Stark Industries’ stock has also begun to rise again, leaving other companies out of reach, and even Allen, the more the results of his research can not be sold and the umbrella company is not listed, he also feels that Stark Industries is an insurmountable mountain.

There are also many listed technology companies that are stronger than the umbrella company, such as Osborne Biotechnology…

Of course, Allen’s research does not stop there, but the more powerful the technology he develops, how can Alan sell it? Therefore, it can only maintain the current level, and intends to develop more powerful scientific and technological weapons in the future, and then slowly release some such as anti-tank guns and the like.

“Susan, come up and have a drink with me!”

That night, as always, at the same time, Alan’s voice made Susan, who had already poured the wine in the living room, smile.

Susan wears a loose nightgown, a pair of slippers on her slender and straight legs, and white stockings make Susan, whose skin is slightly healthy and wheat-colored, look sexy and have a literary temperament.

“BOSS, how do you feel that you are in a bad mood today because of tomorrow’s capstone prize?”

Susan handed the wine to Alan, who was already 21 years old, and looked at Alan with a slight frown, and couldn’t help but ask with some pain.

“Apex Award? No, I don’t care about that kind of thing, and I’ve gotten it twice in a row haven’t I? This time it’s Tony the guy, whoops, he’s going to be sarcastic about me! ”

Alan was stunned, then smiled, and naturally sat down next to Susan, touching the cup with Susan and speaking softly.

“That’s because of that phone call from your brother today?”

Susan took a sip of the wine and asked again.

“No, I’m used to my brother calling and arguing, since I set up the heavy weapons department, he has been a little hysterical, every year in my big money dividend to fill the heavy weapons department he doesn’t know what to study!” What a waste! ”

Speaking of this, Alan saw that Susan still had a look of concern, so he waved his hand indifferently:

“Don’t think about it, I’m just a bottleneck in my research, and I feel a little irritable about the slow progress of energy technology!”

“But fortunately, there has been a major breakthrough in the study of light-heat reaction, and the satellite over there has been completed, and only a few important devices can become the most powerful weapon in my hands today!”

“With this thing, I finally have the greatest guarantee!”

Alan took a sip of the wine in his hand and shook his head and said to Susan:

“One more drink!”

“You’re in a hurry to drink today, it won’t work, it will hurt you!”

Susan poured another cup for Alan, and today she didn’t know what was wrong, Susan was particularly emotional, looking at the big boy in front of her who had spent three years with her, Susan couldn’t help but gently reach out to try to soothe Alan’s frown.


Susan’s hand was grabbed by Allen’s instinctive reaction in mid-air, which made both of them stunned, and a different atmosphere between the eyes began to pervade.

After three years of day and night, Alan and Susan regarded each other as very important people, but never moved more intimately.

“Oh, these three years have been hard for you, especially the first year, obviously said a month, but it took a whole year to study the white queen to help you share!”

Alan returned to his senses and gently let go of Susan’s hand, and the feminine body fragrance emanating from Susan’s body made Aaron’s heart tremble slightly.

For three years, Susan accompanied Alan day and night, and most of the time Alan spent in the basement research room of the manor, Susan went to the company to deal with things, but every time it was time for dinner, Susan would come back and pull Alan out to eat.

Whenever this happened, Susan was like a woman who was afraid of loss, with a determined gleam in her eyes, as if she was saving something, not letting Alan study day and night.

Alan later learned that it was because Susan didn’t want Alan to be as addicted to research as her ex-boyfriend didn’t even pull her hand on, ignoring her presence.

Alan was at first annoyed that Susan had often interrupted her thoughts, but was defeated by Susan’s insistent look.

Later, Alan also developed the habit of eating on time every day, and going to bed on time, pulling Susan for a drink before going to bed.

Because the research is very energy-consuming, Alan has not gone out to find a woman in the past three years, even if Allen is full of energy, but the research has consumed most of Alan’s mental effort, so that Alan does not feel unbearable.

“At that time, I was really busy and my feet didn’t touch the ground, and I almost couldn’t hold on, but fortunately, BOSS, you were very good to me, and then after the white queen appeared, I began to become relaxed!”

Susan felt a little lost when she saw Alan let go of her hand, but then she seemed to remember the days when she first came to the umbrella, which was hell for Susan.

After surviving her own financial crisis, Susan wanted to resign several times, but every time she saw Alan obediently shouting for her to come to dinner, and the helplessness and irritability revealed on the company’s trivia, Susan unconsciously persevered.

Alan then gave Susan a one-percent stake in the umbrella, a huge sum of money, and Susan bought a villa for her brother next to the public university in California, and no longer had to worry about money.

1% of the umbrella company shares, if the umbrella company listed financing, it is estimated that it can break 2 trillion, then Susan’s 1% of the shares will be able to get more than 20 billion US dollars.

This was something Susan had never dared to think of before.

“Susan, accompany me to the Apex Awards tomorrow, Tony came the first two times I won the award, and this time of course I have to go to support him!”

Alan looked at Susan and said.

“It’s rare that two of your competitors would have such a friendship and feel sorry for each other!” In terms of company management, Pepper has also taught me a lot, she is simply an idol in my heart! ”

Susan said that she actually dried the wine in the glass, and then poured another glass, and a slight crimson color appeared on her face.

“That’s a really good woman, Tony’s success can’t be separated from her, and likewise, my success can’t be separated from you!” 」

Alan didn’t know if it was because he was in a hurry to drink or if he was feeling very much today, but suddenly said the words of emotion that he would not normally say, and gently shook Susan’s smooth and soft palm.

“I, I am also very grateful to the boss for your care of me… I… ”

Susan’s body trembled, and under the influence of alcohol, she felt a kind of anticipation, a wonderful feeling of trepidation, and her eyes began to drift, and she lowered her head and did not dare to look at Alan.

“Can I hug you?” Susan! ”

Alan pulled softly, and without waiting for Susan to answer, she pulled Susan into her arms, and both of their bodies trembled with this close contact, and their hearts were even more fiery.

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