In the portable space.

The captain of the Aquilon battleship stood in front of the radar screen, his face full of melancholy.

He couldn't figure it out. The information collected showed that the gravity, air, resistance and other environmental factors in the strange space where they were imprisoned were all normal.


Why can't the battleship's thrusters move forward even one millimeter even if they use all their strength?

This is simply trampling the big face of ‘science’ under its feet and crushing it.

This is true even when using warp thrusters for space jumps.

It was as if there were two invisible hands holding the battleship in place, preventing it from moving.

In addition, radar has detected that the space here is actually not very large, at most tens of millions of square kilometers, and the edges are wrapped by layers of space crystal walls.

It stands to reason that by breaking through the space crystal wall, he can send a distress signal to the Aquilon Empire, but when he saw the proton beam crawling out of the barrel at a snail's speed, he just wanted to slap himself in the face.

What's special, that's a proton beam, something that's supposed to move at the speed of light.

As a result, in this strange space, he didn't run more than two miles for three hours.

It is estimated that by the time the beam of light reaches the space crystal wall, his grandson will have grown up, and maybe his great-grandson will be able to do so.

Just when the captain was disheartened and was about to order all the soldiers to write a suicide note, a door of light suddenly appeared behind him.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Xinbao, holding the infinite gem, stepped through the light door.

"Your Highness?! Are you not?."

Halfway through the words, the captain seemed to understand something. He leaned forward as if he had lost all energy. While saluting, he said bitterly: "I didn't expect to see you, Your Highness, after I die."

"You just died, you all died, your highness is alive and well," Luo Xinbao interrupted the captain who was talking nonsense angrily.

Oh, you're not dead? The captain blinked blankly, and was wondering whether to pinch his thigh to verify it, when he saw Luo Xinbao handing a gem to the soldier and ordering the soldier to test the gem.

Luo Xinbao walked to the communicator to contact the Aquilon royal family and asked: "Tell me about the process of your capture, in detail. Also, make an assessment report on the opponent's strength."

"Uh~ It's easy to evaluate, but it's just invincible,"

The captain murmured in a low voice and reminded quietly: "What, Your Highness, we are in a sealed space and cannot contact the outside world!"

The captain stared blankly at His Majesty Aquilon's figure appearing on the screen, as if a group of mythical beasts were rushing past in his heart:

Damn it, why can't we contact the outside world, but you can?

The captain looked at the light door behind Luo Xinbao: Is it because of this thing? .

Half an hour later.

Luo Xinbao led the captain and a group of soldiers out of the light door.

The captain shrank and glanced at Li Feng, as if he wanted to imprint Li Feng in his mind.

Li Feng was a little confused and stared back.

The captain trembled all over, quickly lowered his head and picked up an infinity stone, and followed the soldiers back to the battleship.

On the side, Luo Xinbao looked at Li Feng with a complicated expression and said, "Sir, we agree to the deal, but there are two conditions we hope you will agree to."

"Conditions?" Li Feng raised his eyebrows: You are obviously weak and I am strong, but you still dare to raise conditions?

"Tell me, I may not agree." Li Feng said with a leisurely expression.

"First, sir, please take the time to release the battleship. Second, sir, please take good care of the 'Galaxy', especially not to fall into the hands of the Zerg."

That's it? Li Feng nodded in agreement almost without thinking.

Only a fool would refuse a free offer.

In fact, Luo Xinbao's heart was full of helplessness.

He wanted to improve the terms of the deal, but the 'Galaxy' had already fallen into Li Feng's hands, and he could not change the fact that this thing had changed its surname to Li, regardless of whether he raised conditions or not.

Furthermore, do you really think that the battleship Li Feng is holding is just a decoration?

It is clear that the hostages are easy to kill.

Whether he refuses or raises the terms of the deal, Li Feng is afraid that the entire battleship and soldiers will have to be sacrificed to the flag.

Not to mention the prince, not even his father could bear the burden of murdering his clan members.

Not only will he be scolded to death by his tribe, but his deeds will also be written down in the history books, and he will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever.

Secondly, is the Aquilon Empire ready to turn against Li Feng?

The answer is obviously no.

A guy who can capture a battleship with just a wave of his hand probably only needs a few more waves to deal with an entire fleet.

Moreover, it is unclear whether Li Feng can feed his whole family by himself. The Akelon Empire cannot control Li Feng even if he wants to.

What if this guy is a fool and breaks into the Aquilon Empire to cause trouble because of a disagreement?

Facing the bugs, they have the confidence to resist a wave.

But facing the stronger Li Feng, their hearts trembled.

Finally, and most importantly.

Even though Aquilon's technology is advanced and its average life expectancy exceeds that of humans on Earth, the empire's cemeteries are still occupied every day.

If they could establish a friendly relationship with Li Feng, who mastered resurrection from the dead, their lives would be much better.

In addition, politics requires many friends and few enemies. There is no need to hate Li Feng for the sake of the "Galaxy".

Besides, Li Feng didn't get it for nothing, they finally got a sack of infinite gems.

Given many factors, it is strange that Luo Xin dared to raise the trading conditions.

