Marvel’s Monster Hunter World

Chapter 184: Enclose you as ~ Frost Giant!

This position can clearly see everyone below, and the people on the guest seat and the surrounding Asgard people see him clearly, so now there are a few dwarfs and people with Asian faces on the guest seat There are also some beautiful elves who have been staring at themselves. Watson was friendly and nodded to these eyes that met his face.

Oh yes, there is a heroic warrior who is not standing guard by the red carpet and staring at the two cats beside him!

Does Asgard have **** shovel officers? Still watching? Odin will find you fired! !!

Just as Lord Braised Eggs and this heroic warrior played eye contact, the cheers in the distance suddenly rose, and it seems that Thor began to enter ~

"Tor !!! Thor !!!"

"Hahaha ~"

"God of War !!"

"Aha ~ I like this title ~!"

Tor, wearing a silver armor and a silver eagle helmet, held Miao Nier in his hand and responded to all the people of Asgard who offered cheers and blessings.

A touch of red cloak trembles behind him. At this moment, for the first time, he has reached the peak of his life, completely immersed in huge joy.

Soon Thor stepped into the main hall and walked directly in front of Odin. He would throw Miaoernier up and down like a toy in one hand, and then lift Miaoernier to everyone and laugh or loudly. Cheers, very blatant.

Frigga glanced at Thor with helplessness, then looked at Odin on the throne that seemed calm and calm, but Friega knew that Odin's calm appearance is now pretend ~ The wait of thousands of years has finally waited until this day.

When Thor came to Odin, he knelt on one knee and placed Miao Nier beside him. At this time, he slightly converged his behavior and threw a wink at his mother ... ·

Just as Thor started eye contact with the three warriors and Watson above, Odin slowly stood up and spread the Gungniel in his hand a little bit, and spread a muffled noise throughout Asgard.

Just now peeking at the two meowing heroic warriors, his eyes were gone, and Thor also put away his smile and looked directly at his father.

Odin looked at the quiet people and slowly said, "Before the ceremony, there is another thing of great significance to Asgard that needs to be announced."

As Odin's words spread throughout the Golden Palace, Watson felt more and more eyes gathered on himself. Fortunately, he was still a generous person and would not feel constrained, otherwise it would be shameful to show his cowardice.

"Before I abdicate, I will issue the last edict on behalf of Asgard. Asgard will sign the Peace and Mutual Assistance Contract with the Dragon Clan, effective immediately! The heir of the Dragon Clan is on my left. He will Witness the birth of the new king with us, and also witness the continuation of the contract in front of everyone! "

Hearing this, Watson and Thor came to the inductive exchange again through their eyes. The lightning properties of the two sides seemed to have a little meaning of handover.

Of course, Watson also noticed that Loki ’s small expression had changed. Should the action begin?

Thinking of this, Watson began to look forward to Odin's true "closure" to Thor ~

After the announcement, Odin looked down at his son and said slowly, "Now, Thor Odinson, my son, my eldest son!"

Now Odin finally couldn't help it, a rosy tear appeared in his eyes, which made Friega turn her head and looked at Thor comfortably.

"It has long been awarded the Thor's Hammer Myrnier. This hammer has been forged with a star that is about to be destroyed. Whether it is a weapon that destroys the earth or a tool for creating the world, its divine power is unparalleled. He is a perfect companion for a king. I have been guarding the innocent creatures here and the Nine Realms since the founding of the great Asgard until today, and this time has come. "

‘It should be now, can the system perceive an unknown energy response? ’

[Unknown energy response has not been detected so far. 】

Hearing the system, Watson frowned slightly: ‘Is it because of Asgard ’s own protection or because of Loki ’s magic? If it is the latter, it seems that Loki ’s magic will be better than Yu Frigita in the future. ’

"Will you swear to protect the nine worlds?"

"I swear."

"Will you swear to protect peace?"

"I swear."

"Are you willing to swear! Abandon all ambitions and selfish desires and commit to the prosperity of the nine worlds ?!"

"I swear!!"

"So today, my father, Odin, declares you ..."

Watson had seen Odin's eyes shift slightly.

"····· Frost Giant!"

[Congratulations to the host for achieving the hidden achievement, the failed throne inheritance ceremony: Although the prince has lost the throne, he still has a brother. Effect: When fighting with Thor Thor, the offensive and defensive level increases by 0%]

[Congratulations to the host for achieving the hidden achievement ~ ~ The same as the Thunder: Since you will all be the masters of the Thunder, then blend together. Effect: When fighting with Thor Thor, the Thunderbolt attribute is increased by one level. 】

‘······ system, you are real skin, Li Shizhen may not be able to eat the exhaust of your car when riding on the skin skin shrimp. But what the **** is the attribute level of thunder and lightning? ’

[The host's own attributes have levels, and different levels will have different strength and size of energy release capabilities. The current host lightning attribute is intermediate. The host's thunder and lightning attributes will also increase as the inherited dragon genes increase. 】

‘This is good ~ It seems that this intermediate level has the merits of five other dragons besides the main flying thunder dragon gene. I like this complementary relationship, e’

Others do n’t have Watson ’s mood at this time. All the people waiting for the new king ’s throne have exploded with the voice of Odin. The quiet and solemn venue suddenly sounded countless doubts, especially those guests Start looking at each other.

"what happened?"

"What does your majesty mean?"

"Frosty Giant?"

Tor and the three warriors looked at Odin together, including Rocky, who was on the line.

"Uh ... Chall Thor be a Frost Giant?"

"Meow?" X2

Odin glanced at Watson and had no time to explain it to him. Gungnier knocked on the ground, and the venue was quiet again.

But Watson knew very well that Odin was ordering the destroyer to take action.

Odin turned around and said, "Frige, I'll give it to you first. Thor, Loki, follow me to the treasure house!"

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