
Natasha gritted her teeth, took a special grenade from her waist and threw it at her, then immediately ran backwards.


With a cracking sound and the moment the grenade exploded, the explosives that were already about to explode on the bodies of those terrorists, along with their entire bodies, were instantly frozen by a strong cold air.

Natasha also took the opportunity to stay away from the field, about three seconds later… Rumble!!!

With a loud noise, the explosives on the three of them detonated, and Natasha managed to escape.

“Let Coulson… No, it’s not time, Natasha, you lurk into the umbrella to prevent other organizations from seizing the core technology of the umbrella, and by the way, evaluate Alan Hammer as a person, I will not fight an uncertain battle! ”

Fury said a word and then said to Hill:

“As for the order thing, with the current factory productivity of his umbrella, it is not enough, and there is no need to place a large number of orders for the time being!” He should need help, or wait until Natasha’s assessment arrives before we act! ”

Not only the military and S.H.I.E.L.D., FBI, C.I., and even the Department of Defense have begun to pay attention to the new umbrella company because of this order, but also the young Hammer, who is only 18 years old.

Even Tony Stark received intelligence from his good friend Roddy and passed on the information on the three things, of course, at the behest of the military, who wanted to see if Tony could crack them.

“I just knew, I knew this kid wasn’t simple, Jarvis, what was scanned out of the data from Roddy?” What technology is this? ”

Tony asked excitedly in his basement as he looked at the data and structure of the three products dissected in the virtual projection in front of him.

“Sir, these three things can’t be cracked from the information we have so far, and I’m not even sure what technology they use!”

Jarvis continued:

“The clip and rifling modification of the 52-shot automatic pistol completely violates the basic principles of firearms, and seems to be a liquid fusion material technology or something!”

“Frozen grenades are not liquid nitrogen cooling, nor are they endothermic technologies, but rather a very primitive ‘elemental-like’ technology that seems to have triggered the nature of cold ice!”

“As for the penetrating bullet, it is covered with a mysterious layer of oil-film material, which can reduce the friction of the bullet to the atmosphere to almost nothing, and then make the bullet shoot farther and penetrate more at speed!”

“And the most important thing is that there are extremely precise and tiny mechanical devices in the warhead, which can push the bullet twice at the speed of the bullet, so that the bullet is farther and more penetrating!”

“Making a fuss about bullets, what a cute kid, with strength! But people’s technology is people’s, what Roddy means I also know, but I am too lazy to manage, my things are the best, the last flash, Jericho missiles are about to become, I still grasp the satellite intelligent guidance research in my hand! ”

Tony admired Allen, who could invent these three things, as to why he knew that Alan invented them, because it was obvious that Alan had just established the Umbrella Company, and the Umbrella Company had developed these three things.

However, Tony also has a strategic-grade Jericho missile in the works, so he can’t find time to contact Allen now, and Jarvis has casually learned about it and continues to work on his own business.

This night, Alan was trying to communicate with the dark magic, and in recent days Alan felt that he was about to touch the dark magic, so he did not even practice physical magic, and was trying to meditate every day.

“As long as you communicate successfully, just once.”

Alan closed his eyes, his heart roaring, not knowing how long it had been, when suddenly Alan felt that he was in a completely dark and silent world.

“This, this is the dark magic energy!”

Alan felt that his surroundings were filled with that strange, silent dark energy, and he was overjoyed and began to absorb it madly.

As Alan’s spirit went deep into the dark world and absorbed the energy of dark magic, Alan’s flesh began to slowly become tough!

Strength, speed, toughness, etc. began to be slowly refined by the dark energy, and little by little it began to become stronger.

At the same time, Kama Taj under the mountainside of Everest, a bald woman sitting floating in the panxi, slowly opened her eyes.

“Someone is drawing on the power of darkness, but this drawing does not seem to alarm Dormammu… Not the mage’s method of drawing… Who is it? ”

Gu Yi showed a puzzled expression on his face, and then he divided his hands, opened the box in the pendant around his neck, revealed a green gem, and closed his eyes.

“The future has changed again, and there is one more person who can’t see the future… Alan Hammer? Let me wait and see! ”

After a while, Gu Yi opened his eyes, muttered a word, and then closed his eyes again, and the box of pendants on his chest was also closed.


It took a whole night of absorption, and it wasn’t until the next morning that Alan felt that his body was temporarily saturated and needed to digest for a while before he could begin to continue sucking.


Alan stood up, and immediately there was a “crackling” sound coming from his body, and Alan shook his fist, feeling that his body was full of strength and had reached another level of life.

“Pushing the limits of the human body? That is, the body has just surpassed the level of the captain of the United States and reached another level, right? Good, go try it! ”

Alan looked at the fairer and smoother skin with satisfaction, and looked in the mirror to find that he had become more handsome, so he excitedly walked towards the practice room.

The practice room, which is where Alan exercises his physical skills.

After arriving at the practice room, Alan picked up a set of robes on the table inside and put them on his body, moving around for a while to feel very comfortable, and then picked up two red pistols on the table.

One of the two red pistols is an automatic pistol, the most common kind of automatic pistol in the movie, and the other is a revolver.

Both guns were specially honed by Alan in the weapons department during this time, using the highest technology that Alan can currently achieve.

Alan’s robe was made by the people below, using super breathable and wear-resistant materials, which would not delay Alan’s movements at all.

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