"Speaking of bugs," Li Feng took out the still-warm bug corpses and spirit bodies and threw them aside, saying, "I originally thought of using this thing as a bargaining chip when negotiating terms with you, but now it seems that I can't use it. Since you are so generous, , I can’t be petty, I gave this guy to you, you can kill or chop it up as you wish.”

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet.

As soon as the bug appeared, Luo Xinbao's eyes instantly turned red, and veins on his forehead bulged.

It can be seen that he has been thinking about making bugs for more than a day or two.

Due to the huge difference in physique between the two sides, Luo Xinbao solemnly thanked Li Feng and begged Li Feng to open the portable space so that the captain could lead the soldiers to tie up the bugs.

Li Feng said it was a trivial matter.

Soon, rows of soldiers crossed the portal.

Li Feng was not interested in the next scene and found an excuse to leave.

He first went to the lying space and placed the Yakiron battleship in the earth's orbit, then returned to the Black Super Police headquarters and broke into the office of the Black Super Boss Z.

"Old man, are you interested in making a deal?"

In the transparent glass office, Li Feng sat with his legs crossed, playing with the Infinity Stone in his hand.

He did not forget the world-destroying technology in the "Black Super Police" world.

For example, a light-speed particle that can blow up a star.

He has been craving this thing for a long time, but the Marvel world is not good enough.

Now hey, since there is a chance to get it, who would bother to rub nuclear bombs? Isn't it better to rub light-speed particles?

Z glanced at Li Feng and the Infinity Stone meaningfully, ignored him, and continued to bury his head in the keyboard.

"???" Li Feng couldn't figure it out: What does it mean, give me a look and slowly understand it? .

He didn't understand. He scratched his head, slammed the Infinity Stone on the desk with a "bang", and said: "Are you interested in putting an energy barrier on the earth?"

Z paused in typing on the keyboard, slowly raised his head and looked at the Infinity Stone in Li Feng's hand, without saying a word, just looking at it.

As for his inner thoughts, it's hard to understand.

Facing the crisis of being threatened by aliens at all times, he has thought about putting a protective shield on the earth, but how big a barrier should be for the earth? Where should he find the energy source?

Anyway, nuclear power plants can't provide it, so it must be an energy source level like the "Milky Way".

However, the 'Milky Way' is too rare, and it is hard to find. There are many alien forces that want this thing, and they are all very powerful.

This means that the Earth does not even have the qualifications to compete. Even if the competitor is a weaker bug, it is still in danger of being completely destroyed.

Therefore, he dared not grab it except for being jealous.

Of course, now that Li Feng has put the Infinity Stones with the same energy level as the 'Milky Way' on the table, it is obviously an opportunity to put on a protective shield for the Earth.

It depends on whether he can grasp it.

Z pondered for a long time and asked expressionlessly: "What do you want?"

"Hehe," Li Feng rubbed his hands, grinning like a profiteer, and said: "I have a big appetite, I want everything. From small civilian products such as air purification to large military weapons that can destroy the world."

As he said, Li Feng took out all the Infinity Stones.

After thinking for a while, he picked out 36 gems with the best appearance and said, "I will keep these for myself to string into rosary beads for fun, and leave the rest to you. I don't care whether the technology is developed by you or the aliens, I just want the technology."

"!!!" Z was surprised.

Li Feng's meaning was very clear, he could use the infinite gems to trade with the aliens.

As for whether the black super police kept a copy of the technology traded, Li Feng didn't care.

And this good thing, Z rarely smiled, stretched out his hand to shake hands with Li Feng, and said, "Happy cooperation."

"Happy cooperation," Li Feng's mouth corners curled up slightly as if his conspiracy succeeded.

He didn't believe that Z would give up the awesome technology such as beam particles and trade the infinity gems for the common things on the street when he had a chance to climb to a higher level of technology.

"Oh, by the way, do you provide meals?"

Li Feng took out his pocket, which was cleaner than his face, and said pitifully: "I'm new here and I don't have any money. You can't just ignore me, or I'll have to sleep on the street. If I get hungry, I'll have to join the zero-dollar shopping army."

Before Li Feng finished speaking, Z's eyes twitched wildly, and he interrupted hurriedly: "Not only do we provide meals, but we also provide food and accommodation. If needed, we'll also give you a wife."

Damn, the guy who built a battleship joined the zero-dollar shopping army. Where the hell is he going to shop?

Arsenal or Federal Reserve?

"Forget about my wife, I don't like it," Li Feng asked while touching his greasy stomach, "Where is the restaurant? Eaters, eaters' souls, eaters have to use bowls to eat, you should be full,"

"Just~" Z was tired of dealing with such a person, pressed the communicator, and said weakly: "K, take Eater Star to eat."

"Thank you," Li Feng stood up and pushed open the office door, suddenly stopped, turned his head and said: "By the way, my stay here is limited, so you have to pay attention to the transaction"

After a pause, Li Feng tilted his head to estimate the time to recover from his injuries and merge with the 'Galaxy', and said: "Three months, I will probably leave in three months."

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