Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 183: Rocky fancy the braised egg? !

"Meow ~"

"Meow meow meow!"

"Okay, how's the practice going? We should go. Will we just stand and hear at the ceremony?"

"Meow ~!"


"Well?" Watson turned to Shiv, who stopped himself, in doubt.

"Do you have your own armor? Just like me and Vandal."

Watson nodded suspiciously and asked, "Really, do I need to wear armor?"

Walking at the forefront, Rocky suddenly laughed and turned back to Watson: "Tor is Asgard's bravest warrior, and his father once was. So besides women ..."

Looking at Shiv's eyes, Loki changed his voice instantly.

"Women except Shiv wear dresses, we all wear our own armor, and the father will also wear armor instead of the clothes just now. The father will announce the contract with your dragons before Warnerheim and other allies, so you Need to stand in front. "

Schiff nodded and continued: "Yes ~ so if you have armor, put it on, it's a kind of courtesy ~"

Watson couldn't help but hesitated, wearing armor? The best look should be the fire dragon set, but it always feels weird.

"Okay, but my armor style may be very different from yours."

Hearing Watson's words, the three warriors were interested.

"It doesn't matter, why don't you put on us first?"

"Yes ~ But, do you need a place to change clothes?"

Watson shook his head: "Of course not."

A flame appeared in the center of Watson's chest out of thin air, and then wanted to spread quickly throughout the body. The armor composed of red fire scales and silver metal followed the flame, covering Watson's whole body, except the head.

‘Wait for the system, even the helmet. ’

Hearing Watson's order, the flame slowly dissipated around Watson's neck.

Seef and the three warriors saw this special effect all around.

Vandal touched the black shoulder on Watson's shoulder and asked curiously, "What material is this?"

"This? Well ... this body is forged from the combination of fire dragon and dragon world specific metal plus my own dragon attribute energy."

"Fire Dragon?" Schiff asked curiously: "Is the Fire Dragon I saw that day?"

"That day? No, you saw the Explosive Scale Dragon, the patriarch of another dragon family branch."

After Watson finished answering Schiff, he nodded secretly when he saw their reaction. It seems that this form of expression is still acceptable. The performance is too exaggerated and not very good. Just like Thor and them.

"I should be fine with this one?"

Schiff said with a smile: "Of course it is no problem, and it should be said that it is a prince, is this your manifestation of divine power? Just like Thor and Loki."

"Their power?"

"Yes." Loki looked at his armor full of flames and wildness and said: "I won't wear this one for a while, but this is it."

A green light crossed him, and an armor that combined gold and green tones appeared on him.

Watson smiled and pointed at his helmet with a standard jersey: "You are a good Rocky, and I like your helmet with a corner, it's cool ~"

Ji Mei smiled happily when she heard Watson's praise: "Thank you ~ You have more vision than my brother, you are also good, but if my brother sees you, I think I would like you more. There is a fight. "

Seeing Watson and Loki talking and laughing, Schiff turned his head and gave the three warriors a look: Am I right? I said he might get along with Rocky.

"I also like your cat, the thin one looks cute."

‘···· By the way, you fancy my cat? ! This does n’t work, I ’m afraid my cat ’s chastity is n’t guaranteed—although the movie universe does n’t clearly state it, the cat ca n’t give it to you. In case you are unhappy, it ’s going to raid the eggs! ! ’

"You mean braised eggs? They are really cute, but they are all my followers, and they are also my good friends."

Loki apparently heard the meaning of Watson's refusal and then said: "Well, in fact, I also like the clothes you were before."

"You said that the red cape and the leather jacket just now? I also found it, it looks a bit like the one before you."

"Yes, so I said you have a much better vision than my brother ~"

"If you like it, how about having the opportunity to go to the earth with me? I think you will like the suit there, which is very suitable for formal occasions and will look elegant and noble."

"Really? But you said that the earth is the atrium? Of course you can, oh right, do you have to rule them in the atrium? They are really too weak, let alone for your dragons ... · "

As Loki said here, Shiv suddenly appeared between the two of them and said, "I'm very sorry, Your Royal Highness ~ The ceremony is about to begin, shall we leave first?"

When Rocky said that he was ruling the earth, the words of Hive woke him up like the thunderbolt of his most hated sunny day, and the original happy face immediately collapsed into an embarrassing and polite. smile.

"Hehehe ... This is really too disappointing. We will talk about Watson next time, and I am very happy to chat with you." After he finished, he left the crowd and turned directly to the meeting place.

Have a great chat? It ’s probably unhappy to talk down according to the topic of your rule of the earth ~ ~ Actually, Rocky is usually good, and you seem to be able to talk? "

Watson watched Loki ’s back disappearing around the corner and could n’t help but smack his mouth, and then looked at Shiv and said, “Okay, but thank you for helping me out. After all, I ’m not interested in ruling humanity ~”

Schiff raised an eyebrow and remembered Watson's girlfriend in the atrium.

"You're welcome."


The Golden Palace, above the main hall.

At this time, the whole hall was crowded with people in Asgard, and the cheers had not stopped since several people entered the hall.

At the moment, Odin put on a full gold armor and was sitting on the throne. Frigga, Rocky, and Schiff were on the left side of the ladder, and the three warriors were on the right side of the ladder.

And Watson ...

‘Why did this put me here? ! Should n’t I be in the guest table? ! What they said put me so ahead? ! ’

Watson looked at the three warriors underneath himself, only to feel that a group of mythical beasts rushed past with extremely wild posture, and by the way, revealed a pair of white teeth to himself ...

Watson's position at this time is above the Three Warriors, on the right side of the Odin Throne.

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