Speaking of this, Alan had a smile on his face and stared at Fury word for word:

“So, at that time, Hydra should have gotten a super energy body in Norway, with unlimited energy, and the output power was large enough!” This can easily support the entire Hydra army! Is it? ”

Allen’s eyes looked at Fury a little uncomfortable, so Fury said:

“There is such a thing, but what exactly are you trying to say?”

“Don’t pretend, then Captain Rice fought Hydra and fell into the Arctic ice sea with Hydra’s evil monsters, a story I knew from the comics when I was a child!” My grandfather’s codex also had newspapers that reported it! ”

“And for some equipment reasons, my grandfather knew that the United States had given the task of salvaging the captain of the United States to Stark Industries to do, and Howard Stark personally salvaged it, but it turned out to be nothing!” Originally, I was convinced of this statement… ”

Allen Road.

“But the stuff on Tony Stark’s chest makes you suspicious of that, doesn’t it?”

Nick answered.

“Yes, to put it bluntly, for some reason, I’ve been investing huge amounts of money in energy sources for research and development, and I’ve studied the nature of energy more thoroughly than Tony!”

“Tony couldn’t see it, but I could see that Stark Industries’ Arc Ark reactor was a simplified weakened version of a super energy source, which Howard Stark had done because of the technology and equipment of the time!”

“That said, that Hydra’s super energy source must have been salvaged by Howard Stark, who touched and studied this kind of thing!”

“Howard Stark has always been close to the top brass of the military, and later became an advisor to the World Security Council, and I have reason to believe that Hydra’s super energy source is right with you!”

Alan said in one breath the perfect analysis he had already made up, making Nick show a “he really knows” expression, and sighed heavily before saying:

“So you want to study the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube?” This is impossible, I did not have the full strength to do so, the Cosmic Cube has been sealed, and if I want to restart the research, I also need to make a lot of requests and reports to the above! ”

Fury had actually wanted to study the Cosmic Cube for a long time, because Fury had always had a keen sense of crisis.

But Fury is also well aware that if there is no real crisis, those in the World Security Council will not agree to restart the Cosmic Cube weapons program.

“Although I don’t know your research plan, once you restart the research on this super energy body that you call the ‘Cosmic Cube’, why don’t you just use the energy of this energy body to make weapons?”

“It’s just a way to go by the end of the day! To tell you the truth, I’m also exploring new super energy and have some gains and ideas, if you let me go and study it, once my research is successful, then Tony will have a competitor, which is what you want to see, right? ”

Speaking of this, Alan saw that Fury was a little moved, and immediately added a fire channel:

“If I succeed, how about I promise to work with you to build energy weapons for you?” And if you have energy source technology, you think about what kind of weapons you will have, this is a great opportunity! Just let me study the Cosmic Cube! ”

In order to improve his strength, Alan made a decision regardless of his disregard, although Alan did not want to make countless Iron Men appear in the world, but for his own strength, Alan could only say this to move Fury.

As for whether Alan would fulfill his promise at that time, it was up to Alan to decide.

“Well, I promise you, but you need to promise me one condition in addition to 300 consecutive automatic pistols, laser grenades, and shooting fights!”

Fury said with a twinkle in his eye.

“What conditions?”

Alan raised an eyebrow.

“Do you know what the world will be like if you really succeed and work with us?” The attack two years ago has traces of our organization, and I want you to promise me that if you really succeed, you must stick to this technology and not share it with the outside world! ”

“Don’t you believe in great personal strength?” Then enjoy the improvement of yourself, this world needs high-end combat power… But you don’t need everyone to become a high-end combat force! ”

Fury stared dead at Alan and said in a deep voice.

After so many years of career, Fury understood that there are many things in this world that are uncontrollable, and it is a fool’s dream to control and regulate everything.

For Hulk, Allen, and others with strong personal strength, cooperation and guidance are the preferred methods in Fury’s mind.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. is only an organization under the World Security Council, Fury has a vision of the world, and Fury knows that once the technology of this energy source is shared, then the earth will not be far from destruction.

The earth is not ready to meet the arrival of the energy age, which still needs time and technology, other technologies must keep up, the earth is qualified to control energy!

“Hahaha, S.H.I.E.L.D., Nick Fury, you make me look at me, you are really thinking about the direction of this world, and I am just pursuing strength!” I promised you! ”

Alan was stunned, and after a while he suddenly burst out laughing, and then continued to Fury:

“Shooting martial arts can only be done by a talented person like Natasha, so only she can teach it, but this is equivalent to helping you cultivate a trump card, isn’t it?” And because of her physical fitness, Natasha couldn’t have reached my level! ”

“Is that so? How did your body get to this point? ** Kung Fu? Natasha has also learned ah, is it the legendary ‘qi’? That should be a lie, right? ”

Fury has always been curious about the physical qualities that Alan seems to have reached or even surpassed the captain of the United States.

“I don’t know if ‘chi’ is a lie, but I was born to feel an energy that should come from the multiverse and draw it on to strengthen my body and speed!”

Alan didn’t hide it either, and even if Fury knew about it, he couldn’t copy it

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