Marvel's Planeswalkers

Chapter 553 Chapter 572 Get up and work

Three months passed in a flash.

During this period, Z completely transformed into a technology middleman who hid behind the scenes and secretly controlled everything.

There was no way. The special functions and regulations of the Black Super Police destined him not to blatantly acquire sensitive technologies.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, he didn't even dare to show his face.

After thinking about it, Z finally chose a new face with no foundation to endorse.

For example, the newly hired J.

J, who took on the task, was actually very clear that on the surface, he was a target pushed onto the stage and a sacrifice to quell interstellar disputes.

Behind the scenes, this was an opportunity for Earth Technology to complete a curve overtaking.

So. With overflowing political consciousness, he gritted his teeth and stomped his feet, and swore on the spot that "if there is no dispute during the transaction, the credit belongs to everyone, and if an accident occurs during the period, he will bear all the charges alone."

As the saying goes, everyone has to die since ancient times.

What's there to be afraid of dead balls? Maybe his photo will be hung on the wall for people to admire after the incident is unblocked.

Just ask how many people have received this honor in the past thousands of years.

Speaking of which, when it comes to the biggest beneficiary behind the transaction, Li Feng said that it must be him.

What proton, ion weapons, curvature light speed power, black hole manufacturing and other technologies, all of which are guaranteed to be obtained.

In addition, he who successfully merged with the "Milky Way" not only officially ascended to the throne of the single universe boss, but also gained an entire galaxy civilization.

Good guy, a whole galaxy civilization, or a thriving and prosperous technological civilization.

I'm afraid that the God of Faith would be jealous and want to strangle Li Feng to death.

If you want to take this thing for yourself, it is equivalent to not having to do anything all day, just staying at home and easily harvesting the faith of the entire galaxy.

With this treatment, the strength should not soar too fast.

Similarly, Li Feng, who successfully merged with the "Milky Way", has also reached the time to return.

After all, Kreacher is still at home facing the boss at the end of time alone, and he is really worried.

As for the "guarantee" that the black man will not bully Kreacher. Haha.

Judging others by his own experience, Li Feng always thinks that agreements are meant to be torn up.

Similarly, an empty "guarantee" is like shit in the toilet, which has no practical use.

Moreover, the passage through the portal this time has deviated so much that it has traveled to the science fiction world. Who knows if there will be a time deviation when returning later.

What if there is a deviation and he sees the gray-haired Kreacher?

Marvel Universe, numbered Earth-99993.

Li Feng's figure appeared silently above the Avengers base.

Unlike the past, there was no passage through the portal or black hole this time, as if he appeared out of thin air like a living person.

He was stunned for a moment, and then realized that with the improvement of strength, the passage through time can actually be carried out quietly, without shooting.

The safety factor is increased exponentially.

This is really a big deal.

Li Feng found a reason to drink openly, and took out the bottle with a smirk on his face and drank.

Who would have thought that as soon as he opened the portable galaxy, he saw that the once dazzling perseverance was inexplicably dimmed, and the once prosperous planet became a ruin.

After careful perception, the life forms that were once as numerous as stars were broken in half, and more than half of them were killed or injured.

"What's going on? Did the director of the Family Planning Commission run into my portable galaxy and snap his fingers?"

Li Feng's eyes went dark, and he shivered with fear as if he was entangled by evil spirits.

Fortunately, I am least afraid of this thing

After comforting himself for a few words, Li Feng rubbed his head, wiped off the big beads of sweat rolling down his forehead, and scratched his scalp to think about the problem.

Suddenly, he remembered the nature of the portal that "non-magical items are not allowed to pass through".

So, this is the fault of the portal?

No, I have to find a way to rescue it. Otherwise, every time I cross over, it will be so exciting. Let's not talk about whether my heart can bear it. The portable galaxy must become a ghost den.

Li Feng immediately sat cross-legged in the air, and his right hand unconsciously folded the rosary composed of 36 infinite gems.

Don't count on the "Resurrection Spell". This thing seems to be against the sky, but it is still a single spell after all.

Resurrect half of the galaxy's life with it?

It's not enough to want to eat.

He can't do it even if he's exhausted.

Besides, the 'Resurrection Technique' only treats the symptoms, not the root cause.

This time, I went to great lengths to perform the 'Resurrection Technique'. Next time I want to go to another world, do I have to go back and rescue?

If I can't fundamentally curb the crossing gate, I can perform the Resurrection Technique until I vomit.

Eh? Wait, the root cause?

Li Feng paused, staring at the rosary, and a glowing light bulb appeared above his head: I'm so stupid, I can just make a wish to let the portable galaxy's 'spiritual energy revive'.

With this thought, he took out a set of infinite gems and snapped his fingers.


With a crisp sound, a powerful energy swept across the portable galaxy, transforming the surviving life forms at a slow speed that could not be detected by the naked eye.

Ten minutes later, Li Feng frowned and counted on his fingers how long it would take for the whole people to be transformed.

Halfway through the calculation, his eyelids twitched and he cursed: "Damn, at least 180 years? I have so much time, I've counted my leg hairs three times, and this doesn't even include the time it takes to transform the basic materials such as land and stones."

"When will it take to transform the entire galaxy? No, it's too slow, I can't wait."

