“Alan, first, what did Natalie mean when she saw you on the first day, and did you often go to the outside women before?”

Just as Alan was about to act, Susan, who was trembling, suddenly whispered.

“Have you seen me go out in the last three years?” That was my first and only time! ”

As Alan spoke, she kissed Susan lightly on the lips.

“I look forward to love, I was ready when I was a student, but I have never met that person, I hope Alan you are not playing!” 」

Alan heard Susan’s bewildered words.

“I don’t know how to live without you!” Are you going to leave me behind? ”

Alan’s clear and sincere eyes and words with strong feelings instantly shattered Susan’s last trace of concern, and the last shred of sanity in Susan’s eyes was gone, replaced by endless affection.

With Allen’s initiative, Susan is also worthy of being a European and American woman, although she looks like an oriental femininity, but she is also equally bold in cooperating with it.

The clothes of the two disappeared one by one, and the accumulation of three years of affection exploded and lasted for a long time, a long time…

(Please give it over, there’s really nothing more to it!) )

The next day it was almost afternoon when Susan and Ellen woke up, and Ellen had actually woken up earlier, but after closing his eyes and traveling through the dark world, it was only after Susan opened his eyes that Ellen withdrew from the dark magic elements of the dark world.


Alan kissed Susan’s cheek and smiled as he pressed his forehead against Susan’s smooth forehead.

“Well, but it’s five o’clock now, and we actually wasted it during the day, and yesterday I had a hard time taking care of some things in advance!” After the white, how long will the Capstone Awards start? ”

Susan felt some tearing pain, and couldn’t help but glance at Alan, Susan was only for the first time, but fortunately, the white woman’s body was much stronger than the Oriental woman’s body in this regard.

Even so, Susan was defeated due to Alan’s strong body, but by then it was almost dawn.


As Susan asked, a projection suddenly shot from the ceiling of the room, and the adjustable window of the room automatically darkened, making the room much darker and making the projection clearer.

The projection is a cute and pure seven- or eight-year-old girl wearing a white dress, which is the image that Alan chose for the white queen design, and it is also the image that the white queen should have in Alan’s mind.

“Miss Susan, the Capstone Awards begin at eight o’clock in the evening, and it takes two and a half hours to fly from the manor to the Las Vegas venue in the west, and there is not much time left for two, do you need me to inform the pilot?”

Bai Hou said respectfully.

“Tell the pilot, Alan, you’re not late this time, get dressed up on the plane!” On this occasion, the sports car is not needed, let the garage side drive the black extended sedan to the lower level of the plane! ”

As soon as she talked about the right thing, Susan immediately entered the state, which was something that Susan had been accustomed to for the past three years.

Susan had only had two days off since coming to Allen three years earlier, when her brother Johnny came to see her.

“Arrangements have been made, and since the two have not eaten dinner, the chef on the plane has been arranged to start preparing!”

After Bai Hou said something thoughtful, she disappeared, and then Alan and Susan immediately got up and started getting dressed and went directly to the manor to take a helicopter.

Because even private airliners need airstrips, Allen bought a runway at a recent civilian airport, and now the time is running out, so he took a helicopter.

In the evening, on the red carpet outside the door of the Las Vegas Capstone Awards venue, a cool sports car was parked at the entrance of the venue after a flick of the tail.

The driver’s door opens and a cynical Tony Stark with sunglasses stepped out of the car, while a chubby bodyguard, Happi, hurried to close the door for Tony.

As soon as Tony got out of the car, reporters who had been gathered on the red carpet flocked to him, and the lights kept flashing to shoot the arms giant.

Tony also enjoys being in the spotlight, walking on the red carpet with a charming smile from time to time, making the reporters crazy to capture.

Just as Tony was about to enter the venue after walking the red carpet under the guidance of Hapi, a relatively restrained black extended sedan with the well-known red and silver umbrella sign of the ‘umbrella’ drove up and stopped in front of the red carpet.

Tony, who was about to leave, saw the car and immediately stopped and walked towards the car, with a very proud smile on his face.

After the extended car stopped, the driver in the black suit immediately got out of the car and respectfully opened the back seat door of the car.

A white dress, white high heels, a gorgeous temperament woman holding a calm, handsome and handsome young man got out of the car with a smile.

“Isn’t this the beautiful and moving Susan?” Wow, look who’s coming, really give me face, our big genius little Hanmer, but look at Susan’s shy look today, Alan, you’ve got it? ”

Tony walked up a few steps, gave Susan a big hug in front of him, and made a kiss gesture on Susan’s cheek, and Susan also smiled and generously kissed Tony on the cheek.

This is a very normal etiquette in the West.

Tony then came to Ellen with a look of surprise and gave Ellen a hug with open arms, and wanted to kiss Ellen on the cheek.

The sight of the helmsmen of the two supergiants suddenly ignited the atmosphere in the field, and the flashes flickered like they didn’t want money, for fear of missing every frequency.

And the helmsmen of these two giants have more explosive points in common.

All are among the greatest geniuses of this century, and all young!

Tony is in his prime and has the appearance of 35, Alan is less than 22 years old, and Susan is only 25 years old.

“Tony, I can’t stand your kiss!”

Alan smiled and whispered a warning in Tony’s ear as he embraced.

“Sigh, you are actually so active to participate in this kind of award, you know that this year’s award has nothing to do with you, is it because this time your umbrella company lost the capstone award?” To be honest, I didn’t care about this prize at all, but planned to go to the casino next to it! ”

Tony gave up on kissing Alan on the cheek and said triumphantly. Of course, Tony also knew that Alan had come to give him face, after all, he had come to help Alan the first two times.

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