Before Alan could go downstairs, he heard Justin Hammer’s roar, and it was obvious that Justin Hammer was speaking to Susan.

“Mr. Hammer, my boss doesn’t like to be disturbed when he’s in the lab, you can call him yourself or wait until it’s time for dinner and he’ll come out on his own!”

In the face of Justin’s angry attempt, Susan sat on the sofa with a pair of beautiful legs folded, beautiful big eyes and stared at Justin without fear, and said in a calm and unobtrusive tone.

“Calling? That kid blacked me out a week ago, and I have to see him today! Does he still want to hide from me for the rest of his life? ”

When it comes to the phone call, Justin is even angrier, which also makes Susan cry and laugh, she did not expect Alan to use this childish method.

“Brother, I didn’t want to hide from you, but I have important things to do these days and don’t want to be disturbed, so I temporarily blocked your phone!”

At this time, Alan came down from the stairs with two glasses of wine, walked over to the two of them, handed Justin a glass of wine, and then turned his head and leaned over Susan’s forehead and kissed her and smiled

“Susan, how about giving our two brothers some time alone?”

“Okay, I’ll wait for you above!”

Susan blushed a little and looked at Justin over there because of Alan’s arrival looking a little complicated as a result, whispered a word, and stepped on the slippers and walked upstairs on the beautiful legs.

Susan and Ellen hadn’t seen each other in a month, and Susan missed Ellen a lot, but now was clearly not the time to make love.

After Susan left, Alan and Justin sat alone on the couch and fell silent.

“Your assistant is good, it seems that Alan you have grown up, and I was crazy to pursue Susan when I was a student!” Only in the end she chose a nerd I despised! ”

I don’t know how long later, after Justin’s glass drank all the wine, Justin finally stared at Alan with a complicated look and said slowly.

Outside, Justin is an eight-faced man, very self-acquainted, and has a somewhat thick skin.

He has often tried to contact Tony, but he has not been given the opportunity to speak again and again by Tony, but Justin has never shown his anger and is always smiling.

Only now when facing his own extraordinary achievements, which has been compared with Tony again and again by the media, will Justin put his emotions on his face.

“I know this, brother, today about the two of us brothers, what do you say, if you want to get some benefits from me, then no problem, we have everything to discuss, but if you want technology, then don’t worry!” 」

Alan didn’t know what to do with his brother for a while, he only hoped to give some sweetness and let his brother be quiet for a while.

“Ha, you’re really my good brother!” Are you treating me like a rich second generation who needs his brother’s help? ”

Alan’s words immediately irritated Justin, and he suddenly stood up and pointed at Alan and said loudly

“When my father divided our Hanmer Industrial Division in two, the most profitable light weapons department in the heavy weapons department and the light weapons department gave you, but the most expensive heavy weapons department gave me!”

“Now you are even more selfish to set up a heavy weapons department, and even bother to consult with me, every time I call you, you are perfunctory, do you still have my brother in your heart?”

The more Justin talked, the angrier he became, the louder he became, and finally he almost pointed at Alan’s nose and scolded the mother.

“Brother, you agreed to the original thing, is it interesting to say it now?” My small arms department does make money, but half of the annual revenue goes into your pocket! ”

“How can the gains in the small arms sector have not only increased a hundredfold in my hands? These are all you earned, what are you complaining about? People outside are saying hello, there is my cash cow helping you! ”

In the face of Justin’s questioning, Alan said quietly, and the mockery in his words was heard by everyone.

“You dare to say! You just look down on your brother and me, have you always felt that I have hindered the development of your umbrella company? ”

Sure enough, Justin was even angrier when he heard this, his eyes were bloodshot, and he said angrily.

“Yes, to be honest, I respect you, but at the same time I look down on you!”

Alan nodded faintly, and then without waiting for Justin to hear what he wanted to say even more angrily, Alan continued to say lightly:

“You want the heavy weapons division to be run like this in the past?” Every year, a lot of money from me is invested in it without a goal, and when I see other companies that have a place in the arms market, they try to use the means to buy it, or dig up the wall, or tempt the shareholders! ”

“You get a grenade technology from this one today, you get a howitzer technology from that house tomorrow, and the money is spent like a flowing water, but it is only to expand the size of the company, but what about the market?” How much market share do you capture? 3%? 4%? ”

“Do you get the companies that really have star products?”

Alan unceremoniously accuses Justin of being incompetent, with no burden at all.

“It’s not because of you, because of you and I lost market share!”

Justin’s face turned red with a roar.

“So you came to me today to pour out your grievances?” Because of your brother, I have improved all the heavy weapons on the market, causing my brother to lose market share? ”

Alan smirked.


“Come on, if I hadn’t entered the heavy weapons market, do you think you would have been able to grab it?” More than 1% or 2%? You have never been able to get your hands on your own technology, your researchers are also a group of waste wood that you don’t know from which university, and since you can’t eat this big cake in the heavy weapons market, aren’t you allowed me to eat it? ”

Alan continued unceremoniously:

“And the unique heavy weapons I have developed are only sold to a few organizations, and they are not sold at all, and those sold outside are only products that I have slightly improved, they are just ancillary products that I have researched, and they are my boring and casual work!”

In the face of Allen, who did not give face today, Justin gasped for breath, but there was a trace of weakness in his eyes, and then he took a deep breath and said:

“Well, Alan, I’m not here today, I’m looking for you to cooperate!”

