Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 7 - 7th Floor

(A/N: For those who haven't guessed yet, the 'Monster Country' Is actually a dungeon????)

Nisus felt proud, He was apparently the first person to make it this far into the monster country, So instead of heading back like he was told by Lancelot, He decided to venture further and make some changes

First was his base race, Turns out humans can only do so much without external help, So he mixed different races with his human race

So now his base race is a quadbrid, He was 25% human, 25% god, 25% angel, and 25% Saiyan

He mixed these together since they had significant benefits, even without having a Saiyan tail, he would be able to get stronger after each fight he had, which was a must-have for him as he liked to fight a lot, maybe he would let himself be beaten just for the zenkai boost, And the other races were more for the power of each race

With human potential, god-like power, and Angels holy properties, he could potentially take every foe that he came across

So thinking this he made his way into the 7th floor


Immediately having to dodge Nisus sighs(Seems this won't be like the first few floors) He thought to himself before looking at his opponent

It was a pale creature with white hair and red eyes, along with blood running down its jaw

(A vampire!) Nisus thought and then smiled (This is the perfect time to test stuff like this)

If he could change the genes of someone else, then he should be able to change monsters to humans, and vice versa

So thinking this he reaches out his hand and changed the Vampire to a race that he loved in every fantasy anime or novel

(Race Change: Elf)

Then seeing its teeth shrink and skin look less pale, along with its ears start to point upwards more, he smiled, but this smile was cut off when ye realized his mistake, Never assume gender!

This vamp was a man!, He had never seen such bullshit before! " took away my fantasy!" Nisus yelled at the shocked male elf, Before the elf could say anything its race had changed back into a vampire and Nisus had slashed it to pieces

"I'll have to make sure their women next time I change race... or maybe I could change their gender first?" Shivering at his dark thoughts Nisus continues farther into the 7th floor



Nisus slams a spear onto another vampire using GOB, Then flipping into the air he let hundreds of spears fly at the rest of the monsters around the area

"This is taking too damn long!" He yelled and sat down annoyed, he had been in the 7th floor for 6 days, That was a whole week inside the Dungeon!

Sighing and sitting down Nisus goes onto his Mindscape to cool off, Otherwise, he might go mad!

Getting inside he immediately summoned Scathath, As she tried to greet him he grabbed her and pinned her down causing her words to change to a yelp

"What are you doing?" She asked as he started kissing her neck while holding both her hands with his left

"Shh, I'm relieving some stress..." He said quietly in her ear and continued

So she just kept quiet and let him do whatever he wants with her as he continued


Getting out of his Mindscape, Nisus felt refreshed and ready to continue his journey on the 7th floor

He had started using GOB as a storage space for the monster cores he had collected, and these were in the millions!

He wasn't sure exactly what to do with them, but he was sure they would be valuable when he got back to Camelot...

Using his enhanced senses he felt something trying to sneak up on him, So with a smile, he opened up a portal and grabbed Yafusa, He hadn't used it yet, but these monsters had been stronger so he was going to start collecting


He slashed from the left shoulder to the right side of the hip, Successfully cutting it in half, then he disappeared from the eyes of several other monsters

"Hey, assholes!" Nisus yelled falling down while dual-wielding Yafusa and Murasame "Starburst Stream!" He yelled and slashed and hacked the monsters to pieces collecting their cores inside of GOB

"C'mon you, ugly bastard," Nisus said to the boss that appeared, Nisus felt his heart beating several times faster than it normally did (Is this the legendary Saiyan battle l.u.s.t?) He thought to himself while running toward the Vampire Progenitor


Faster than he could even see, the Vampire had smacked him back (What the hell!?) He thought flipping over and landing back on his feet

"You're strong..." The vampire said in a raspy voice then vanished from sight

Nisus just had a large smile on his face(I'm such a dumbass... I really overestimated myself...) Nisus then got hit from behind, causing him to fly forward

(Race change: Vampire Progenitor)

Nisus flips back over again and looks straight at the vampire(He's... slow)

Indeed, the vampire looked like it was running in slow motion, This was due to Nisus's Genekinesis, he would automatically become the best version of the race he wanted to change to, Except for his base which he had to train himself, and the stronger he got in his base form, the stronger his other races would be when he changed


Nisus had out away the swords for now and slammed his fist into the Vampire causing the vamp to widen its eyes as it flew back slowly

Nisus continued to run around the vampire and hitting it back, At this point, it wasn't a fight anymore, but a total one sides beating

Finally, Nisus brought out Yafusa and stabbed through the vampire's heart, destroying it and sucking it into the blade, successfully making it into one of his servants

Just as Nisus relaxed he had to dodge a slice from long claws, Looking at the thing that attacked him he realized that the progenitor was just a mini-boss, This Vampire, however, was The true boss

"Damnit... I accidentally got the weaker version..." Nisus said to himself and lunged forward at the speeding vampire, To him it looked like normal sprinting, so he didn't feel too far behind


The vampire slashed once he got close and jumped back, then not giving Nisus a chance to recover lunged forward claws extended ready to take his life


A spear appeared in its abdomen, courtesy of GOB, Nisus smiled at the shocked vampire and killed it sucking it's would into Yafusa

(two vamps are better than one) He thought to himself going back to his base form, But this time adding a little Vampire progenitor DNA into the mix of races that we're inside him

This made his eyes turn slightly darker, so instead of the light yellow it was a darker yellow that stood out

Finally done with the 7th floor, Nisus made his way down into the 8th


"It looks like he made it farther than the others before him..." Circe said looking at Medea

"Hmph, it doesn't matter, there is no way he will make it all the way down here... But if he does" She shudders and throws the crystal ball away from her "To hell with that!" She said angrily and said every curse word she knew

Circe watched this and sighed thinking the gods were too unfair to their ambassadors... (If he does make it...) She thinks for a second then turns away to play with her pigs

(A/N: So I changed his base, it won't change anymore unless he replaces another race, But right now he is 25% god, 25% Saiyan, 16.6% angel, 16.6% Mong- oops I mean Human, and 16.8% percent Vampire progenitor, This means if that he is more other species than human right now, And the vampire progenitor will make him be able to make more vampires, just saying vampires are immortal unless killed, and the sun weakness is bullshit...)

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