“Hello, may I sit here?”

The beautiful woman asked with two points of trepidation, and Alan turned to see that it was a very long and very delicate petite beauty, with brown hair and a pair of talking eyes.

“Sure, but what is the name of the young lady?”

Alan hasn’t eaten pork and hasn’t seen a pig run? In the past life, there was no girlfriend, mostly because of poverty and lack of self-confidence, but in this world, Alan’s identity status made Alan not have a trace of lack of confidence, especially in the face of these little stars who were only barely in contact with the upper echelons of society.

Alan seemed very generous and natural, and three words dispelled the little beauty’s nervousness, and then looked at some familiar little beauty and asked:

“Are you an actor?” How do I feel I’ve seen you? ”

“Yes, I’m an actor, and you’ve met me probably because you’ve seen ‘Cabin in the Woods,’ which was released a while ago, and I’m the heroine in it!”

The little beauty smiled at the handsome man in front of her, who was eminent, younger than her, and handsome, confident and free, so that her heart would be drunk.

“The Cabin in the Woods? I’ve seen the one with a lot of horrible and legendary monsters, right? It turned out to be you, and you are so charming! ”

Alan was stunned, and then immediately remembered the movie that he had watched in his previous life, and it turned out that this little beauty was the heroine in it, no wonder some eyes were familiar.

Alan remembers that the movie from the previous life had not yet been released in 2005, but Allen was not surprised that the technological development of this world seemed to be more than ten years faster than that of the previous world.

Probably because there are a lot of Tony, Banner and the company’s existence to speed up the development of technology.

“Really? Alan, you’re also handsome, can I call you that? ”

The little beauty had been completely lost by Alan’s compliment, and looked at Alan with confused eyes, and the two rays of crimson said.

“Sure, it’s too noisy here, let’s change places, shall we?” My house is not far from here, can I invite you to sit at my house? As a fan of yours, I have a lot of questions for you! ”

“Of course, Alan, you are also an idol for many young people!”

Alan was calm in his heart, seeing this situation, where he did not know that he had succeeded, so he naturally took the little beauty’s hand and took her to his luxury car, and in his heart he sighed:

“Alas, it’s that simple? How did it feel so difficult to know a girl in a past life? Presumably it is still a bonus of money, I have now become a RMB player of all evils, right? ”

After arriving at Alan’s estate, the two of them went down a few glasses of wine in Alan’s luxurious room, and with Alan’s gentle provocation, the young men and women began to dry the wood and fire entangled together and rolled onto the bed.

With a roar, Alan finally ushered in the man’s graduation ceremony, but this was not enough, the energetic Alan vented four times this night, making the little beauty’s sweet voice a little hoarse, and she was weak before hugging each other and sleeping.

After two hours of sleep, Alan got up, took a shower and went to work, and today was the day the new assistant arrived, and Natasha resigned.

“Our little handsome guy got up very early, and his youth is full of energy!” Yesterday you were really self-taught! Come, let me introduce you, this is Susan Stone, your new assistant, graduated from Columbia University’s Department of Astrophysics! I have participated in some project research before, and now I don’t want to do research! ”

As soon as Natasha saw Alan, she made a joke, and then brought a beautiful blonde woman with black-rimmed glasses, polite and beautiful as Natasha to Alan.

“Susan Stone? You have a younger brother named Johnny Stone, right? ”

Alan was immediately amazed by the temperament beauty in front of him wearing professional clothes, but after hearing the name of this beautiful woman, he immediately asked in shock.

“Yeah, do you know I was because your brother once pursued me at school?”

Susan was not surprised that Alan knew that she knew, but generously extended her white jade hand and shook Alan, and when she shook hands, Alan clearly felt the tenderness of Susan’s small hand, which made Alan’s heart flutter.

“Well, indeed, I heard that you ended up choosing a genius graduate student among many suitors, didn’t you?”

Alan secretly said in his heart, “Sure enough”, this woman should be the invisible woman in the future Fantastic Four, but shouldn’t this woman apply for a job at Doom Space after graduation? There’s CEO and shareholder Victor Doom who is her old classmate.

“Yes, your brother Justin and my ex-boyfriend were both in their master’s studies at the time, and I was a freshman year, and they were both excellent to me!”

Susan said.


Alan raised an eyebrow.

“Yes, my last choice was a nerd who didn’t understand the style, did his research all day, and didn’t even pull my hand once!”

Susan was embarrassed to see that Alan had been asking her personal questions, and quickly made eyes at Natasha.

“Okay boy, Susan is only 4 years older than you, and now it’s your assistant again, and you have a chance isn’t it?” Let’s finish the handover of the work first! Are you still going to put everything on Susan as you did with me? It would exhaust her! ”

Natasha said.

“That’s all for the time being, but I’m now working on the company’s intelligent management system, give me another month, Miss Susan, please be sure to stick to it for a month?” I will not fail you! ”

Alan and Natasha handed over the work to Susan little by little, and this large amount of authority and workload made Susan stunned, but it did not scare Susan.

She needs to work, her brother, who will be Thunderbolt Fire in college, needs money, her parents have passed away, and now the rent is due.

It is rare that the resume submitted this time is actually valued by the big corporate umbrella company, and it is directly the assistant of the chairman and CEO Alan Hammer.

As long as she grasps this job, Susan can no longer worry about money, and her brother is no longer reliable and no longer a big deal.

“No problem, I’ll try!”

Susan said firmly.

“Very well, since you are my personal assistant, you are going to move to my manor, Natasha, you take Susan, I still have to go to the research room of the weapons department, then you have an answer from the boss?”

Alan asked.

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