Alan’s reaction made Nick Fury’s face look even more ugly, but after hearing that Alan would not use satellite rays, his face improved a lot, and he hurriedly said

“We are very experienced in this situation, I have asked people to arrange the helicopter, now go to chase, plus Natasha and Barton should have no problem!”

“You treat me like a three-year-old?” No problem? This group of people is also well-trained, and obviously very familiar with your S.H.I.E.L.D. set of things, by the time your helicopter catches up, they must have already unknowingly transferred Susan! ”

Alan’s fingers were pinched white, but there was nothing Alan could do at the moment, because Alan’s weakness was hit by Tony’s words, that is, Alan did not have the ability to fly fast, and the helicopter was too slow to chase.

Thinking of this, a feeling of powerlessness made Alan more and more angry.


But at the thought of Tony, Allen’s glasses immediately lit up.

“But now there is only one way, little Hammer, you must believe me!”

Fury’s voice came again, causing Alan to snort coldly, ignoring it:

“After the red, connect Tony through the docking with Jarvis, and send the video sync past, I need his help!”

“Tony Stark? How can he help? ”

Fury was a little annoyed to see Alan ignoring him, but there was nothing he could do, after all, it was he who had a problem with him this time.

Then Fury heard that Alan had actually gone to find Tony Stark, which made Fury a little confused, so he asked, and seeing that Alan did not answer, he did not ask again, but listened patiently.

After all, Nick Fury had no intention of reaching out to Tony Stark, or that Tony wasn’t qualified to get into Nick Fury’s eyes right now.

“Hi Alan, remember what I said about your weakness?” Isn’t that reflected this time? ”

Within a minute, Tony’s voice came over, which made Alan breathe a sigh of relief, afraid that if Tony wasn’t home at this time, it would be difficult to deal with.

“You will act right away, and you must help me get Susan out!”

Alan said no nonsense and said directly.

“Okay, I know, thanks to the fact that you think of me, otherwise you will not only lose your beloved woman, but it is estimated that some of your core technologies will also be threatened to give to them!”

Tony shouted as he spoke

“Jarvis, get started, and guide me through Allen’s satellite!”

“Bring up the satellite footage and point me at Tony Stark’s mansion!”

Fury also heard something, as if Tony could do what Alan couldn’t do, so he quickly turned off his own voice, and then commanded Hill, who was also a little nervous.

Tony then began to wear steel armor and soon broke through the air.

“Sir, these vehicles are loaded with electronic pulse jammers, and our satellites cannot accurately lock them and guide Mr. Tony, who can only act through satellite screens!”

After another moment, Alan was still nervously observing the situation, and according to Tony’s speed, it was estimated that there were still five minutes to catch up with the people.

At this time, the red queen came with bad news.

“It’s a little difficult, but it’s not hard for me, Alan, you are waiting for my good news!”

Tony was confident when he heard that, but what Alan wanted was Susan’s absolute safety, so he asked the Red Queen

“How many more independent mechanical robots are there on satellites?”

“Only two infrared search robots were used in the last search for Mr. Stark, and the rest are still on the satellite, sir!”

Red replied.

“Very well, throw it all down, clear the opponent’s arms for Tony, arrange for a BX-60 trap pursuer to attach to the car Susan is in, be careful not to be discovered, and use mechanical camouflage to make it invisible!”

Alan had a dangerous gleam in his eyes at this moment, Susan was by far Alan’s most important person, and whoever moved her, Alan would surely make those people regret it.

“Hydra is it, wait for Lao Tzu!”

Alan has already begun to plan how to help Captain America break up Hydra at the beginning of the Captain America 2 plot.

Although Alan wants to do it now, Hydra is still deeply dormant, and Alan can’t really go to war with the whole world, so he can only wait for the opportunity.

“Alan, what’s still on your satellite?” Can you support me? ”

Tony heard something at this time and asked hurriedly.

“Yes, the ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’ is equipped with the ‘Flame Voltage’ function I have developed, which can guide you without the influence of the pulse device, so that your GPS system can be used normally!”

Allen Road.

“‘Flame voltage’? It sounds like any mechanical device can be installed, and when the matter is finished and shared, isn’t it fragrant to install it on me? ”

Tony immediately asked.

“No problem, with your research on machinery, I will share the technology and you can easily figure it out!”

Alan immediately nodded and said that this ‘fire voltage’ is a kind of technology of the mechanic, which can make the mechanic’s attack all turn into a fire attribute.

It can even be mounted on pistols, and Allen’s revolver and automatic pistol are installed on top of it.

With Alan’s order, the shell devices on the satellites launched by Allen suddenly disintegrated, and then like meteors, they broke through the atmosphere and swooped down.

The target was the group of militants who were running wild in the suburbs.

“It seems that things are getting bigger, Hill, you hurry up and let the logistics staff prepare to clean up the aftermath, it seems that Tony Stark is not simple, this is getting more and more interesting, the plan that I have been thinking about for a long time may soon be completed!”

Fury looked at Tony’s explosive steel armor on the satellite screen, and the light in his eyes flashed and he commanded Hill.

“Good boss!”

On the other side, almost a minute later, Allen’s devices swooped over the vicinity of the convoy.

“Sir, because of the interference of the pulsed electromagnetic device, it is impossible to accurately drop the robot!”

Red Back Road.

“Throw all the robots one kilometer in front of the convoy for concealment, and the ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’ will have to open the mechanical camouflage a little further and open the mechanical camouflage at five hundred meters to wait for them, as long as the ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’ is successful, other robots can be accurately detonated under their guidance!”

Alan calmly directed.

The Sharpshooter heritage is not only about technology, but also about battlefield command and action, which is why sharpshooters are especially feared on the battlefield.

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