All this was seen by S.H.I.E.L.D.’s battle squad, who did not stop Allen, but truthfully reported the news to Nick Fury.

“BOSS, what do we do?” Alan Hammer is a very important weapons research and development businessman in the United States, and the umbrella company is now firmly rooted in the United States, and the FBI, CIA, etc. will never allow Allen to leave the country without authorization! ”

Coulson looked at Nick solemnly.

“The umbrella is not important, what is important is Alan Hammer, as long as he is there, he can always have another umbrella company, Tony is gone, and the American government will definitely be afraid of losing this last weapon competitiveness!”

Fury had a gleam of wisdom in his eyes, and it took a while before he commanded:

“Block the DoD, the FBI, the CIA and other organizations, just say I know Alan Hammer’s purpose, and I’ll explain it to them later!” Then mobilize satellite resources and closely monitor Alan Hammer! ”

Speaking of which, Fury looked out the window and muttered:

“Maybe it’s really like this little Hammer said, and what we see of him is just the tip of the iceberg!” We have analyzed his intelligence many times, and perhaps this time, we can see his true face! ”

Five hours later, Alan’s feet were on the land north of Afghanistan, and a bearded Afghan general greeted him warmly, giving Alan a big hug

“Dear Alan, it’s been a long time coming, and you haven’t been here in person for the last year!”

“General Allah, this time borrowing your airstrip hopes that it will not delay your business, and these two boxes of half a million explosive shells are my compensation!” Maybe borrow your helicopter and pull me 300 kilometers to the south! ”

Alan waved, and two strong men on the airliner immediately pushed two large boxes of bullets over with carts.

These five hundred thousand burst shells don’t look like bullets, but the burst bombs are 50 US dollars, and the two boxes here are exactly twenty-five million US dollars, and because the bullets are consumed the fastest, the explosive bombs and penetrating bullets have no market, so this gift is not light, and immediately made the bearded general Ala smile and immediately said:

“No problem, but three hundred kilometers to the south, if you want to go there, you should go to the US military base over there to be closer, right?” How did it stop at me? ”

The United States has invested a lot in Afghanistan, there are several military bases, which is also the reason why the United States people are hated by some countries in the world, why do you build military bases in my place?

“For some reason, I kind of sneaked out, and there must be complaints about me over there, or don’t look for discomfort, and I also came to see my old friend aren’t you?” I’ll do things for a few days, and when I come back, I’ll have a good drink with you, and introduce you to a big arms dealer! ”

Allen and Tony’s methods of selling things are not the same, Tony only sells a lot of things to the United States, and coming to Afghanistan to sell Jericho missiles is actually allowed by the US military.

After all, the U.S. military is only nominally helping the Afghan government forces to consolidate the state power before establishing military bases here.

Alan is different, every time Allen has a big demand for the other party, Alan will bypass the United States and run directly to talk to people in person, so Susan is only in Africa now, which is the place where weapons are the most consumed.

And for the world’s most rigorous defense of the United States, Allen secretly helped them build dozens of factories, and then handed over the explosive bullets, penetration bullets, and ordinary modified firearms and heavy weapons technology to them.

** Now is the world’s factory, Allen built a few factories there is very ordinary, Allen declared that it is his factory, ** also produced in addition to the equipment in his own country’s army, the rest of the goods to sell, and give Alan some dividends.

However, the ** of this world is very low-key, and the basic major events have no ** figure, which also makes Alan very satisfied, and the ** of this world should live in peace.

So Allen didn’t interfere too much, and with the technology that Allen provided, it was more than enough to maintain his own deterrent.

“Okay, then I’ll wait for your good news, it seems that you are not ready to use the sumptuous lunch I have prepared, and I will arrange a helicopter for you!”

The bearded Ala was very cheerful and immediately arranged a helicopter for Alan, who got into the helicopter with a huge box and soon came to the periphery of the location.

“Right here, open the hatch, me and the box are going down!”

The hatch opened, and Alan pushed out the silver half-human high metal box, and then jumped himself in the driver’s horrified eyes.

When he was about to land, Alan’s foot gently stomped on the metal box, and the box “banged” and fell into the desert, and Alan landed on the ground lightly.

“After the white, report the position, detect the life situation, if you attack from the front, Tony is afraid that his life will not be saved, use the satellite to scan the location of the cave for me, I dig the hole from behind, this small digging robot is for this matter!”

Alan came to the far side of the cave where Tony was being held, and in the distance he saw that it was a col, with a lot of tents in it, a lot of terrorists busy there.

“There is a weak point in the west, and it is possible to make a hole from there to connect the cave, and the vital signs of Tony Stark have been detected, please rest assured sir!”

Bai Hou probed for a while and then said directly.

“Let’s get started!”

Alan dragged the large box to the back of the cave, then opened the box, took out a most occupied drilling car from inside, like a small tank, and at the click of a button, the drilling car started itself and frantically drilled inside.

Alan followed behind with a calm face.

The drilling machine was specially developed by Allen, there was almost no sound, and it was drilled into the soft soil of the desert cave, so it was almost silent, and by the time the hole was only half a meter away from Tony’s cave, Alan had heard Tony’s voice with his ears.

“You don’t look like a Jellico missile


Ethan looked at the blue-and-white glow on the table in front of Tony and said as if it were the most beautiful jewel in the world.

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