Instead, the mechanic needed to study a special energy source also known as the “Ark Reactor” to supply the machines with sustained energy, which Alan had not yet touched.

Alan knew that the two Ark reactors were not the same.

Tony’s kind is an arc ark reactor, which is round, and the collision output of energy particles is achieved through the arc acceleration of the circle.

The mechanic’s Ark reactor that Alan wants to study is a more powerful reactor similar to the one that Tony upgraded in Iron Man 2.

Once Alan has developed the Ark Reactor, it means that Alan has reached his first awakening on the path of a mechanic, able to use more powerful mechanical forces, and also able to obtain space technology.

If there was space technology, Alan would not have to put so many magazines and pistols on his body, but unfortunately it was still early.

“Then what is your boy doing in this robe?” Deformed aesthetic? ”

Tony glanced at Alan’s trench-clad robe and asked.

“Tony, have you ever thought about arming individuals?” What about enhancing the strength of individual individuals? ”

Alan said suddenly and quietly.

“Personal individual strength? Are you talking about the super arming of armed elite soldiers? Build a super soldier like Captain Rice? ”

Tony’s words made Alan stunned, knowing that Tony had misunderstood his meaning and was about to say something again, only to hear Tony start to say it without hesitation

“If the individual soldier is armed, the super soldier serum has already been judged by my father to be unworkable, and Rose’s encounter also shows this!” Then only mechanical equipment with the same effect such as exoskeleton devices is left! ”

“But speaking of which, the energy source is still the most core problem, and if the energy source is not solved, then everything is empty talk!” You wouldn’t be watching too many movies, would you? Fantasy of the futuristic world of that kind of army armament? ”

“Oh, Tony, you didn’t say it when I didn’t!”

Alan was helpless, this Tony was still just a scientist and businessman, never wanted to be a strong man, and did not take his own strength to heart.

Alan asks Tony if he has ever considered arming Tony himself, and it turns out that Tony and Allen are talking about armed soldiers, and the two can’t pee in a pot at all!

“Really? Inexplicably, the development prospects of your umbrella company are very good, now it is time to expand the scale, how, accept the injection? I am interested in investing in umbrella companies! ”

“No, I don’t want to be invaded by foreign capital, the umbrella is mine, everything is mine!” I don’t allow anyone else to interfere! ”

Alan refused without even thinking about it!

Indeed, now the umbrella company needs to expand the scale, and it is very easy, as long as the listing and financing is good, so that the production plants can be established, and then desperately accept orders from major forces, so that the umbrella embarks on the road of rapid development.

In a few years, the market value of the umbrella company can be more than a dozen times, and if Allen continues to have star products, it will easily become a huge business empire.

However, in this way, Allen is not 100% in control of the umbrella company, and some other shareholders will have such and such investments or projects on their own.

What Alan wants to do still needs to be tried to persuade someone to do it, and although it should be easy to use Alan’s prestige, it is not what Alan wants.

“You Hammers really can’t change this scrooge model, which will hinder the development of the umbrella!” In fact, it is completely unnecessary, as long as you have been the company’s first production power, you have always maintained genius, then you have absolute authority in the company! ”

Tony doesn’t understand Alan’s approach, and in Tony’s opinion, it’s just a small mistake.

“Let’s not discuss this again, you see a beautiful woman has come!”

Alan shook his head, and then his eyes suddenly lit up, and he found a big blonde beauty swaying his body towards Ellen and Tony.

The woman wore a long skirt of an open-back evening gown, which was very high apart, her thighs in white stockings were round and slender, and a pair of stiletto heels at her feet made her walk in a variety of styles.

“Well, this is indeed a rare masterpiece, little Hammer, you know?” The last thing I know is the humility of ****, so this is your first lesson, don’t be too lost! ”

Tony immediately turned his head when he heard this, and seeing that the woman was indeed a perfect woman, he suddenly smiled at Alan and then greeted her with two glasses of wine before the beautiful woman came over.

Then Alan looked at Tony with a confused look on his face and made the beautiful woman laugh, and then walked out of the venue arm in arm with the beautiful woman and got into Tony’s limousine…

“。。。。 What is this? ”

Alan had been watching in a daze, and the pride on Tony’s face made Alan really want to pull out a gun and explode Tony’s face with a bullet.

Obviously Allen had a good chance, when the beautiful woman just walked over, her eyes had been staring at Alan, obviously very interested in Alan, especially Alan’s oriental soft beauty made the beautiful woman’s eyes glow.

But obviously, the beautiful woman could not refuse Tony’s identity and charm, and was picked up by Tony’s few words.

“Of course it was cut off!”

Natasha didn’t know when she would show up next to Alan and chuckled and said.

“Abominable, abominable!!!”

Allen’s face was livid, and he gritted his teeth and drank low, making Natasha’s smile brighter and moving, and his warm watery eyes stared at Allen:

“You’re still too young, sister, I can’t look at it anymore, look at it today is the last day of work, I’ll help you find a beautiful woman who hasn’t been corroded too deeply by these capitals!” It’s a little bit of a reward for your care and men’s mercy in the past month! ”

Natasha felt that Alan was as cute as a big boy next door at the moment, which touched a certain softness in Natasha’s heart and reminded Natasha of all kinds of past.

“This is the living atmosphere that ordinary people should have, right?” Can I really get away from the guns and bullets? ”

(Some people say Natasha is a big bus!) Let’s leave the comic strip aside, as far as the movie is concerned, I feel that Natasha is still very clean and has sincere feelings! And the Natasha set in the movie is very young, so we will take the movie setting as the standard! )

(Of course, this is not to arrange for the protagonist to eat Natasha, I have written a lot of Marvel books and never touched Natasha!) But for the character of Natasha, the little author I like very much! Trolls or detours! The small author of the re-spray bus will delete the comment? Afraid or not? )

Natasha, while thinking, wandered around the banquet, quickly locked on to the target, chatted casually in the past, woke up, and soon, a slightly pure young third-line star walked with some trepidation toward Alan, who was drinking a lot of wine.

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