“Do I need this level of protection from you?”

Alan asked rhetorically.

“The open gun is easy to dodge the dark arrow, this is the **, even if your body is strong, but I am sure that as long as there are more than a dozen people, there are enough weapons, and the comprehensive arrangement can make you live for less than ten seconds!”

Natasha said confidently that although he admitted that Alan was very strong, he did not see Allen’s full strength, so he thought that Alan was just very strong in fighting and very strong.

Even if Captain Mi Guo reincarnates, Natasha has the confidence to deal with it with the strength of many people.

Of course, this is that Natasha’s thinking is still in the limits of common sense, and in the future, Natasha will know how naïve she thinks today.

“Really? I’ll talk about this later, now let’s talk about the cooperation you talked about! How about a cooperative law? I’m interested! ”

Alan knew it was time for S.H.I.E.L.D. to finally help him, and Alan was looking forward to S.H.I.E.L.D.’s big move.

“This is very simple, we have begun to build five super large weapons production plants in advance, and these can be transferred to your name at any time, these five factories are fully equipped, just by virtue of these five factories and your new products, your umbrella company market value can be increased by at least five times!”

“We can give you these five factories for free to use to manufacture your new products!”

Natasha had already received Fury’s authorization, and Fury had wanted to come personally this time, but was stumbled by something, so she let Natasha talk directly, anyway, Fury knew that Alan would not refuse such a thing.

“Such a big stroke, the strength of your organization really impresses me!” I only have two large factories and eight small factories under my umbrella, not even one super large factory! ”

Alan took a cool breath and then asked with his eyes shining

“So what do I have to give?”

“The products produced by your company, after you complete the existing orders, must be given priority to meet our S.H.I.E.L.D., and you can’t believe that our demand for S.H.I.E.L.D. is large!”


Alan nodded without thinking.

“There is also the need to halve the price, your four products are 50 times different from the selling price, of course, the frozen grenade seems to be only 20 times!” We don’t stand in your way, but you’re going to halve our selling price! ”

“No problem, with the upgrading of products, the price of these things will have to be adjusted down in the future!”

Alan nodded.

“In fact, there is no need to lower the adjustment, this is the value of the monopoly, and if it is too cheap, it will make these terrible weapons flood, you do not sell to the black market, it is difficult to ensure that some organizations buy from you and then sell to the black market!” We don’t want to see terrorists with these weapons in the future! ”

Natasha said.

“Okay, listen to you, your decision has always been correct, is there any request?”

Alan thought it made sense, so he asked again.

“Of course there is, do you know the cost of these five very large production plants?” Those high-end devices are not cheap! A nearly $10 billion, what a lot of money you know? Just kidding, is it sending you? Used to pay off, these five factories give you 40 billion US dollars, and our order price is slowly deducted from these 40 billion until you pay it off! ”

Natasha gave Alan a disgruntled look and continued:

“In the whole world, except for our organization, I am afraid that only the ** government can do such a big project, even if the vigorous Stark Industry wants to immediately mobilize such a large amount of funds for construction, its difficulties and internal obstacles are enough to delay for a year and a half!” This is the strength of our organization! ”

Natasha’s words Alan believed, and the strength of this S.H.I.E.L.D. was certainly unquestionable.

However, for Natasha’s request, Alan still could not agree.

“Although it should be like this, but Natasha you should also understand the company’s situation, if you do this, to prioritize the satisfaction of your orders, and you still have 40 billion yuan waiting to be taken here, then at least in the next six months, our umbrella will not have a penny of revenue, I don’t want my company to collapse!” 」

Alan shook his head.

“In this way, we give 50% of each order, and the other 50% is deducted from this, so that the capital chain of the umbrella company can be guaranteed!”

“Our order demand is very large, according to the current point of view, your factory plus these five super large factories are all started, and it will be paid off in half a year, which is beneficial to both of us!”

Natasha clearly knew about the situation with the Umbrella Company, which could not be compared with the behemoth of Stark Industries, and therefore expressed understanding.

“So do you dare to invest another one?”

Alan said with a sudden twinkle in his eye.

“Oh? Let’s hear it? ”

Natasha was stunned to see the look in Alan’s eyes, she seemed to have never seen Alan like this before, so she asked.

“I don’t have a background as deep as Tony Stark, there are a lot of things I can’t get, you guys help me get an underground lab with all the high-tech equipment that I want to use for research, and when my father left, he didn’t say that he couldn’t compete with his brother, right?”

Alan smiled.

“Compete with your brother?” Do you want to open a heavy weapons division at an umbrella company? Are you sure? ”

Natasha immediately guessed Alan’s intentions and said with a twinkle in her eye.

“Yes, to be honest, at that time, I didn’t want to give up on both departments, and even thought of cooperating with my brother, but my brother, although he has some means in management and publicity and marketing, but he is very happy, very unreliable, I am still young, so I am ready to come step by step!”

“I have a lot of ideas about heavy weapons, machinery, etc., but I am suffering from insufficient resources in my hands to achieve it, and if you have the support of S.H.I.E.L.D., THEN I think you will soon taste the sweetness!”

Allen’s decision was deliberate, and of course, it wasn’t about Allen’s idea of opening a heavy weapons division, it was decided from the start.

It was the fact that Alan was working more closely with S.H.I.E.L.D. that made Alan think about it for a long time.

What makes Allen most worried is the hidden Hydra in S.H.I.E.L.D., if you start a deep cooperation with S.H.I.E.L.D., then S.H.I.E.L.D. will get a lot of high-end weapons from Allen.

What S.H.I.E.L.D. gets is equal to what Hydra gets, and Hydra does whatever it takes, and may come against Alan himself at any time.

Originally Allen did not intend to do this, but this time Allen’s strength has been greatly improved, which makes Allen full of confidence, and working with S.H.I.E.L.D. can indeed accelerate the improvement of his own and the company’s strength.

In the face of this temptation, Alan did not hesitate to choose to do so, and as for Hydra, when the time came, Alan would have to keep a hand.

“This, to be honest, in this case, our Aegis situation requires deep cooperation with you, but it is almost impossible for you to share resources with us, it requires permission, and the above will not be approved, and we are a secret organization, I can only go back and tell my boss a word, and then let him talk to you!”

Natasha couldn’t do this, so she didn’t promise Alan right away.

“It’s all right, cooperation, of course sit down and talk!” And I didn’t say I was going to share resources with you? ”

Allen was speechless, and it was certainly impossible for a huge organization like S.H.I.E.L.D. to share all the resources with anyone else unless the world security council went crazy!

“But if you leave, who will do my assistant job?” And what about the girl I just said? ”

Alan didn’t care about the Tao.

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