“That’s normal isn’t it? Recently, I feel lonely and irritable every day at this time, which should be the reason for physical needs! Is there a way for you to do this? No me to ask my brother to see! ”

Alan said without blushing at all.

“Should I say boss, are you simple or dirty?” But of course I have the way, but if you want me to tell the boss you, you have to use your hands with me to practice martial arts first! Beat me and I’ll tell you! ”

Natasha suddenly smiled again, then rushed straight at Alan, kicking her leg in the air.


In the face of Natasha’s sudden attack, Alan casually reached out and directly grabbed Natasha’s soft white ankles, and said in Natasha’s surprised eyes

“Natalie, I don’t want to play this with you, let’s talk about what we just said!”

“That’s not okay, it’s all started isn’t it?” And isn’t the real beauty right in front of you? Men are always so confused! ”

Natasha ignored the words and jumped up suddenly, and her round and slender legs were immediately clamped around Alan’s neck, and suddenly a fragrance and a slippery feeling made Alan’s heart flutter.


This scissor foot was Natasha’s signature move, and her elastic legs suddenly erupted with a powerful force as Natasha’s waist twisted, and she threw Alan to the ground according to inertia.


But what Natasha did not expect was that just when Alan was about to be thrown to the carpet, Alan suddenly supported the ground with both hands, and then the slender legs swung and kicked like whips, not only breaking Natasha’s scissors feet in an instant, but also kicking Natasha’s waist and back twice in the swing of her legs.


Natasha staggered forward, her brow furrowed, although the relationship between the two feet just now because of Allen’s lack of strength was nothing, but it was very painful, and at the same time, Natasha was even more shocked by Alan’s fighting strength.

Even Hawkeye couldn’t completely unblock Natasha’s lock, only to find a way to throw Natasha to the ground.

This move is Natasha’s proudest move, and Natasha herself is the first time she has seen this move being broken so thoroughly!

“Enough for Natalie, I’m the boss, and I order you not to play anymore, or you’ll wait to be fired!”

As soon as Natasha turned back, she heard some irritated words from Alan.

“So boss, don’t you want to know the way?” Let’s play with me again! ”

Natasha was also open-minded, and even a fool knew that there was a problem with her unforgiving performance, but Natasha did not care, took a deep breath and rushed to Alan again.

Alan saw this, knew that the time for a showdown had come, and was immediately disappointed.

Natasha is very capable, and Alan still wants to keep her for a while, but S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t lack Natasha, and it seems that sending Natasha out for a month is already Nick Fury’s limit.

“Instant kick!”

As Alan slammed his legs at Natasha who was rushing forward, she shook her legs like a phantom, causing Natasha to look at Alan doubtfully, because she felt that Alan didn’t seem to move.


But an instant later, Natasha immediately felt a danger, making her sweat and hair stand upside down, only to see an invisible air burst instantly hit her body and make a “bang” sound, and Natasha flew out and crashed into the wall.


The cramp in her abdomen made it difficult for Natasha to move, but she knew that now was the most dangerous time, and her strong will made her endure the pain and immediately bounce off the ground to prepare to escape.

Ellen had shocked her so much today, she didn’t expect that this young man who usually seemed to be a little silent and peaceful actually contained such a powerful force and speed in his body.

As soon as Natasha jumped up, a dark red revolver with a dangerous aura was on top of her smooth but sweaty head, and then Alan’s flat voice came over


“Don’t move! Natalie! Who are you? ”

“How can you be so powerful?” Your body is at least comparable to the Captain of the United States sixty-seven years ago! This is simply not something that can be achieved by training hard! ”

Natasha looked up at Alan, who was holding the gun in her hand and looking at her coldly, and asked in pain.

“To answer my question, Natalie, who the hell are you, and if you don’t say it, I’ll let the FBI take you away!”

Alan did not answer, but continued indifferently.

“Okay, you let the FBI take me!”

Natasha didn’t care, which made Alan stunned, and then suddenly realized, if she was taken away by the FBI, she wouldn’t be able to do anything at all, right?

“Say what you mean, maybe we can talk about it, in this month’s time you have helped me clean up four groups of people who want to steal the core information of the umbrella company!” I thought you would always be there to help me like this! ”

Alan said with a sigh.

“It turns out that you have already found out, so I will directly explain my intentions, my name is Natasha Normanov, which is subordinate to the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau!” Well, the name is a bit of a twist, in short, a world, not belonging to any one country, a world security council in the hands of an organization with the goal of protecting the world! ”

When Natasha said the S.H.I.E.L.D. name, she found Alan looking at her wordlessly, so she quickly explained with some embarrassment.

“Come on!”

Alan asked succinctly.

“Looking for you to cooperate, we need a large number of orders for these four new products of the umbrella company, and to ensure the safety and reliability of the umbrella company, so I was sent!”

“Oh? Protect me? Or spy on me? ”

“Yes, as far as the current situation is concerned, if you are going abroad, you need to accept our protection, your products have spread on the black market, the price has been speculated to a very high level, and there are some lone killers, all trying to get a 52-round automatic pistol and some special bullets!”

Speaking of this, Natasha looked at Alan and said seriously

“In short, you are now a fragrant brat, and there are wolves all around, and everyone wants to take a bite, including your brother, but his methods are much gentler!” Half of the people I cleaned up were his people, thanks to you for giving me so much permission! ”

In fact, Natasha has a very good sense of Alan, at least in Natasha’s view, this is a talented, and very sensible and measured youth, completely different from other rich second generation.

With Natasha’s beauty, Alan would rather go outside and find the periphery, rather than do something disrespectful to people because he is the boss.

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