“Cooperation? It’s really fresh, let’s hear it? ”

Seeing that Justin was soft, Alan did not continue to speak, in fact, Alan has certain feelings for Justin, and even if Alan competes for Justin’s company, does Justin not still have a stake in Alan’s small arms department?

As long as Allen is still around, then Justin will not have a problem enjoying life as a super-rich man for the rest of his life.

So even if he knew the plot of Iron Man 2, Alan wasn’t worried at all.

“Alan, listen to me, I know that you are very good at material synthesis, and you have synthesized thirteen very useful new materials!”

Hearing that Alan was interested, Justin quickly calmed down his emotions and slowly became a little excited to continue:

“I asked my experts on my side to take a closer look at these 18 materials and determine that they were able to develop several star products, the three most valuable of which are ‘Sky Crystal’, ‘Lower Element Crystal’ and ‘Lower Harden’!”

The more Justin spoke, the more excited he became, not seeing that when Justin said the names of these three materials, Allen’s face instantly sank.

“Alan, for these materials you have not developed well, maybe you do not have extra energy, after all, your mind is on weapons, then you give these materials to me to develop, these 18 materials can completely involve all aspects of science and technology, we will build a new business empire!” 」

Justin clenched his fists in excitement, he seemed to see the apex prize beckoning to him, he saw countless flowers and applause fluttering and roaring for him.

You know, sometimes synthesizing a very versatile new material can turn a poor student into a billionaire in an instant.

Alan has synthesized 18 kinds of materials that involve all aspects, and you can imagine how huge the benefits are.

“Brother, how did you know the information about these three materials?”

Just when Justin was excitedly talking about it, Alan suddenly interrupted Justin’s words in a low voice, and looked at Justin with sharp eyes, looking at Justin uncomfortably.

“Alan, aren’t all the materials you synthesized publicly available in your ‘hive’ research base?” The properties of each material are in the ‘hive’ database! ”

Justin argued.

“Come on, ‘Hive’ is my secret underground research institute, the secrecy is very strict, and under the monitoring of the Red Queen, you can’t get it at all, even if there are your people in the ‘Hive’, but what about the other three?” In my own underground research institute, I have never published any data on these three materials! ”

Alan’s face was a little ugly at this point.

It is not because of the leak of his own data that is ugly, after all, although the LAN in Allen’s own underground research room stores data on these three materials, it is only the finished data of these three materials.

If you don’t know the synthesis method, no one can copy it.

Allen’s ugly thing is that his brother may have been used by some people.

Although the Red Queen has been invaded countless times in the past three years, only once has it really broken through the network of the private underground base of Ellen Manor, that time even Fury can not find any clues, most likely Hydra did it.

Although it was only a few seconds before Alan cut off the power, some of Alan’s research data was also stolen, and Alan did not care about it.

Because even if they stole something, they couldn’t copy it.

But now his brother Justin is standing in front of him asking for the synthesis data of these three materials, which shows that someone is using Justin to achieve the purpose of obtaining these three synthetic materials.

Sky Crystal: A universal material like vibranium, but without the hardness of vibranium, it is somewhat fragile, and the hardware used by Allen to make supercomputers makes the computing speed of the red queen and the white queen invincible.

Lower element crystallization: Allen found two materials in the deep sea, volcanic magma plus some technical synthesis, has a very strong conductivity and endurance of energy.

Allen’s quantum compression cannons, gravity grenades, laser weapons, and other energy pipes are all made of lower-level element crystals, and only this material can withstand these powerful energies.

Inferior hardener: This is a super material that can quickly shape any metal that is melted and deformed by high temperature and improve its toughness, hardness, and conductivity by one grade, which is the most important thing in sharpshooter technology.

The guns that Allen made could not be assembled after being disassembled by the weapons experts outside, and they felt that the guns made by Allen simply violated the gun principle.

In fact, this is not the case, because the assembly of these firearms is all instantaneously formed with this inferior hardener, and it is not assembled at all.

“Well, since I already know it, Alan, you just say, don’t cooperate with your brother and me, you know that we are a family!”

Although Justin does not learn any techniques, he still knows the value of Allen’s materials, so this time he ran to Alan with a cheeky face and wanted to cooperate with Alan.

Justin felt that he and Alan were brothers after all, and Alan himself did not have the energy to develop the use of these materials, and he should be very happy to agree to himself.

“Don’t think about it, brother, I’ve promised to work with Tony Stark to develop the use of these materials, and as for those three materials, which are my core secrets, no one should try to get them from me!”

Alan looked at Justin inexplicably and said lightly.

“To, Tony Stark? Alan, you cooperate with him to give such a great deal of interest to an outsider and reject your brother and me? Are you still my brother? We can talk about the distribution of benefits slowly, how much does he Stark, how about I am 10% less than him? ”

Justin heard the words in disbelief at first, and then said with an ugly look on his face.

“Impossible, I trust Tony more than you do, at least he knows how to think, doesn’t he?” I won’t ask who told you about these three materials, but I bet that if I really give you the three materials, in a few days the finished and synthetic materials of these three materials will be stolen in your company! Why don’t the people who tell you the news come to me themselves? ”

Allen felt that Justin was simply overwhelmed by interests, and he could not even think of this question.

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