“Multiverse? Forget it, then I will find an opportunity to take you to one of our secret bases recently, you will study it there, there are equipment and instruments there, and if you have enough research, you will come out, and you can’t go a second time! ”

Fury Road.

Fury felt that Alan was more mysterious at this time, and even a little nervous, but today he got a huge benefit, especially several of Alan’s weapons can make S.H.I.E.L.D. greatly improved, so that Fury, who was ready to slowly observe Alan, was already a little impatient to go back and prepare first.

“Finally, the production of these weapons sold to you this time is not large, and you had better match your elite squad or something, such as laser grenades that are hundreds of them a month!” However, I will not sell these special heavy weapons to other forces, you can rest assured, if there is a problem outside, then there must be something wrong with you! ”

Allen said.

Allen did not mass-produce these special heavy weapons, otherwise the world would be full of artillery fire, after all, the market share of Allen’s umbrella is too large today.

“I hope you do what you say, then I won’t bother you today, and I’ll let Hill communicate with you in detail!”

Fury couldn’t wait to take the three Natasha away after he finished speaking, and Alan began to prepare, the research time of the Cosmic Cube was limited, and Alan had to go all out.

“That thing has to be gotten to get it, and if you follow the plot, there’s a chance to not let Tony suspect it!”

Another week passed, and on this day Tony suddenly sent a call invitation:

“Alan, Ethan. He’s dead….. I’m about to set off to start my first battle, are you going to see? ”

Tony’s voice was low, with anger.

“Well, well, you go first, and I’ll come later.”

Alan didn’t expect to have rescued Ethan, but Ethan was still dead.

“Death may be the home that Ethan has chosen for himself.”

Ethan knew that his hometown was very dangerous. But he resolutely returned to the hometown where he was born and raised. Alan had only admiration for this.

This week, Alan was busy in the underground laboratory of the manor, sorting out the things in his mind about the mechanic’s energy technology as much as possible, sorting out his ideas, and preparing for the research of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

In the middle of the Susan came back for a trip, saw that Alan was busy, although she missed Alan very much and wanted to be intimate with Alan, but she still did not bother, and then she was busy dealing with the company’s affairs.

“White Queen, target Ethan’s hometown and call me when Tony arrives!”

Alan commanded.

“Okay sir!”

Bai Hou immediately began to do it.

By the time the White Queen calls Allen, Tony has already started fighting, and Alan silently watches Iron Man kill below in the underground laboratory.

This is Ethan’s hometown and the place where Ethan was killed.

The gang of terrorists who had caught Tony last time had arrived here.

Alan knew Tony was really angry. In fact, Tony is still good, as long as it is a friend recognized by Tony, even if you follow him and scold him, Tony will not be angry. Instead, sometimes Rhode and Pepper throw a tantrum at Tony and are kind enough to persuade Tony.

Although generally throwing tantrums at Tony is Tony’s own doing. What a pigeon, what a willful act or something.

Allen, who had truly seen the power of steel armor for the first time, even though he already knew what it looked like, he still couldn’t help but feel a little moved and envious.

After all, steel machinery is cool in the eyes of men.

It is worthy of the thing that can make an ordinary person turn into a superhero in an instant. No wonder when Iron Man was two, Tony was sure that the armor could prevent nuclear intimidation, and that he could maintain world peace by himself.

Alan just silently watched Tony under the white projection, and when Tony was almost killed, he was ready to go back. But just as he was about to go back, he saw Tony flying in the air being knocked down by a tank.

So Alan stopped and didn’t leave right away, because he knew it wasn’t over yet.

Tony who was shot down was a bit on fire. It was supposed to be the perfect first battle, and Tony had already scanned that Allen, whom he valued, was watching from the satellite, and was beaten down in shame.

This made Tony’s face a little hanging.

Tony, who had climbed up, thought about it and watched as the tank actually fired another shot at him. After turning to dodge, he extended his right hand, and a small high-precision armor-piercing shell was fired from his hand. Then turn around and walk away without looking.

After walking two steps, he scanned for a lot of missiles he had developed nearby, the Jellico. So angry that he flew into the air and fired energy cannons at these missiles.

Destroyed almost after a dashing turn flew away. And answered Alan’s phone.

“Alan, you should have seen it, how’s it going?”

After the battle, Tony asked confidently.

“Well, very powerful, what about Ethan?”

Hearing Alan ask about Ethan, Tony was silent for a moment:

“Ethan was cremated by the people in his hometown, so it’s also Ethan’s own choice.”

“And I have something to deal with now, I heard that during this time when my company’s stock plummeted, you began to buy a lot?” How many more? ”

Tony asked.

“11% of it, I ate all the people on the market who sold it!” Some small shareholders in your company can’t stand it! ”

Alan replied.

“There is vision, but I think the way we worked together last time was a bit bad, Alan! Have you ever thought that we would work together a little more closely? ”

Tony said suddenly.

“A little tighter? What to say? ”

“This time someone was dealing with me, and I could already guess who it was. I hope that person will stop shooting at me, otherwise don’t blame me for ignoring the feelings of these years. When the time comes, I will give you 10% after eating that person’s shares! Then I’ll give you another 10% of my own shares! Also give me 20% of your umbrella shares, we hold shares in each other, so that our relationship is the closest! ”

Tony’s confident words.

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