“Young man, don’t be impulsive! You have a unique temperament and imprint, obviously influenced by the ** thought, then you should know the reason for asking for a price and sitting on the ground to pay back! We, there’s still something to talk about! ”

Fury was pointed at Alan’s gun, even though he knew that the young man in front of him had the strength and courage to shoot himself, but Fury was not at all moved, and said calmly.

In fact, what Fury is afraid of is still what is on Allen’s satellite, the power of the quantum bomb needless to say, if it explodes in New York, then at least it can destroy the entire Manhattan area.

And what Fury did not expect was that two days ago he ordered the destruction of Allen’s satellite, but the eight intercontinental missiles launched were destroyed at a distance of tens of thousands of meters from the satellite.

Can laser weapons reach a range of tens of thousands of meters? The facts are in front of us, and Fury can’t believe it.

So since this is the case, Fury began to boldly guess that Allen’s laser weapon mounted on the satellite has a range of more than ten thousand meters, and can even strike any corner of the earth directly from outer space, if this is the case, then it is too terrible.

The high-precision satellite launched by Allen belongs to the dual-use satellite of communication and observation, in fact, the general observation satellite does not come out of the atmosphere, because the atmosphere will block the observation.

Only communication satellites are in outer space, and the farthest one from Earth is more than 30,000 meters, while Allen’s is only 20,000 kilometers, so Fury has reason to believe that Allen’s laser weapon is another gun hanging over the heads of people around the world.

Since Alan has done it, no matter what organization faces the earth, Alan already has the capital to negotiate the price, which is why Alan finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing his satellite launch.

“Sit on the ground and pay back? Then I don’t play with you guys, anti-tank guns, grenade launchers and 300 consecutive automatic pistols can be sold, electronic camouflage technology I give your sky carrier installation for free and can take the time to guide your researcher technology, other things are not to talk about! ”

Alan said with a serious face.

“Laser grenades, and your kind of shooting martial arts, I want both of these things, I can completely suppress your affairs, and you can also mention a condition!”

Fury looked at Alan and said with the same seriousness.


As Fury’s voice fell, Alan fell silent, and there was silence in the field!

Hill, Natasha and Coulson all felt the solemnity, the cold sweat oozing from his forehead, and the more he knew Alan, the more he felt Alan’s mystery and strength.

In the satellite shooting that day, Allen’s box still contained several weapons that Alan had not taken out and used, and he did not know what it was for.

But judging from the other weapons that Alan had brought out, most of them were also very powerful weapons.

“Director Nick Fury, right, I know you have a treasure of S.H.I.E.L.D., I wonder if I have the privilege of accessing it?”

In this solemn atmosphere, Alan’s words made Fury immediately not calm down, and his face changed in a deep voice:

“What do you mean?” What do you know? ”

“There’s a basement in our Hammer’s old house, the manor house left behind after my father’s death, and about ten years ago, I accidentally ran in and saw it, and it was a codex left by my grandfather that interested me! So I secretly stole the codex and studied it carefully! ”

Alan looked at the nervous four people, his wrist shook, the revolver in his hand was put away by Alan, and then Alan smiled slightly, poured himself a glass of wine and said slowly

“This codex taught me a lot about World War II! And the more I learned, the stranger I became, because World War II was an era of technological explosion, and of course war promoted technology, which is very normal! ”

“But there should be a lot of this kind of war-promoted technology that is crazy, such as the deepest hole in the world that the Soviet Union drilled at that time, which is the deepest hole drilled in the world so far!”

“There was also the Soviet ‘werewolf’ program, which spliced the body of a wolf with the body of a living person to create a werewolf warrior or something. These are crazy ideas! ”

“However, these are all things that our current technology can do, although the werewolf plan is likely to fail now, we should try more advanced genetic modification technology!”

“However, I found a lot of records of advanced technology in the codex, such as the creation of the super soldier serum of Captain America, which is something that even Osborne Industry and the military have invested a lot of resources to develop without any results!”

“If my grandfather is right, one of Hitler’s war science research and development departments called Hydra, the Hydra, once waged war against Norway for a ridiculous reason!”

“Then this Hydra department should have gotten something amazing in Norway, actually began to expand wildly, and developed energy weapons and prepared to conquer the world!”

“That’s not a fake style, my grandfather got the sample, and it was also placed in the basement of the old house, which was a real energy weapon… Energy weapons were developed during World War II, and if I were the leader of Hydra, I would also swell! ”

Alan shook his head and said that these were all true things, and that there were indeed Grandpa Alan’s codexes in Alan’s father’s manor, but some of them were made up by Alan based on the memories of his past life, and the nine truths and one false appearance made the four of them unable to hear any flaws.

“But when I started studying weapons, I studied the sample weapon, which was just a very ordinary firearm weapon, and there was no device for generating and absorbing energy!”

“It wasn’t until I found the bullet still inside from the gun’s clip that I didn’t know what treasure Hydra had gotten at that time!”

Alan said with a mysterious face, at this time Nick already wanted to look up to the sky and sigh, Nick understood that Alan knew about the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

“That kind of bullet, a kind of bullet that can store high-density energy crystals, is easy to build, but with the energy technology at that time, it is impossible to make this energy crystal, even now, it takes a nuclear power plant to achieve such a large frequency of instantaneous output, so that the energy condenses into crystals!”

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