Li Feng gritted his teeth and simply went all out, squeezing the Infinity Gems to death in an attempt to speed up the recovery of spiritual energy.

As for whether the Infinity Gems will break, have you heard of 'the old does not go, the new does not come'?

Besides, he has already planned how to get 60 sets of Infinity Gems in an hour, so why would he care whether the six gems in front of him are damaged or broken?

Get to know the rich and powerful.


Without any surprise, the first crack appeared on the Infinity Stone, followed by the second and third cracks, until it shattered into slag and scattered in every corner of the galaxy.

"It will take about a year to complete the renovation. It's not bad. I can afford the wait."

After re-estimating the time, Li Feng grinned and took out a bottle of wine to celebrate.

"Old boss?"

At this time, Kreacher suddenly appeared next to Li Feng. He cautiously took out his wand and hid it behind his back, carefully looking at Li Feng.


Li Feng said that he was not blind and clearly saw Kreacher's little movements. He tilted his head and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"Uh~" Kreacher was like a child who had done something wrong. He lowered his head and did not dare to look at Li Feng. He blushed and summoned up the courage to ask in a low voice: "Boss, are you the boss at this time?"

There is something in the introduction. Li Feng was confused and asked: "What do you mean? Are there other times of me in the co-author?"


Confirming that the person in front of him was the real boss, Kreacher nodded and said, "There were several groups of 'boss' who traveled through time and came here to borrow the Infinity Stones, but they were all dismissed by Kreacher."

"Kreacher knows that the boss who owns the gems may be able to go home, or he may not be able to go home, but the boss who loses the gems will definitely not be able to go home."

"Kreacher also knows that the boss who owns the gems will definitely not come back to return the infinity gems after returning home. After all, there are random urines in the time-travel portal. Who knows how many times he will have to try to go home again after returning to the Marvel world. "

"So, faced with the prospect of borrowing money but not getting anything back, Kreacher decisively refused."

"." Li Feng suddenly felt tired.

What Kreacher said was so reasonable, but it was precisely because of it that he felt that he was going to do something wrong.

That's right, once the infinite stones are lent to your future self, your future self will go home to wash and sleep.

But what about him?

All the infinite stones have been borrowed, and it's still the kind of thing that won't come back. He should go back home and plan to wander around for the rest of his life.

Here comes the problem.

He doesn't know how to borrow them, so can he borrow infinite stones from himself by going back in time?

The promise was obvious, and I could borrow a hammer.

People are selfish. He will not lend it to his future self. Why should his past self lend him gems?

In other words, the plan of 60 sets of infinite gems per hour went bankrupt before it even started.

Li Feng wanted to cry but had no tears.

He never expected that as soon as his front foot destroyed a set of infinite gems, he would receive a breaking news from his back foot.

There is simply no way to survive.

Of course, there are still ways to rescue.

Just go back to the Marvel world where he once stayed. He finally collected 5 of them, but he failed to get the space gem.

Moreover, he had agreed with Odin that as long as the Asgardians moved to Sokovia Island, the space gem would be named Li.

Come on, whoever wants to be treated in this wretched place is not treated by us anyway.

Li Feng held his forehead sadly and said: "Pack up and bow, and move overnight."

"Okay boss," Kreacher hesitated and asked, "Boss, do you need to resurrect Ms. Natasha and Mr. Stark before leaving?"

"Madan, I almost turned Thanos into a mere commander, and Stark and the others still have to fight back by snapping their fingers? What a waste,"

While complaining, Li Feng glanced at the base below with his peripheral vision.

I originally wanted to use the progress of base reconstruction to estimate how long he had been away. Who would have thought, when I saw the base that should have been reduced to ruins, it was standing in the distance exactly as it was.

He scanned it for a long time, but he couldn't see any trace of damage.

"What the hell!" Li Feng was a little confused and shouted in his heart: Impossible, absolutely impossible.

This is so unreasonable

"Boss, you also said that Thanos only almost became a polished commander, but he was not really a polished commander. The guy was actually very lucky. He was beaten to death by a group of Avengers, and his soldiers accidentally picked up the Infinity Gauntlet. , and desperately gave the gloves to Thanos."

"Mr. Stark couldn't help it. He tried his best to grab the gem and snap his fingers. Otherwise, it would not only be him who would die, but the whole earth would be destroyed."

After describing Stark's highlight moment in detail, Kreacher followed Li Feng's gaze. Perhaps he guessed Li Feng's doubts and explained: "Boss, you forgot about the elf in Morgan's hand. With him here, it won't take more than a minute to rebuild the base." What’s more, it’s been three months since you left.”

Three months? The same time as staying in the world of 'Black Super SWAT', Li Feng breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Okay, resurrect those two guys before leaving, so as not to have any regrets when leading the way."

Kreacher waved his hand to open the portal and took Li Feng to the cemetery.

Adhering to the principle of "the deceased is the most important", Li Feng did not cast the spell roughly, but took out a hoe and ordered Kreacher to dig the grave.

He stood aside and recorded everything with his camera.

More than half an hour later, Li Feng kicked open the coffin board and shouted while casting a spell: "Stark, the sun is shining on you, get up and work quickly."

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