Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 180: Life crystal?

The meaning of Thor's words is obvious, and it also brings a little scent of ignition, and Loki naturally puts an innocent face on his side to watch the play.

Odin waved his son and said, "This is what I said to the elders of the Dragon tribe, and that was just a blessing, my child."

"However, the previous Odin blessings will only be given to Asgard's bravest warriors, just like them." Thor said, raising his fingers to the three warriors and Schiff who were following him.

Vostag, who had just walked in, looked at Thor and pointed at himself and stopped at the same place, and then whispered to Hogan: "What's wrong with us?"

Hogan replied in a low voice: "I don't know, just look, it should have nothing to do with us."

Shef walked to Loki and asked softly, "What happened?"

"That Watson Diarant received his father's blessing from Odin, so ..."


At this time, Odin saw Thor still questioning himself unwillingly, and turned to look at him and asked, "So what do you say?"

"If he wants to receive your blessing, he can fight a fair fight with me to prove that his strength is worthy of your blessing!"

As soon as this remark came out, Watson couldn't help but raised his eyebrows and whispered in his heart: This special meow is to do things? You have to take a step before I get into trouble? Worthy of being the elder son of the pit father, he had a good assist.


Rocky took a step back after seeing that Odin was angry, leaving Friega's eyes on Thor even, but Tor didn't care.

But the three warriors and Schiff who were not able to talk to each other stood on the spot and did n’t know what to do. Although I knew that Thor wanted to discuss with that person, I thought he would come down and have all the lessons in private. Did you go before you came under Odin? !

Just when the scene was embarrassed, a somewhat helpless voice broke the situation.

"Actually ... I think he is right."

As soon as Watson's words came out, everyone's eyes were attracted, including Odin, who was already angry.

Watson saw that everyone looked at himself and smiled and said to Odin: "Although I don't know what kind of consensus the **** king and ancestors reached, but I also know that the two countries are equal relations, and · ··· "

Watson turned his head to Thor and continued: "The earth is also the atrium. There is a country called Tianchao. They have the custom of giving gifts to each other. So this time when I came, I brought the same gift as you Succession to the throne. "

After hearing this, Odin shook his head and said to Watson: "We are an alliance, not an affiliated child, and we don't need to offer tributes."

"Yes, we have an equal relationship. Of course I agree with this, so this is not a tribute."

Watson smiled at Thor with a kind smile: "Accurately speaking, this should be regarded as a meeting ceremony for me to make a friend with Thor. Of course, I also know that Asgard has many treasures, so this gift May not be precious. "

Tor Watson looked at him with a sincere smile, and the words he said, the straight Thor Thor suddenly felt a sense of guilt ...

Thor glanced at his father and found that he had nothing to say, so he was embarrassed and asked Watson: "What is it?"

Watson heard Thor ’s tone and knew he was half-successful. In fact, Thor ’s nature is not bad, otherwise it is impossible to have a good relationship with the three warriors, but he now calls the king imminent, inevitably a bit floating. And they are not the same as the Frost Giant. The two of them are world feuds, and they only met him for the first time.

Thinking of here Watson held out a hand, a white light appeared in his palm, and when the light dissipated, a delicate little box appeared in his hand.

‘In order to reflect the taller point, I also bought a wooden box. As for why it ’s made of wood, it ’s not because gold and silver do n’t make sense in Asgard. What should I do if I think it's a Lingdan from Ji Gong? ! After all, if it is dragged in the palm of your hand, it is probably not much different from the mud ball ... "

Thor saw Watson stretch out his hand before he took it a little hesitantly, and then opened the box, a smooth ball ...?

"This is ... jewelry?"

"No, this is not jewelry, this is a crystallization of life."

Odin spoke directly for Watson, but also strengthened him to speak conscience, Watson is going to say that this is a jujube pill.

People who are still alive for many years have knowledge, and life crystallization is much better than eating jujube pills ...

Odin glanced at the wooden box and then looked at Watson and said, "I can feel there is a very strong life force in it."

"The power of life?" Thor asked in doubt and then said: "So it is used to heal? Hahaha, but I will not be easily injured, and the Asgard's physique is extraordinary, our The injury will quickly reply, if it is more serious, there is a medical room and an excellent Asgard therapist ... "

"Crystal Life ~ ~ I have seen my brother in the book."

Just then Loki came to Thor and interrupted him, looking at the beads in the box and said, "The crystal of life is a special product of the concentration of life force. It is said that it can instantly restore all the injuries of a person. Regardless of how many injuries that person suffered, even the state of frequent death can be restored. This is a precious brother, especially when fighting outside Asgard. "

Upon hearing Rocky's words, Thor finally put away the contempt, if according to Rocky, this is indeed a valuable thing.

At the moment, Watson looked at the father and son in front of him and he did not know how to describe the mood at this time ...

'system! Is this what I sent them to send me? ! Is it my thing or their thing? ! How do I feel I have to be given Amway by these three people! ’

【····· When the ancient secret medicine is merged through the rules of the universe, the original universe product that is used for reference is the crystal of life. After the fusion of rules, it is transformed into a perfect secret medicine, and has the main special ability of resurrection and the secondary special ability to improve physical fitness. 】

‘So they ’re right? Why didn't you tell me early. ’

[You didn't ask. 】


After finishing the dialogue with the system, Watson told them the true role of the secret medicine.

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