Even Natasha was invited to dance by others, apparently a scene that Natasha was often exposed to.

Allen went to the bartender bar, asked for a cocktail, and began to wait for the beautiful woman to come and talk.

As a result, many people came to talk, but there was not a single beautiful woman, all of them came to talk about business cooperation, and Alan could only go out of his way to start sending these people away.

Because none of the projects Allen was interested in working on.

“You’re waiting for a beautiful woman to talk, right?” Little Hammer! ”

Just when Alan didn’t know that the eleventh person had been dispatched, a flirtatious voice sounded in Alan’s ear, and Alan turned his head to see Tony Stark sitting next to him with a curious face.

“Well, doesn’t that mean there will be a lot of beautiful women coming to talk to me like this?”

Alan was not embarrassed, and nodded his head very naturally, which made Tony stunned, and then he smiled, approached Alan a little and said:

“The time has not yet arrived, there is about an hour, when those second- and third-line star models will start to act, or which one you have a crush on can also take the initiative, with your identity and appearance, almost no loss!” Especially if you have ‘I’m a virgin’ on your face! ”

“Is it obvious?”

The corners of Alan’s mouth twitched.

“It’s so obvious, well, although the conversation between geniuses should also involve women, but I have a serious matter to find you this time, I will directly say, your warhead mechanical modification technology to share, how about we cooperate?”

Tony went straight to the point and said that the Jericho missile he wanted to develop would be even more flawless if it could be added to the warhead mechanism of Allen’s penetration bomb, which would become a cross-era deterrent.

The Jericho missile itself is powerful, and it is a covered, dispersed strike, coupled with the most difficult to overcome satellite intelligent guidance, when the nuclear weapons do not come out, the Jericho missile will have no opponent.

The only way to deal with such missiles is to launch them for interception while they have not yet split.

But intercepting this kind of thing itself is very difficult, the success rate is not high, if Tony got Alan’s warhead mechanical modification technology, and suddenly accelerated twice when the other party wanted to intercept and had already calculated the speed and trajectory of the Jericho missile, then the chance of the enemy interception was zero!


Tony, who originally thought that he would be rejected by a mouthful, and even if he did not refuse, he would have to bear the sky-high price and was directly stunned, and then he reacted excitedly:

“Crisp boy, I’m starting to like you!” What do you want? ”

“The original blueprint of your smart housekeeper, and the plasma collision experimental machine you made yourself!”

Alan didn’t know how many years ago he had been hungry for Tony’s two things, and the plasma collision experimental machine was of great use to Allen’s mechanic technology and gunsmith technology.

Jarvis’s original blueprint can be developed as soon as it is obtained, and another smart housekeeper with the same function as Jarvis, but completely different from Jarvis.

A smart butler is a great help to Alan, especially when doing experiments, so that Alan can also be like Tony, without any assistants, to study these things alone.

Allen, like Tony, is an all-rounder, and there are many things that Alan can do himself, but it’s too time-consuming and energy-consuming.

Of course, there are some that are unique to Alan’s mind, and the machines that need to be used for research need to be done by Allen needs to do it himself, and the others, it is certainly better that Alan can get the finished product elsewhere.

“You know Jarvis?”

Tony asked with a twinkle in his eye.

“It’s rumored out there that you’ve always invented things by yourself, and it’s impossible without the help of intelligent programs, and I need one!”

“What about plasma collision experimental machines? Do you want to enter the energy realm, or are you ready to study light weapons? ”

Tony asked again.

“Have, how, afraid of one more competitor?” I thought you would never be afraid of competition! ”

“Well, although your radical tactics are very clumsy, but I will eat this set, do you want to compete with me in the heavy weapons market?” I’m waiting for you, competition is motivated, don’t let me down! ”

Tony sneered, then continued:

“But if you want these two things, then you will definitely get less shares, and the things I want to add to the mechanical device are actually perfect, and this mechanical device is just the icing on the cake, giving you up to 2% of the share!” Or you sell me the right to use this technology directly! ”

The original intention of the Jericho missile split strike shot itself was to prevent interception, so it was good to get Allen’s modification technology, but not getting it was actually just to make Tony feel that things were not perfect enough, and it did not affect the selling price!

“No, but this device is one of my core technologies, you can’t pass the data to Stark Industries’ host, you can only keep it in your own local area database, and then there is the agreement between our two geniuses, except for what you want to add, I don’t allow you to use this technology selfishly elsewhere!” 」

Allen wasn’t a stingy guy either, pretending not to know that Tony was making missiles and speaking directly.

“The convention between geniuses? Yes, genius is to have this kind of temper and courage, you boy really let me like more and more, then it is decided! ”

Tony nodded with satisfaction, and this time Alan gave him a big surprise, and he had a feeling that he had finally met someone of the same level, which made Tony very happy.

“I heard that you have already achieved certain results in the field of energy weapons with integrated beams?” To what extent has it reached? ”

Alan suddenly thought of something and asked again.

The energy cannons emitted from the hands and chest in the steel armor are actually an integrated beam weapon, but they cannot last.

This is very similar to the laser cannon in Allen’s gunsmith technology.

Then in Iron Man 2, Tony makes Roddy crouch down, and a beam of light cuts the robots around him with some resemblance to the satellite rays after Allen’s first awakening.

Of course, if the photothermal reaction is studied to the depths, the gunsmith will also appear as a super light firearm weapon such as the “plasma radiation cannon”.

If the light-heat reaction is studied to the extreme, there will be the final weapon of the gunner, the “Ray of Destruction”, a light weapon that nothing can stop.

“It’s still the most primitive, it’s useless, it’s mainly the problem of energy sources, so it hasn’t continued to develop!”

Tony shook his head and casually sipped his mouthful, it was not that he had not thought of studying the integrated beam weapon, but there was no energy source, and he had not yet thought of making a fuss on the arc ark reactor.

“Energy source?”

Alan said nonchalantly.

Gunners do not need any continuous energy source, light and heat reaction research to a certain extent, as long as there is light and heat emitted by the sun, it can independently produce energy, launch satellite rays such as a precision global strike weapon.

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