“Metal palladium, wouldn’t I know what it is?” You must act now if you want to live! I am about to go to a secret place, maybe half a year, maybe a year I can’t contact the outside world, I want to ask you how is the progress? ”

Allen said.

Alan wants to remind Tony that Tony, like the original, is misguided and almost puts himself in a situation where he is doomed.

In the face of Tony, who knows and interacts with him, competes with each other to improve, Allen is ultimately unable to see Tony step by step towards the abyss.

Although Tony finally turned the corner, everything is not absolute.

Of course, now Alan has developed new elements that can be used to replace palladium metal, but Alan does not want to give Tony so easily.

Iron Man needs to slowly transform, and these difficulties are the catalyst for Tony’s transformation.

Alan just wanted to warn Tony not to be so conceited.

“No results yet, but how big a deal is that?” I’m still analyzing and looking for elements that can replace palladium metal, and the results will be available soon! You’re an expert in synthetic materials and should know that the properties of many elements in this world are interconnected, and it’s easy to find a substitute, isn’t it? ”

Tony didn’t care.

Although the metal palladium poisoning has made him a little afraid, he has only now revealed his identity as Iron Man.

The outside world’s praise, the company’s stock soaring, the military’s attention, the government’s concessions…

All of this made Tony feel that he was omnipotent, and no matter what the problem, Tony felt that as long as he calmed down, he would be able to overcome it.

“Because I have studied materials thoroughly, I want to remind you before I go!”

Alan said slowly

“Fusion materials, especially those that can withstand and accommodate the acceleration of ion collisions, are not so simple, the slightest gap will make you fail, you can’t find the exact same thing!” 」

“In contrast, what you should do now is to find the elements that can inhibit the metal palladium toxin, and extend your life as much as possible, so that you have enough time to deal with this matter!”

That’s what Alan was going to remind Tony.

In general, individuals will want to find elements that can inhibit palladium metal first, or find a cure.

But Tony was a conceited man who felt he could solve the problem at its roots, so he spent all his energy looking for a palladium replacement.

But the consequence of this is that once Tony does not succeed, then there is no time, and this bitter fruit Tony has to eat himself.

“Isn’t the place you’re going to be dangerous?” You mother-in-law, the metal palladium thing is not a problem at all, but I am curious about where you are going? ”

What Alan did not expect was that Tony did not care about his reminder, which made Alan sigh secretly, not planning to continue to persuade.

Anyway, Alan’s side has already made the new elements out, although there is no physical material synthesized, but it will not take a few days to synthesize, and then it can save Tony’s life.

“I’m going to study something, something that has made a major breakthrough in my energy research, and when I come back, I can’t say that the two of us are going to have a fight in the energy market!”

Allen Road.

“Fight for a fart, cooperation is a win-win, if your things are not lost to my ‘arc ark reactor’, we will work together to raise prices!” Of course, if your stuff has no advantage, then don’t blame me for kicking you out! ”

Tony’s confident words.

“Then you will wait and see my results, it will frighten you a lot!”

Alan also laughed, and Alan just liked the feeling of having an opponent.

After talking to Tony, Alan picked up a small piece of the Sky Crystal that had been prepared and followed Natasha to the S.H.I.E.L.D. car.

Along the way, Alan closed his eyes and kept Natasha speechless, who wanted to talk to Ellen for a while.

Soon, the car drove to a huge underground base, where Alan finally saw the cosmic cube he had dreamed of studying.

So Alan quickly threw himself into the research.

Allen’s white queen doppelganger, a motherboard made of ‘Sky Crystal’, excited the researchers of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Alan allowed them to scan it, but he could not analyze the results at all.

When Alan was studying the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, these researchers were also doing data records, and Fury also looked for Alan.

“Didn’t it say that you didn’t make your research public?” That’s how you let them record at will? ”

Fury was very ambivalent.

“Then why don’t you transfer them away?” Contradictory, right? But rest assured, even if they record my research data, they can’t get any results, otherwise why do you think people in this world can’t even copy one of my most common automatic pistols? ”

Alan said confidently.

