Marvels Op Hero

Chapter 8 - 8th Floor


Nisus dodges the huge clubs of the stone guardians, These guardians were the only thing keeping him from making his way to the 8th floor

Nisus was beginning to get annoyed, no matter how many times he destroyed these guardians they would constantly revive

it had been 2 months since he had been in The dungeon, he hadn't been in his landscape for a while but that was mostly due to not wanting to was his life away in a separate realm

He had all the time in the world, But it seemed a waste to spend all his time in his mindscape

Nisus sighs and summons a teigu that didn't appear in the Anime nor the manga

"Elios!" He screams and summons the large Minigun looking weapon "Disappear!" He yelled and the bullets went flying tearing apart the guardians

The difference between this attack was that each bullet teleported a part of his target to a different dimension

This was probably one of the more overpowered teigu, and probably a good reason to never announce it's existence in the anime or the manga

"I'd hate for you to feel pain, so go ahead and sleep now," Nisus said as he walked past any remains that we're there and into the 8th floor


in the middle of the 8th floor was a cute half nymph, If Nisus had seen her, he would have had a nose bleed thinking of all the lewd things to do with her, But that's a story for another time

"Go... kill him" Her eyes flashed with a murderous glint, and all her 'Creations' Surged forward to destroy the newcomer

Hearing the ground shaking Nisus felt his heart beat faster, (Is this a lion king moment?) "Mufasa!" He yelled and started shooting in the direction the sound was coming from

Signing Nisus checked his current mission

//Ongoing Mission//

Two Beauties-SS

Objective: Seduce Medea, Seduce Circe

Rewards: Divine Aphrodisiac, 100 SP

Firming his resolve to not just leave this dungeon he surges forward with a confident look on his face when suddenly he jas to jump out of the way of an attack

"Die!!" An angry woman's voice sounded out as he dodges another attack

Then focusing on the girl he immediately dropped his vision to her b.r.e.a.s.t area(The best way to get to know a woman????)

Circe stops attacking and observes him (It's like he can see into my heart) She thinks to herself feeling her face start to heat up

Well he had changed into a Kryptonian and was currently looking through her clothes(I wanna thank god and the guy who shot me in that school shooting for this moment) Nisus thought to himself nodding before reverting back to his base and looking at his notification

*Quest Objective nearby*

Then looking back at the woman he studies her face for the first time, (An Elf!!)

Nisus, too excited to think straight, ran full speed straight into the supposed 'Elf', he then grabbed her and rubbed his cheek against her's

"Thank you god-sama, Author-chan, and Libido-Kun, You have granted my wish," He says happily then stops (Wait... why didn't I just turn Scathath into an elf?)

Nisus let's go of Circe and squats down questioning his intelligence

"Hey... what is wrong with you?" Circe couldn't keep up with this guys mood swings, One second he was murderous, then confident, then joyous at seeing her, then he turned depressed and was drawing circles in the dirt

He looks up at her and her breathing turns sharp when she sees his eyes, They were like little suns calling her in to play(A/N: Even though if you actually did try to play with the son you would get burned...)

"I'm sorry miss Elf... things have happened lately where I can't help but ask myself, why living" He puts on a sad expression, but on the inside, he was anything but sad

(Haha, this must be Circe, I'm going to seduce her and turn her into my first harem member!)

(A/N: Harem members have to be in a relationship with Mc, Scathath doesn't count for 2 reasons, 1 being that the body he summons isn't her actual body, and 2 being she hasn't stated anything about wanting to be in a relationship, and he hasn't said anything either, Hope this clears things up, that's right I got standards and shit????)

Back to the story, Nisus puts on a sad face to make Circe feel sympathy for him then she puts a hand on his head and faces his face upwards

"Don't be sad... I'm sure things will get better, a please don't be sad" She said slightly blushing(What the hell is wrong with me!?)

Nisus smiles softly and looks at the options on his system

A. B*tch da f*ck, I ain't sad! (20%)

B. If you let me touch your body... I might feel better *Looks at her innocently with a sparkle in your eye*(75%)

C.Yes you're right... Anyway, who are you miss? these are dangerous lands... you might get hurt *Grab her hand and look at her concernedly*(99%)

Seeing his options Nisus knew there was only one way to get through this, so looking up at her with a confident smile "B*tch da f*ck I ain't sad" He says and beats the shit out of her









JK, he actually looked up at her with an appreciative smile "Yes you're right, anyway who are you miss? these are dangerous lands... you might get hurt" Nisus grabs her hand and pulls her into his embrace while giving a charming smile

He may be only 13 in age, but as they say, age is just a number, His body was that of a 16-year-old at least, he might even be able to be mistaken as an 18-year-old depending on which race he picks

Circe felt flattered that he thought of her first before himself and she felt her heart start to beat faster (Why am I acting like. teenage girl in love!?) She thought to herself before pulling her hand away and turning away to try and. ot look at him "I'm fine... I'm strong enough to not be hurt in a silly dungeon

Just as she said that the floor boss appeared looking at Jasper

Instead of dwelling anytime on it, however, he just sends A+ Rank spear type Noble phantasms to destroy the large Golem

" Anyway... you were saying?" He asked turning back to the shocked Circe

"Umm, follow me... let's go down this dungeon together!" She said putting back in her act(This way I can get closer- I mean to lure him into a trap)

They then walk down into the 9th floor together, Circe thinking she has a chance, and Nisus ready to seduce her...

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