“Bang!” “Bang!” “Bang!”

The sniper gritted his teeth and watched as Alan kept sniping at the run, but when Alan ran into the 500-meter range, something happened that made the sniper’s scalp tingle.

Only to see that after entering five hundred meters, every time the sniper fired, Allen would simultaneously raise his hand to shoot a shot with a revolver, and this raising action was like lightning, almost in an impossible situation and instantly lifted, the sniper thought that he had hallucinated.

If you want to become a roaming gunner, you must understand the “revolver mystery”, “rapid gun pulling” and “fancy shooting”, which are the most important basics of the three roaming gunners.

As long as the revolver is in hand, the roaming gunner can turn it into magic, not only has a special understanding of the modification of the rifling, magazine, and magazine of the revolver, but also uses the revolver much faster than other firearms, just like the human-gun combination.

Alan had reached such a level that whenever that sniper fired a shot, Alan would return the shot.

And Allen’s speed of drawing his gun, and the incredible juggling movements, are all due to Alan’s solid understanding of the roaming gunman’s foundation.

After each shot, somewhere in the distance between Alan and the sniper would explode, it was the sound of two bullets colliding together.

How could such a strange power not frighten the sniper? Can someone actually use a bullet to block a bullet? He wouldn’t have believed it without seeing the sniper killed.

Just when the sniper first had the idea of evacuating, 400 meters away, this was the range of the average elite sniper, but it was a distance that this ordinary sniper could not reach with a sniper rifle, and Allen suddenly fired another shot.


In the woods, the sniper, with his big eyes wide in horror, died here, and he couldn’t believe what he had seen today.

“Although I didn’t have enough weapons, the other side obviously underestimated me!” It’s just that this space technology must be put on the agenda! Roaming, guns and ammunition three-way technology has broken through the first awakening, only the mechanical! ”

“But the next research on the material requirements are much higher, the world’s current basic elements of materials I have tried over and over again, there is no great gain, my research has entered the bottleneck!”

Looking at the Glasses Assist system around which there were no other life features other than Johnson hiding in the car, Alan sighed and thought.

Allen’s research has reached a bottleneck, but the gains of these three years have also been enormous.

In terms of gunsmith technology, Alan has become a berserker! The study of photothermal reactions has broken through the extremely high level, in addition to the heavy firepower such as grenade launchers, bayonet launchers, etc., cannons, laser cannons, focused flamethrowers, etc. have also been successfully developed.

Then there’s the quantum bomb that’s already installed on the satellite, and Allen’s biggest reliance on satellite rays so far.

This is a science and technology reached after the breakthrough of satellite intelligent precision positioning, combined with the research breakthrough of photothermal reaction.

In addition, high-end weapons such as plasma radiators and quantum compression cannons were also studied by Allen.

Next, if you want to break through technology again and study the weapons of the second awakening, you need to study the “heavy weapon super improvement”.

But super-improvements require the use of all kinds of powerful materials to improve those heavy weapons, and in terms of materials, the existing things on Earth can no longer satisfy Allen.

In terms of ammunition experts, Alan has understood the “master of ammunition” and has become a great general!

The Ammunition Master allows Alan to be able to hold a weapon containing ammunition in his hand and be able to shoot once and fire two bullets in a row.

This may sound like nothing, but if anyone knows it, it is basically impossible to fire two shots in a row at a very fast speed, and the ballistics and accuracy of the second shot cannot be grasped, but Allen, who understands the “master of ammunition”, can do it.

Then napalms, polymer grenades, electric grenades, C4 missiles, and even laser sniper grenades and gravity grenades have all been studied by Allen.

It’s just that the Great General’s awakening skill is not some technology, but to cultivate a small team of Black Roses, this Ellen can’t do it, where to find someone to cultivate? Alan just wanted to improve his personal strength.

The technology of ammunition experts wants to make breakthroughs in the need to understand the “occupation of merit”, which requires a lot of battlefield experience, a lot of battlefield combat, a lot of battlefield experience to improve their foundation, where does Alan go to find the battlefield? Do you want to be a soldier?

Even if he is a soldier, the world is still in a relatively peaceful stage, and dealing with ordinary people can not improve Alan’s experience at all, Alan can only wait until a few big battles in the future, to see if he can understand the “battlefield merit”!

At the same time, the follow-up technology of the second awakening of ammunition experts also requires material research, which also makes Alan helpless.

The roaming gunner was very smooth, Allen directly understood the “death mark”, “shooting mastery” and dark forces, the shooting speed has reached an unprecedented level, even if there is only an automatic pistol in his hand, Alan can easily suppress hundreds of people with one person’s strength.

Alan has become a gun god, and the next step is to understand the true meaning of darkness and become the wings of the sky, which needs to be slowly and gradually, it takes time to accumulate, and it is not achieved overnight.

Only the mechanical aspect has not yet awakened, because the Ark reactor and space technology have not been developed, which hinders Allen’s development.

Since the things on Earth could no longer satisfy Alan, to go further, Alan would have to pay attention to something else.

It wasn’t absolutely impossible, and Allen came up with several options, just waiting for the opportunity.

The first way is to find a way to go to the universe, the universe of the Marvel world is very large, there are many civilizations, and there must be materials in the universe that Allen needs.

Alan knew that the future Thanos would use a knife that would be able to slash Captain America’s shield to pieces! This shows that Zhenjin is only the strongest on Earth.

And the body and surfboard of the silver surfer in Fantastic Four 2 seem to be the hardest matter in the universe and cannot be destroyed.

Think about it, the special thing about the earth is that there are several Infinity Stones on the earth, the universe is so vast, how can the hardest metal on the earth be the hardest in the whole universe?

Know that the vastness of the universe is infinite.

But now Alan had no way to go to other civilized planets, so he had to give up.

The second way is to ask Nick Fury to propose to study the cosmic cube treasured by S.H.I.E.L.D., the “Space Gem”!

You know, Tony’s arc ark reactor was originally obtained by his father Howard Stark after studying the cosmic cube due to the limitations of the technology at that time, simplifying, and then simplifying.

The new Ark reactor after that is a super energy source based on the research of the Space Cube, which is very powerful.

If Alan could study the Cube of the Universe, combined with the technology in his mind, he would definitely be able to make a breakthrough in space and energy.

However, in order to get Nick Fury to give Alan a chance to study the Cube of the Universe, Alan felt that it was a bit unreliable and was ready to weigh it up and find an opportunity to talk about it.

As for the third way, it is to cooperate with the Supreme Mage Gu Yi.

According to Alan, mages draw power from the multiverse, much like Alan, but they don’t just draw power.

Allen felt that the things in their museum, such as the Crown of Everything and the Red Cloak, might have been made from materials from other universes in the multiverse.

If he cooperated with them, Allen would be able to get more different materials to study.

As for the last method, which is also the imperative method for Allen at that time, and the most perfect way, that is, the etheric particle! That is, —-

Gems of Reality!

Yes, the Reality Gem is what Alan wants the most, why the Reality Gem?

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