After receiving Alan’s order, the Red Queen immediately complied, throwing the ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’ into the five hundred meters of the convoy’s necessary route.

It was a box-like thing, but much bigger than the War Chaser that Allen had used.

As soon as the ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’ fell, it “Didi” cried out twice and then turned on the ‘mechanical camouflage’ to become an invisible existence.

Then the remaining pieces of machinery were all dropped a kilometer away, all of them were boxy boxes, and as soon as they landed, they “Didi” scattered and hid on both sides of the road.

Soon, the convoy traveled from the outskirts to the highway, an uninhabited desert area consisting of fifteen armed armored vehicles and three black cars.

Five armored vehicles were in front, and the remaining ten were in a row to follow, with the black sedan in the middle, where Susan, who was protected in the middle, was lying in the back.

“After the red, arrange a helicopter to pick up Susan!” Tony, I’ll take care of those armored vehicles, and I’ll leave the rest to you, I’m afraid the power of my mechanical detonation will ripple to Susan! ”

“Rest assured, Susan will be all right!”

Tony said with rare comfort.

As the convoy slowly approached, the ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’, which had been lurking invisible in the middle of the road, motionless and allowed the armed armored vehicles to pass over its head.

It wasn’t until Susan’s car drove over that Alan stared intently at the picture.

“Right now, Operation BX-60 Trap Chaser!”

As Susan’s car passed over the ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’, Alan immediately gave the order.


The ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’, who had been motionless, suddenly dripped and then bounced up and attached itself to Susan’s vehicle.

Then the ‘BX-60 Trap Chaser’ flashed with electric fire, and two seconds later, the voice of the red queen sounded:

“Sir, the pulsed electromagnetic interference has been lifted!”

“Calculating the convoy distance and having the only two ‘EZ-8 self-detonators’ go on the road to start the timer should be able to solve the five armed armored vehicles in front!”

“Okay sir!”

In front of the convoy, two somewhat clumsy boxes slowly moved to the middle of the road at a low speed, and then the “drip, drip” began the 15-second countdown.

This ‘EZ-8 self-detonator’ is the most powerful, the range is also very wide, and can be detonated remotely by mechanics or detonated at regular intervals, the disadvantage is that it is slow and cannot move once timed.

“What’s that in front?”

As the convoy got closer and closer, the five armed armored vehicles at the front of the convoy reached a hundred meters in front of the ‘EZ-8 Bomber’ and the motorists found the two iron boxes and asked in doubt.

“You care about him, our chassis is so high, it can’t affect us at all, just remind the three cars behind them to pay attention to avoid it!”

A heavily armed agent on the co-pilot did not care about the road.

Their car was modified by Paramount Marauders, and the chassis was so high that the two iron boxes could not be scraped at all.

“Yes too!”

The pilot nodded, then took out his walkie-talkie and began to say:

“The central squad pays attention to the fact that there is an obstacle about thirty centimeters high in front, in the middle of the road, and has no impact on the vehicles of the front and rear squads, and the central squad pays attention to avoidance!” Complete! ”


Then the convoy did not change its formation, and it roared towards the ‘EZ-8 self-detonator’.

However, after the five armed armored vehicles in front of them drove into the range of the ‘EZ-8 Self-Detonator’, Allen, who was watching the projection at home, flashed his eyes and did not hesitate to whisper:



With a loud noise on the road, a huge explosion exploded in front of the convoy, and the five armed armored vehicles driving in front were immediately overwhelmed by the fire.

Before being submerged, the vehicle behind clearly saw the reinforced armored shell torn to shreds like pieces of paper.


The convoy in the back, led by three cars, began to brake sharply and soon stopped.

“Damn, what the hell is going on!”

A bit-and-so-old walked out of Susan’s car with an ugly face.

“‘War-thirsty pursuers’, give me a hug! Tony, how long do you have over there! ”

Alan didn’t care that he had taken dozens of lives in an instant, coldly commanded.

“25 seconds left!”

Tony certainly saw it through the images coming from his helmet, but he didn’t say anything either.

At Alan’s command, dozens of ‘war-loving pursuers’ who were completely hidden on both sides of the highway immediately rushed out at full speed, startling the leader of the convoy.

“Grass, enemy attack, all pay attention to the guard, looking for cover, the enemy should be tens of meters around!”

The leader quickly hid back in the car, after all, the car was bulletproof, and he didn’t know what these iron boxes were for, so he put his face on the window and watched a group of ‘war-thirsty pursuers’ pass by his car, but did not attack him.

The ten armed armored vehicles in the back had now merged into a row, occupying the road, and one by one the fully armed personnel jumped down from above to use the armored vehicles as bunkers to find the enemy.

Just at this moment, they also saw a group of iron box-like ‘war-thirsty pursuers’ rushing over, and everyone felt a little creepy!

“Still stunned about what to do, attack, give me all these things to attack, whatever they are, just give me a hard hit!”

The leader of the car roared with a walkie-talkie, and the heavily armed agents also reacted, taking out their weapons and attacking the ‘war-loving pursuers’.

“Damn, can’t do damage to these things!”

“Give me a ‘penetrating bullet’!”

“Immediately, all the staff will replace the ‘penetrating bullet’!”

These people originally used firearms to install ‘burst shells’, after all, now they are ambushed, wait for the exchange of fire after the suppression of fire is very important, the ‘burst bomb’ fire suppression is the fiercest.

However, by the time they found that the ‘Burst Bomb’ could not penetrate the shell of the ‘War-Loving Chaser’, it was too late to replace the ‘Penetrating Bomb’.

Only to see that the ‘war-loving pursuers’ had rushed to their front, and then one by one the ‘war-loving pursuers’ made a “drip” sound, and one after another infrared rays were emitted from the ‘war-loving pursuers’, which was to determine the target.

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