In fact, there are many organizations that contact Alan privately, and there is one organization that Alan wants to sell to them at a low price, that is, a military organization of **.

However, at present, Alan is still unable to secretly move, the reason is still because the strength is not strong enough, it is controlled badly, so Alan has not moved.

“I know the purpose of your coming, is it nothing more than the gift I gave you last time?” Do you like it? Now that you’re here, let’s talk about the price! ”

Allen did not feel at all angry in the face of several characters who were about to tremble three times when they stomped on the United States, and casually sat on the main seat and said.

“Little Hammer, we can’t replicate your technology, but don’t open your mouth, so that if there is anything in the future, we will support you!”

The CIA boss said.

“Hmm, don’t forget that your boy still owes us orders that have not been paid off, and those submachine guns don’t want anything, they are used to offset the three things this time!”

Rose stared at Alan and said very strongly.

“Yes, this time our order volume is very large, if you have a discount, other aspects we can give you the green light, and even give you direct help, you now have a star product, want to build a new production plant, right?” In terms of equipment, my relationship with Stark Industries is very good! “0

The big guy in the FBI said.

“Well, you all make sense, but before we talk about the price, let’s look at the others, Natalie!”

Alan gave Natasha a look, and Natasha immediately understood, twisted her body and distributed the information in her hand to the people on the other side, and then said:

“Gentlemen, I deeply regret that first of all you said that you wanted to stop orders for rifles, machine guns, submachine guns, sniper rifles, etc.!”

“Here is the proof that our penetrating bullets can already be loaded with any gun type, and then we have a new product, ‘Burst Bomb’, which is the information for the Burst Bomb!”

“We dare not say anything in terms of strategic-level weapons, but in terms of the armament of soldiers, the first forces that have the products of our umbrella company will be far behind others and occupy an absolute advantage in short engagement!”

Natasha talked about the prospects of the four products of the umbrella to the big guys in the audience, saying that they were very excited.

“Hmm, having said so much, even if we don’t cancel orders or even increase orders, with the current strength of your umbrella and the productivity of the factory, can we eat it?”

Rose was also very impressed, but on the surface he said very dismissively.

“Yes, if we all send more orders, how long will it take for your productivity to be delivered?” A year? Two years? Don’t be funny, but we all want it in the near future, or do you like to compensate for liquidated damages? The liquidated damages for this batch of orders have not yet been calculated by you! ”

The big guy of the CIA Seven Bureau said.

“You have to understand my difficulties, you need these things, I have an umbrella, and only my umbrella has!” If you help, I have three or four factories on my side that are about to be built, and if they can be established quickly, they will be able to meet your needs! ”

Alan said with a smile.

“Want to help, take the benefits!” I want a deal! ”

Another humanity.

“I’m afraid this kid doesn’t want to give a discount and wants us to help, right?” Hmmm, what a business-minded kid! I’ll help you find Stark Industries to buy equipment, and I’m going to take the lead in the first batch of things! ”

At the beginning, the strongest Rose, at the moment, is the fastest to serve soft, making people understand that Rose is inevitable for this product, and also makes several other big guys a little speechless.

“Okay, then let’s talk about the price, Natalie!”

Alan nodded, the corners of his mouth pulled out an arc and then looked at Natasha again.

“According to our operations team, 52 rounds of automatic pistols cost $6,000 a piece!”

“Penetrating bullets, the price of a burst bomb is $50 a piece!”

“The price for a frozen grenade to buy alone is $2,000 a piece!”

After Natasha burst the price, everyone took a breath of cold air, and Rose was even more ugly, and her voice was low

“Does your boy dare to sell more expensive?”

“That is, the price of these 52 consecutive automatic pistols is almost the same as that of a Barrett heavy sniper rifle!” A handful of AK is now on the market for $400! I actually used it to buy a pistol? ”

“And this bullet, has caught up with the price of anti-tank armor-piercing bullets?”

“The most outrageous thing is this grenade, Lao Tzu a high-explosive grenade price of only $500!”

Everyone couldn’t help but start complaining, and the scene suddenly became noisy, obviously they couldn’t accept this price at all.

“Gentlemen, let me explain to you the reason for this price and how good this thing really is!”

Alan had already guessed this scene, raised his hand in disbelief, made the five big guys quiet, and then confidently stood up and said:

“First of all, our products are expensive and use a new type of synthetic material that I have researched, which only we have under our umbrella, and you have no choice!” To put it bluntly, just by monopolizing this item, my price has risen! ”

“Secondly, these weapons of mine are not for the arming of your whole people, but for the arming of the elite!” Good steel is used on the blade, you should all know this! ”

“Gentlemen, imagine that your elite agents disguised themselves as drug dealers and trading with a group of drug dealers with only one pistol in their hands and dozens or hundreds of drug dealers around!”

“But when the hand is moved, this pistol can suppress the fire of a heavy machine gun, and with this explosive shell, the drug dealers will be scattered in an instant!”

“That’s the power of a 52-shot automatic pistol, and I think the FBI, the CIA, and Interpol should need it a lot, right?”

Alan smiled and looked at Ross Dao:

“General Ross, let’s talk about the price of this bullet!” This penetrating and burst bullets can be mounted on any firearm, and is only a modification of the warhead! ”

“Imagine one of your snipers, who transformed the warhead of a high-precision sniper rifle bullet into a penetrating bullet, hesitating that the oil film material on it not only made the impact of wind direction and wind speed smaller, but also was able to snipe the enemy farther away, and even the penetrating bullet could shoot through ordinary armored vehicles!”

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