't you?"

The two meows heard that they turned their little heads to Hive, and they just saw Hive show them a "good smile" ~


After watching Watson and his mother walk away, Thor came to Rocky and hugged his shoulders. He said in a very sorry tone: "Rocky, I did n’t mean to say that you are mine just now ... · "


Loki raised his head and looked at him expressionlessly, saying the two words he didn't say.

"No, I didn't say it."

"But you meant this."

"No, I want to say that you are my younger brother, this is an accident, really. Not that ... so don't care."

Thor finished chasing Friega and walked out. Fandal behind them walked past Loki with a smile.

"It's not funny."

"Sorry ~"

After seeing everyone leave, Loki disappeared from his hand, and then caught up with Schiff looking at the two meows behind her, with a smile on his face, looking back and forth as if picking food. they.

Soon he selected the braised egg that looked more like him, and then raised his hand to cast a little magic, but when a touch of green light approached the braised egg, he was bounced back? !


Rocky squatted down and looked at the braised egg and said: "No, I just wanted to give you a small surprise, but now, I am starting to be a little curious about your master ~"

Loki got up and walked to his brother Thor.

"Meow? (What did he say?)"

"Meow meow (not sure, but we have to be careful, he can understand what we say.)!"


A group of people followed Frigga to a small palace in the middle floor. Watson looked at it carefully. This should be the palace that was attacked in Thor 2.

"You are here baby."

Watson looked at Odin sitting on the throne and smiled and replied: "The King of God looks more spirited than the last meeting ~ should it make you more happy because of the different meaning today?"

"Hehehehe, maybe ~"

Odin left from the throne and walked in front of Watson. He put a hand on his shoulder and an inexplicable force passed.

[Detection of high-level divine power into the body, the system automatically starts protective isolation. 】

Odin seemed to feel that his power was blocked and said to Watson: "Relax the child, this is what I and your ancestor Milaruz said.

‘Say good to Miraruz? ·····seriously? ! Um ... disarm the system. ’

[Does the host confirm to unprotect? If you accept this power, unknown changes may occur. 】

‘Well ... lifted! Odin doesn't need to kill me here either ~ ~ Still use this method, just use the eternal lance to send me nothing. ’

[Automatic protection of the system has been lifted, accepting energy. 】

As Watson withdrew his protection, his body was suddenly shrouded in a cloud of light. Watson nodded secretly as he watched the special effects on his body. It was probably not a bad thing.

After a while, the sound of the system finally came again.

[The host receives blessings from Odin: Rune blessings, attack and defense levels increased by 10%, life limit increased by 50%, for 1 year. 】

‘Rune? ! System, can this be resolved? ’

【No ···· Please update the host as soon as possible to solve this problem. 】

'Ok. However, Odin is too stingy, and does not mention 100% for my offense and defense. As for the deadline, this thing is even more useless. It is the same as marking others and can be recovered at any time. It ’s like Raytheon scolding his Lao Tzu, and as a result the power is taken ...

Just as the light on Watson began to fade away, the following Tor and Rocky just saw this scene, and the two brothers of that energy were also quite familiar with it. Ding Zhili!


Thor walked over to Odin and looked at Watson. He turned and asked, "You gave him the power of Odin? He is not an Asgard."

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