“Is that so? All right! ”

Fury heard that while feeling a little sorry for the rare opportunity for S.H.I.E.L.D. to break through the study of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, he was also relieved.

Although Fury asked Alan not to let anyone else go even if he researched anything, he also hoped that the earth would be able to protect himself, and Fury had participated in the battle of two other advanced planets that were famous for coming to Earth when he was young.

Therefore, Fury knows the fragility of the earth better than anyone, so he has been committed to improving the strength of the earth and preventing it from happening.

Time flickered, and half a year passed

On this day, S.H.I.E.L.D. picked up Allen from this huge underground military base and sent him home.

“Huh, come back, white queen, what about Susan?” Haven’t come back yet? ”

Allen, who was dressed in a trench coat and looked more stable and introverted on the outside, did not see Susan, so he walked into the underground laboratory that he had not entered for half a year.

“After the white, the subroutine is fused to receive!”

Alan took out a small ‘sky crystal’ from his trench coat and pressed it on the main crystal after the white, and a magical scene occurred.

Only to see that this small ‘sky crystal’ actually slowly melted into the main crystal, and then the neuron-like thing inside the crystal began to flicker constantly, and it slowly recovered after a while.

“The fusion reception is complete, welcome Mr. Home!” Does sir need to start doing things right away? ”

“Yes, the mechanic ‘Ark Reactor’ has been successful and now needs to make the finished product, which is the synthesis of two new materials, giving me a large number of acquisitions!”

“Then vacate a factory to mass produce new mechanical robots ‘Red Breakers’, ‘Steel Robots’, ‘Legger the Repairers’, ‘Hercules Rex’, ‘Fighting Spirit Robots’, and then put them into the guard patrol of the industrial park and evacuate all the security personnel of the industrial park!”

“In the end, I ordered the materials, and I personally made the ‘Air Combat Machine, Storm’, ‘Interceptor Factory’, ‘Interceptor’ and most importantly, ‘Rafting Reactor’ and… Mechanical assistant’! ”

Alan finished everything he had to do next, and finally added:

“Susan is back to notify me!”

Then Allen immediately got busy.

Half a year of research on the Cosmic Cube, so that Alan finally successfully studied the ‘Ark Reactor’, and at the same time successfully space-based technology.

This has led to a surge in the strength of Allen’s mechanic’s technology, and at the same time, because of the success of space technology, it has been able to create something that can only be made by the mechanic’s second awakening— ‘mechanical assistant’.

And because Allen was researching at the S.H.I.E.L.D. underground base, he inadvertently came into contact with the data of ‘vibrating gold’, allowing Alan to successfully synthesize another special material through the data operation after the white.

It’s just that this special material requires a universal ‘vibranium’ to be able to synthesize.

Once Allen gets the ‘vibrating gold’ and synthesizes it, then Allen’s ‘mechanical assistant’ will be completely different from the traditional mechanic’s ‘mechanical assistant’ and will become more versatile, which will immediately make Allen’s strength soar.

As for how to get the ‘vibranium’, of course, Alan has a way, and he doesn’t need Alan to run a trip to Wakanda.

Like Tony, Allen, who does the arms business, has easy access to some people.

For example, in “Avengers 2”, the arms dealer who sells ‘vibranium’ has been contacted, and the person has sold vibranium to Allen before, but it is vague, so Alan just casually coped with it.

“Queen White, give me a contact with the arms dealer who has been doing the arms business in Africa for many years, who has a special tattoo and looks a little crazy, what is the name?”

Alan couldn’t remember the man’s name for a moment.

“Ulysses Crow! Mr! ”

“Yes, it’s him, contact him and say I need ‘vibranium,’ I want ten kilograms, give him ten times the price, let Johnson go get the goods, get it and quickly bring it to me!”

(Thanks to the reader for the reminder of ‘Zero Night’, I should have missed chapter 41 and put chapter 42 content directly on chapter 41!) If you want to change it, you need to change all the following chapters! So when the editor went to work, I directly added the content that should have been chapter 41 to the current chapter 41! You should be able to see it at about 9 o’clock! )

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