“Nice! So let’s get started! ”

After Allen swept the two guns, suddenly without warning, his left hand flicked, and the automatic pistol with a full 100 rounds of ammunition on his left hand suddenly poured out, and the fire was very powerful.

Yes, Allen’s current overload technology and magazine modification can allow Alan to reach the full 100 rounds of ammunition into the pistol, which is the limit of Allen’s technology today.

“Snap Snap!”

Those bullets hit the surrounding sound-absorbing walls, and suddenly dozens of bullet holes appeared on the wall, and one bullet after another was deeply embedded in it.

“Fatal shot!”

Suddenly, Allen’s whole body ran at a very fast speed, and the revolver in his right hand suddenly fired a shot forward, and the bullet of this shot hit the silence wall more than twice as deep as the bullets in front of him, and the bullet hole was even larger.

“Swing kick!”

Alan swooped down as he ran, his slender legs stirring wildly like two whips, making an air explosion.

“Instant kick!”

Alan’s right leg, which had just gotten up, suddenly turned into a shadow, and the whole person seemed to have no movement at all, but there was a burst of air in front of him, and this air current directly hit the wall in front of him and disappeared without a trace.

The air bursts generated by the kicks can form an attack, which shows how powerful Alan’s physical skills are.

Of course, only this sharpshooter’s physical “instant kick” could achieve this effect.

After all, Alan’s body is only a little stronger than Captain America, and who of you has ever seen Captain America be able to punch out an angry adult in the air?

However, although it is only a little stronger, it has broken the limits of the human body and broken through to another life level, and the potential is very huge.

“Characteristic Bullet Ice! Penetrating bullets! ”

Allen suddenly pulled a magazine out of his clothes and instantly changed it to the automatic pistol that had been fired, and was about to continue the experiment when the phone rang.

“Alas, I haven’t tried a characteristic bullet combined with a penetrating bullet or a burst bullet!” Definitely another company thing, yesterday has contacted Sophia to find an assistant, with an assistant it is much easier! ”

Alan stopped helplessly and said with a little disappointment.

Characteristic Bullets are the technology of ammo experts, and there are a variety of elemental attributes attached to bullets, there are four types, namely light, ice, fire, and no attributes.

Light can flip the positive and negative poles of the body’s electric ions, and once hit, all subsequent attacks will produce an electric current attack on the enemy and paralyze the enemy.

Ice doesn’t need to be explained, right? With a cold breath, it can freeze enemies, but the power is much worse than the cold of the frozen grenade.

Fire does not need to be explained, it can burn the enemy, it is very simple.

Attributeless is actually a kind of vibration, after the bullet hits the enemy, the vibration inside can resonate with the enemy’s body, making the enemy dizzy.

And this characteristic bullet can be installed on the penetration bullet, that is, a bullet can have both the attribute attack of the characteristic bullet and the penetration attack of the penetration bullet.

As for the burst bomb, it cannot exist at the same time as the penetrating bullet, but it is inserted into the explosive core in the warhead to make the bullet explode after it is fired, which is a bullet used for fire suppression.

Because both burst and penetration shells are technologies that modify warheads, they cannot coexist.

But both can coexist with the modified tail of the “characteristic bullet”, which makes Allen’s clip currently have at least eight combinations.

Feature Bullet Ice! Through the bullet… Feature Bullet Fire! Through the bullet… Feature Bullet Light! Through the bullet… Characteristic bullet vibration! Through the bullet…

Feature Bullet Ice! Burst Bomb… Feature Bullet Fire! Burst Bomb… Feature Bullet Light! Burst Bomb… Characteristic bullet vibration! Burst Bomb…

And some of them may be easier to use, so prepare more, so Alan is now carrying more than 20 magazines, which is why Alan wants to wear this wide robe.

Otherwise, do you wear tight clothes and then hang all over your body? The thought of this face left Alan speechless.

“Sophia, what’s the matter?”

Alan shook his head, picked up the phone on the table, changed into a suit, but still put the robe outside, now that Alan has great strength, it is natural to carry weapons with him at all times.

Anyway, Alan was tall and tall, and wearing a robe was not obtrusive, as if a trench coat was put on the outside of the suit.

“The boss, General Ross of the military, and several logistics department directors such as the CIA, the FBI, and so on have all arrived, and today there is a new assistant with strong ability to handle things!” Hurry up! ”

Sophia said on the phone.

“It’s exciting news to finally come to the assistant, isn’t it?” I’ll be at the company building in half an hour! ”

Alan hung up the phone, thinking that he finally had an assistant, so he let out a long sigh of relief, and then asked the driver to prepare the car and go to the umbrella company building.

Half an hour later

As soon as Alan stepped into the company building, Sophia led a beautiful, bumpy, and talented woman in professional clothes to come over and introduce herself to Alan

“Boss, this is Natalie Rocheman, has a lot of work experience, is a top talent, introduced by one of our trusted customers, and can get started immediately, just now from my hand to take over all your work arrangements from the boss!” 」

“Natalie Roshman?”

Alan looked at the wine-red haired beauty in front of her and moved in her heart, and then said quietly:

“Really? Now that the big customers are waiting in the upstairs conference room, Natalie, are you ready? ”

“Please rest assured boss, I have already obtained the main purpose and necessary materials of this meeting, and the weapons department has also sent new finished products and materials of ‘explosive bombs’, and we can start now!”

Natalie, no, maybe Natasha Normanov, the famous Black Widow, said with a serious look on her face and a charming smile on Alan.

“Very good, then come with me!” Sophia, your disaster days are also over, the treatment is still the same, is my promise isn’t it? ”

Alan didn’t really bother to take care of this black widow, and the black widow’s ability to do things was really strong, and it would be better to have such a person help manage the company first.

As for the core technology, Alan is confident that she can’t steal it.

Alan and Natasha arrived in the conference room, where five people were already waiting, representing the military, the FBI (FBI), the CIA (CIA), Interpol, and CIA.

Alan was surprised that his new thing would allow Ying CIA to participate in the purchase, but this should also be some political matters, and Alan didn’t bother to care.

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