In the plot of “Iron Man 2”, Tony because of the chest Ark reactor nuclear fusion of the main component of the metal palladium, with the output of high power, the neutrons of palladium metal will be damaged, the fireplace of the ark reactor will smoke, and the poison of palladium metal will flow into Tony’s body.

Tony frantically searched for an alternative to palladium, but he couldn’t find any, and he felt that he was going to die, so he straightened Pepper and made Pepper the CEO of Stark Industries.

Tony, not wanting to hand over the steel armor to the government, then makes a big fuss at the court-martial, offending a group of high-ranking officers and dignitaries on the spot, and feuding Justin Hammer Hammer for that stinky mouth.

This makes Pepper very unhappy with Tony.

Originally, Pepper’s position as CEO was talked about by the outside world, saying that she was not qualified enough, relying on relationships, relying on body, and so on.

Pepper was very worried and suffered a lot of difficulties.

Tony didn’t have time to help Pepper sit in his position because he was looking for a replacement for palladium. This makes Pepper very incomprehensible to Tony, causing some misunderstandings between the two.

Because Tony was afraid that Pepper was worried, he did not tell Pepper about his poisoning, and Pepper did not know that Tony was busy saving his life, thinking that Tony just liked to play and did not want to care about her.

Tony’s big military court made Pepper’s situation more difficult, facing the difficulties of all parties, and then there was a Vanke imitation reactor thing, all of which made Pepper can only support bitterly.

Tony was irritated that he had never found a substitute for palladium.

Tony is exhausted and wants to give up on himself, so Tony plans to take advantage of his birthday to have a good hi, otherwise he may not have a chance.

However, at the birthday party, Tony overplayed it, making Pepper disappointed in Tony.

On the other hand, Roddy is also forced by the military top brass to get the steel suit because he is Tony’s good friend or the communication bridge between Tony and the military.

Forced to have nowhere to go, Roddy wants to consult with Tony and have better come up with a solution. However, he was perfunctory by the irritable Tony under various excuses.

Seeing that Tony didn’t deal with the right thing first, and played so much on his birthday. Roddy is also angry, after all, Roddy helps Tony in front of the military every day, so that the military does not directly grab it, but he did not expect that Tony was actually playing.

So Roddy snatched Tony’s suit and fought with Tony and then went back to his life in his suit.

Tony, knowing Pepper and Roddy’s difficulties, did not stop Roddy, but instead gave Roddy the steel suit.

One is to allow Roddy to go back to work, and the other is to make it less difficult for Pepper from all walks of life.

Anyway, the ownership of the steel suit is still in Tony’s hands (Pepper mentioned it on the phone when Iron Man II was on the phone). And the energy source of the steel suit was also in Tony’s hands, and Tony wasn’t afraid of anything.

That’s the plot of Iron Man 2.

Obviously Tony, Pepper and Roddy sat down together to discuss the perfect solution to the matter, but it was made like this by Tony, which is also Tony’s talent.

And if Allen eats the shares this time, then he can support Pepper as the second largest shareholder of Stark Industries.

In this way, in the future, when Alan also wants to push Susan out of the company and completely withdraw from the company’s affairs, he will definitely get the help of Tony and Pepper.

Of course, Susan’s affairs are much easier to handle than Pepper’s things, after all, the umbrella is simply Alan’s words, and Allen’s main reason for buying this insurance is to deal with pressure from the outside world.

“Can you boy handle this kind of thing?” Don’t think that after knowing a lot of people over the years, you think that your connections are good, this thing is very difficult to do! But your boy is very mysterious, has he been exposed to some special organization? ”

Tony wasn’t at all surprised that Alan had his own connections.

When Tony was kidnapped, even the military couldn’t find him, but Alan was able to find him, doesn’t that tell the story?

Now that Tony knows the importance of personal strength, he is not so shocked that someone with great power can strengthen some energetic organizations.

“You’ll know later, because you’re also a person with great personal strength now, and when it comes to exposure, this organization will definitely come to you!”

Alan said vaguely, but that alone gave Tony a rough idea.

“Was it an organization that specialized in dealing with a nuclear-bomb-level figure like you?” Yes, since you exist and I am now here, then there must be more than two of us in this world, I am looking forward to the world more and more! ”

Tony said with some excitement.

“So when are you going to start shooting?” After dealing with this incident, I have things that may need to disappear for a while! ”

Ignoring Tony’s excitement, Alan said quietly.

“Disappear? What do you mean? But now is not the time to say this, I will go back and start to prepare and start to act, and your side will prepare as soon as possible, so that I will not be in a hurry! ”

At the thought of Ethan’s death, Tony’s eyes lit up with determination.

Carl hears that knowing that Tony will then let Pepper hack into Stark Industries’ host computer to find evidence of Obady’s crime, which is somewhat dangerous, but it is not a big problem.

“When the time comes, you must help me ask Obadai if my attack was his handiwork!” Let’s go here today and let’s each get started! ”

After Alan finished speaking in the manor research room, he directly asked Bai Hou to cut off the call, and then said to Bai Hou:

“After the white, is Susan back?”

“Returned three days ago sir, do you need me to inform Miss Susan?” At this time she is in the manor to receive your brother, Mr. Justin Hammer! ”

Bai Hou replied.

“My brother is coming?” Then I’ll go check it out and find Fury later. ”

When Alan heard that Justin was coming, he rubbed his forehead with some helplessness, sighed, and walked close to the elevator of the laboratory to the upstairs practice room, and then went from the practice room to the bedroom to the reception hall.

“I said I was going to see my brother, and since you said he was in that damn lab, you should go and call him out to me!”

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