This time, the upgrade after the red and white makes the red queen’s computing resources more large, and it is completely possible to independently control the mechanical army, so Allen is ready to patrol a large number of production machinery troops in the industrial park.

Whether it is a “war-loving pursuer”, or an “EZ-8 self-detonator”, or a “BX-60 trap chaser”, it is necessary to manufacture a large amount.

Before, Alan thought that a few dozen of these things was enough, but now Alan didn’t think so.

Allen feels that he will definitely make a breakthrough in space technology this time, so with space technology in the future, of course, he can make a group of mechanical armies to use at any time.

The mechanic’s technology is not weak, on the contrary, it is still very strong, and it can be used to enhance its own strength.

“Well, if only you had a number in mind!”

Susan felt Alan’s love and sweetly buried her head in Alan’s arms and whispered.

After that, it was the warmth of the two of them, and after the two talked for a while, Alan hugged Susan and fell asleep, after all, both of them still had things to do tomorrow.

Alan learns that tomorrow Tony is going to let Pepper get started, and of course is ready to act.

At night, Tony continued to work with his steel armor in the lab, and there were some small problems he found that he needed to make some small adjustments.

Then Pepper pushed the door in and she looked at Tony, she knew what Tony was doing, and Tony had been spotted by Pepper after returning from fighting in the Middle East that day.

Pepper looked at some bullet marks on the armor and was very worried.

“I asked you to come to help me with something, Pepper, have you been busy lately?”

Tony stood up and took out a USB stick and put it on the table in front of Pepper and said:

“I want you to go to my office, oh, of course it’s Obadé’s office now, and I want you to hack into the company host, get the nearest freight bill, and use this thing to hack!”

“The data should be in the file folder, if not, it is in the hidden hard disk, in short, this thing can help you find it!” 」

When he thought of Obadé, Tony was a little decadent.

Obadai had been the man he trusted the most, but now Tony was turning to him.

Unlike the original Tony who just wanted to destroy the weapons that Obadai sold, Tony is more decisive now, and with him covered, Obadai can enjoy a very private treatment in prison.

“If I get it, what are you going to do with these?”

Pepper took the USB stick and looked at Tony with a confused look.

“Just like I did that day!” They are trading in the shadows and I want to find my weapons and destroy them! ”

Tony said without looking back, and his tone was very firm.

“Tony, you know, I’m willing to do anything for you, but I’m not going to help you this time!”

Pepper’s eyes were suddenly red, tears swirling in his eyes.

“There is nothing else to do except this thing, no art exhibitions, no university speeches, no document signings, no competing interests!” Nothing, only this thing! ”

Tony was suddenly emotionally excited, it was a decision he had made, and he had to say and do it this time.

He had to do it for Ethan’s sake, for the innocent people killed by his weapons.

“If so, then I resign!”

After Pepper wiped a handful of tears, he also made the decision, still put the USB stick back on the table and turned around.

“Pepper, you have been silently supporting me for so many years, even if I make a fortune by weapons, you have always been on my side!” But now when I’m going to do something right, are you actually going to leave me? ”

Tony slowly found a chair and sat down, looking at Pepper’s back and whispering.

“I don’t care how spurned your weapons are for selling, and we haven’t broken the law!” But if you continue to do this, you will kill yourself, and I don’t want to kill you when the time comes! ”

Pepper turned his head and said firmly.

“I shouldn’t have lived, I’ve created too many devastating weapons, and if I were to live, unless there was a valid reason, and that was the right reason!”

Tony seemed to be talking to Pepper, and it seemed to be to himself, looking at the steel armor in front of him in a daze.

“I’m sober Pepper, and my heart tells me it’s the right thing to do!” Now that I’m working with Allen, the combined strength of the two of us will be strong, and we can do the right thing and make a difference in the world! ”

Pepper was stunned for a while before he sighed and walked back to pick up the USB stick and said to Tony

“You are all I am too!”

Pepper finished talking and took the USB flash drive away, leaving Tony alone looking at Pepper’s back with tears in his eyes.

This woman, leaving all her youth and hard work with him, Tony’s tears are flowing for the pain of Pepper, but also for the first half of his life!

In the future, he will be reborn and become a completely different person.

The next morning

Susan and Alan hurried to work after breakfast, while Alan himself stood by the window and watched the projection in the room.

In the projection, it is the scene when Tony first flies out of the house in steel armor, and this image is obtained through the connection between the Red Queen and Jarvis, even Tony does not know that Alan has preserved it.

The first time Tony flew in the steel armor smiled so brightly that he finally got something that was one with him and always with him.

But it was also this thing that changed his world dramatically, and he never showed such a smile again.

“Iron Man, Iron Man forever!” Am I going to grow up with you and witness your joys and sorrows? After today, we are the closest allies, can you keep up with me? ”

Alan looked at Tony’s bright smile in the picture, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but pull out a smile.

“Sir, Miss Pepper has set off for the Stark Industrial Headquarters building!”

At this time, the white queen suddenly projected in front of Alan.

“Let Johnson drive to wait for me at the door, and I’ll go to the Stark Industrial Headquarters building too!”

Alan looked back, took a deep breath, sorted out his clothes, and headed for the door.

An hour later

“Mr. Alan Hammer, who are you looking for?” Do I have an appointment? ”

Allen stood on the first floor of the Stark Industrial Headquarters building, which immediately caused a sensation, and everyone around him covered his mouth and exclaimed:

“Oh my God, it’s Alan Hammer!”.

“How did he get here?”

“Did you look for Mr. Tony Stark?”

“Didn’t he know Stark hardly came to work?”

Alan turned a deaf ear to this, and without stopping his steps, he walked directly upstairs and said:

“I’ve come to see your CEO, Mr. Obadé, and as for the appointment, I made an appointment with him, and his office is on the second floor, right?”

Allen’s driver, Johnson, followed Alan until he reached the top of the stairs, and Alan did not know how to stop, turning to a gentle looking man sitting on a waiting bench in a suit next to him

“Coulson? Didn’t expect to meet you here! What are you here for? ”

Coulson then recovered from his surprise, stood up and smiled

“I didn’t expect to meet you, Mr. Hammer, here!” I came because today I made an appointment with Miss Pepper Potts, and she would tell me about Mr. Tony Stark’s escape! ”

“Oh, you still need to find out about her?” The high-precision camera on the satellite that day was taken to see? Since you are also here, then just together, Tony helped me yesterday, but today is to come and return personal feelings! ”

Alan skimmed his lips, and then motioned for a confused Coulson to follow him upstairs to find the CEO’s office.

Pepper and Obady were both here in the office, and Pepper was sitting in Obadi’s place chatting with him, looking a little nervous, his eyes glancing at a computer on the desk from time to time.

“Obadé, I’ve come to talk to you about things!” Irrelevant people go out first! ”

As soon as he entered the door, Alan shouted at Pepper and Obadai without hesitation.

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