Because realistic gems can convert matter and energy, a stone can be transformed into gold, silver, and diamonds using an earthly gemstone, and energy can also be converted.

This is simply one of the most amazing gems, and if Alan gets it, it will be easy to do whatever material Alan wants, whatever kind of special material he wants.

Therefore, the Reality Gem has long been the gem that Alan Nei has decided to get and must get.

As for the other gems, the space gems can still interest Alan, and the others don’t have much effect on Alan.

Psychic gems are also helpful for artificial intelligence and energy research.

In the case of the Power Gem, that annihilating energy may have inspired the gunner’s last technological “Destruction Ray”.

In short, everything is still just talk, and Alan must wait for the opportunity, but before that, now Alan actually has a very strong personal strength and will not be afraid of any challenge.

Just as Alan was thinking wildly, the sound of the helicopter in the distance made Alan look back, and he saw two helicopters flying quickly, and then more than a dozen heavily armed personnel jumped from it.

“Now the scene is up to us, clean up the battlefield, scout the nearby stealth threats, and protect Mr. Hanmer’s safety!”

As soon as they jumped from the helicopter, the dozen or so special forces began to act separately, and it was not the first time that Alan had seen such a scene, and after each attack, there would be S.H.I.E.L.D. personnel to protect themselves and clean up the battlefield.

“Mr. Hammer, the commissioner asked to speak to you!”

The leader handed a pair of headphones to Alan, leaving Alan speechless and muttering:

“Can’t you call me?” Hey, Fury, you have seen it, I am in self-defense, no one around should have witnessed me killing people! ”

“Just leave these questions to our people, who will escort you safely to your home and protect you for the next half a month!” By the way, your phone should be left by you in the car! I called, but no one answered! ”

Fury Road.

“Oh, is it? Do you have a clue over there Tony? ”

“There are only a few clues, and we don’t have enough control over there!”

Fury sighed and said that Tony was missing, and he was also a headache.

“Since that’s the case, I’ll help find it here, and if I find it, I’ll go straight to it!”

Alan raised an eyebrow, and Alan thought that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have a clue, but yes, if there was a clue, S.H.I.E.L.D. would have acted long ago.

“You go straight? You mean you’re going to save Tony Stark? Why? ”

Fury was surprised to hear that this Alan Hammer was the person he couldn’t see through.

“First, Tony is my friend! Second, I am very upset that you have been spying on me like this, and have restricted my movements in the name of protection every time! It seems that you still don’t take me seriously! ”

Allen Road.

“Mr. Hammer, you must understand that not to mention your umbrella company, just you, has a strong personal strength, don’t say it, even people at Natasha’s level can easily do great things, monitoring is a must!”

“Your almost amazing control of firearms, as well as your strong physical fitness and combat skills, have made you a different person, and your kind of organization is under the control of our organization!”

Fury immediately explained.

“Tube? Can you manage it? ”

“Of course, little Hammer, don’t underestimate the strength of our organization, what you see is just the tip of the iceberg!”

“Then I can also tell you that the me you see is only the tip of the iceberg!” Look at Fury, and soon you will know that there are many people and things in this world that you cannot control! ”

After Alan finished speaking, Fury, who did not wait for his face to change his face, wanted to say something, and hung up the call.

“Johnson, let’s go!”

Alan sat in his car and said to Johnson, who was already dazed inside.

“Gollum, oh oh, okay sir, what about these people?”

Johnson looked at Alan, swallowed hard, forcibly suppressed his shock, and asked after starting the car.

Although Johnson has always been Alan’s driver, it is the first time he has seen Alan shoot, after all, he is not Alan’s bodyguard, and there is no need for Alan to ask for a bodyguard.

“Leave them alone, let them follow if they want to!”

Alan said lightly, and then Johnson drove directly in the direction of returning to the manor, while the S.H.I.E.L.D. squad left half to clean up the scene, and the other half got into the helicopter and followed Alan for protection.

“After the white, did you mark the location of Tony last time you tracked it?” Where did he get caught? ”

When he got home, Alan asked after the dialogue in the room.

Early the morning after the Apex Prize, Alan asked the White Queen to monitor Tony’s movements, but at that time Alan did not have his own satellite, which was detected by the satellite of the Space Agency.

“Sir, this is the coordinates I watched Mr. Stark disappear last!”

White Queen cast a virtual image to mark the location where Tony had disappeared.

“Then start the search in the vicinity, but the satellite search should not be too useful, it is a place full of caves!” You calculate the approximate location, drop the infrared probe robot, find the place where the population gathers and send me a message! ”

Alan calmly commanded, and then said:

“What did Susan do today?”

“Miss Susan went to Africa today to discuss orders, and the trip is expected to be a week!”

“Okay, let me know if there’s news!”

Alan nodded, then took a shower and lay down on the bed to sleep beautifully, but this month had kept Alan dizzy.

Mainly installing quantum bombs on satellites, detection robots, and laser strike weapons, these are all strong back-ups for Allen.

Soon, two more days passed, and under the continuous calculation range of Bai Hou and the probing of the robot, a position was finally locked, and Alan immediately said to Bai Hou after seeing it


“Let the pilot of the plane get ready, carry my weapon case to the plane, and I’m going to my destination!” Contact General Ala of Afghanistan and say I’m going to borrow their airway temporarily and have them load two boxes of explosive bombs onto the plane! ”

“Okay sir!”

As Alan’s orders were delivered, the helicopter in the manor began to start slowly, carrying Alan quickly toward the airport, and soon Allen’s exclusive private Boeing airliner took off.

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