After the infrared scanning, the ‘war-loving pursuers’ began to look for their own targets, and then suddenly pounced forward, and the “bang” exploded.


The constant explosions sounded in the field, a series of violent explosions like the most brutal battlefield elegy, and by the time Tony swooped down into the air, the smoke had already dispersed.

The ten armored vehicles in the back were all blown to pieces, the ground was full of severed arms, and the smell of roasted meat in the air made Tony want to vomit.

“Depend, this Alan is still the same, merciless, obviously I have come to say!” Jarvis, turn on the air filter, I’m almost out of breath! ”


Tony spat as he landed firmly in front of the last three remaining black cars, and the people inside were already scared silly, but after all, they were all senior agents, and they quickly eased up and looked at the iron man who fell from the air.

“Bells and bells!”

“Hey, open the door and bring that little girl back, or do you want to be blown up too?” Are you not afraid? ”

Tony, dressed in steel armor, walked casually to the middle car and knocked on the window.

“Bang bang bang!”

As a result, the agents in the other two cars rushed down, and the submachine guns equipped with ‘penetrating bullets’ swept up Tony.

“Sir, although the ‘penetrating bullet’ cannot completely penetrate your titanium shell, the impact force it causes is also a bit troublesome!”

Jarvis reminded.

“Of course I know that!”

Tony was strafed back two steps, then suddenly raised both hands and two hand cannons to shoot the two agents away, and then Tony rushed up and punched a child, quickly knocking the six big men to the ground.

“It’s not open yet, is it?” Try this! ”

When Tony saw that Susan’s car was not open yet, Tony saw that the other two cars were not open the door, and immediately extended his left hand, and immediately spewed out ten centimeters of high-pressure flame on it to cut the door.

“Don’t come here, I’ll kill her when I come back!”

The co-pilot inside saw that Tony actually had a cutting device, and immediately nervously pointed a gun at the unconscious Susan in the back row to warn Tony.

This scene made Alan clench his fists in the far away manor, but did not make a sound to affect Tony.

“Just knew you were going to do this!”

Tony looked like he was in control, and the high-pressure jet flame cutting device in his hand was replaced by a transparent needle-like thing, and he reached out and pressed it against the car window.

The syringe pierced into the bulletproof glass like a piece of paper, and then a white smoke was released.

“Damn, kill this woman… Forehead.. Lotus… ”

The leader saw that Tony actually did not hesitate to threaten him, and at the moment he let the co-pilot kill Susan, but the next second he himself suddenly felt unable to breathe, his body could not move for an instant, and his throat made a “lotus” sound and looked at Tony outside the window in horror.

The same was true of the agents in the co-pilot, and soon the two passed out in the car.

“Nano needles, neurotoxins, lean, Tony, you Susan will be poisoned too!”

Alan immediately saw what Tony was using and yelled.

“You panic, of course I have the antidote, but I’ll have to cut this damn door open first!”

Tony opened his helmet, skimmed his lips in disgust, then cut open the car door and took Susan out and gave Susan a shot.

“Well, Susan will be in a coma for twelve hours, how long until your helicopter arrives?”

“Ten minutes later, but the people on the S.H.I.E.L.D. side are also coming, leave the scene to them, and you can just wait for Susan to put it on my helicopter!”

Alan saw that Susan’s breathing seemed to be very stable, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

“S.H.I.E.L.D.? That territorial strategy or something? I remember the last time they had an agent look for Pepper, did you know them well? ”

Tony asked incredulously.

“Today your actions are under their surveillance, and your extraordinary strength also gives you the strength to contact them, and I will find them for Obadé’s shares, and they will help me get it done!” Of course, this comes at some cost! ”

Even now, Alan doesn’t hide from Tony.

“As it is, it seems that this organization is very powerful, but I am qualified to contact them?” Hmm, they want to contact me and see if I agree or disagree! You tell me? ”

Tony was in a daze, but he was also very upset.

“Yes, although their organization is strong, but we are both people with extraordinary strength, if you don’t want birds, they don’t have birds, you don’t have to pay special attention!”

Alan nodded in agreement.

“Well, I’ll let Pepper act tomorrow morning, and when Obadi’s matter is settled, the two of us will be really close allies!” Hope the prison life in Obadé is enjoyable! ”

Tony sighed suddenly.

“Wait for your good news!”

Alan cut off the call when he finished, and then until an hour later, when the unconscious Susan was sent back, Alan stayed with Susan, and there were special medical staff to conduct a comprehensive examination of Susan.

In the middle of the night


Susan woke up with a soft snort, and as soon as she woke up, she saw that her body was connected with some lines, apparently in the hospital bed, and Alan was watching herself worriedly.

“Awake? The doctor said that you may wake up with some slight sweating and pain in the neck, which is a sequelae and will be fine soon! ”

Alan reached out with concern and caressed Susan’s face, making Susan’s somewhat frightened expression due to the strange environment instantly calm down, reaching out to hold Alan and touching his own hand and asking

“Alan, what the hell happened?” I remember I must have been attacked by S.H.I.E.L.D. people, are they going to do something to you? ”

As Alan’s closest person in the world, Susan knows a lot about Alan, and Alan will be the Red Queen and the White Queen to open up to Susan the greatest permission.

It can be said that in addition to the inheritance of the sharpshooter in Alan’s mind and the plot of the Marvel world, as well as the identity of Alan Crosser, Susan knows everything about Alan.

This includes the two global strike weapons of ‘quantum bomb’ and ‘satellite ray’ on the satellites launched by Allen, as well as the transaction between Allen and S.H.I.E.L.D. and so on.

“No, unless they want to die first, they won’t come to mess with me, this time the incident should be a traitor in S.H.I.E.L.D., and I will strengthen the security level of the industrial park in the future!”

Alan smiled and took Susan in his arms and comforted her.

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