Alan said that Alan can’t wait to make all the technologies that have been developed in the past six months, especially the ‘ark reactor’ and ‘mechanical assistant’.

By adding space technology to the mechanical assistant, Allen no longer needs to wear a suit or a trench coat.

Just as Alan had just returned and entered the underground laboratory to be busy, Tony in the laboratory of the Malibu Sea Navy Villa in Los Angeles was drinking chlorophyll and said irritably:

“Failed again, damn, half a year has passed, and I have not found a substitute element for palladium metal!”

Tony gently unbuttoned the button on the chest of his suit in the mirror, only to see that the blood vessels around the reactor on Tony’s chest had begun to turn black, looking like some mysterious pattern.

“Sir, I have to remind you that the toxin of metal palladium in your body is increasing!”

Jarvis Road.

“I know that the toxin content in the blood was very low at the beginning, plus I drank chlorophyll, which can neutralize some palladium metal content, and I used steel armor with as little power as possible, so the toxin spread not quickly!”

“But in the last month, the toxin content in the blood has increased from 10 percent to 15 percent, and the speed is still accelerating, and if I increase at this rate, I will not be alive for long!”

“You must know that it was only 10% in the previous six months, and now it has risen by 5% in one month!”

Tony’s face was a little ugly.

“Sir, you should heed the advice of Mr. Alan Hammer and first look for elements that can suppress the metal palladium, so that you can buy you more time!”

Jarvis said again.

“What a joke, half a year has been used, do you have to give up halfway?” Maybe next time it will work! ”

Tony shook his head.

“At the rate at which your toxins are increasing today, sir, I calculate that you have at most 7 months to live!” Please think carefully! ”

“Rest assured Jarvis, I’ll make it, just look at it!” But hasn’t there been any news from little Hammer’s side yet? ”

Tony stubbornly disobeys Jarvis’s advice and instead asks about Alan.

“According to the data connection over there after the white, Mr. Alan Hammer was home an hour ago!”

“Oh? Coming back? I don’t know what he has come up with again, has his energy technology broken through? I’m really looking forward to it, but I don’t have time now, so let’s wait for him to contact me! ”

Tony’s eyes lit up when he heard that Alan had returned, but he didn’t have the idea of contacting Alan immediately, and he now needed to race against the clock to find something that could save his life.

In the evening, it was not until late that Susan dragged her tired body back to the manor, and Alan immediately received a reminder from Queen White, and then left the matter in her hand to go out to find Susan.

“Susan, honey, you’re thin!”

In Susan’s luxurious bedroom, Susan had just taken off her high heels and was tired and ready to take a shower and rest.

Suddenly, a pair of powerful arms stretched out from behind Susan and hugged Susan tightly, and a familiar breath suddenly rushed into Susan’s breathing, making Susan’s body freeze suddenly, and then turned around incrediblely, staring at the face that she hadn’t seen for half a year, but it was still so familiar.

“Alan? You’re back? ”

Susan said stunned.

“Yes, I’m back! How did you get yourself so tired that you didn’t let you delegate power to the people below? ”

Looking at the somewhat haggard Susan in front of her, Alan immediately reached out in pain and touched Susan’s delicate face, and looked at Susan with gentle eyes.

“You, you’re really back! Gosh, do you know how much I miss you? You’re no better bastard than Richard! ”

Susan’s eyes flickered, but she still held back, she was no longer the same she had been, she had become stronger.

“Reed Richard? Your ex-boyfriend? At least I’m more understanding than he is, isn’t it? ”

Alan grinned, and then in Susan’s exclamation a princess picked her up and walked to the bedroom and threw Susan onto the bed and pounced.

“Wait, I haven’t showered yet!” I have sweat on my body! ”

“What are you afraid of, do you know how many people out there want to drink your bath water?”

Alan laughed, and he knew Susan very well, stirring up Susan’s emotions with a few strokes, and then responded warmly to Alan, and soon the two became a fight.

“Huh, Alan, it’s good you’re back!”

After the big fight, the two embraced each other tightly, and Susan looked at Alan’s handsome face and murmured.

“Oh? Is it because this kind of thing makes you feel good? ”

Alan pinched Susan’s upturned snow white and said playfully.

“Of course not, it’s just that when you’re away, I feel that this home is very deserted, I am very lonely, I like my family to be with me, fortunately a month ago Johnny finally graduated, come and live with me, otherwise I don’t know how to stay up!” 」

Susan gave Alan a blank look and stopped Alan from making the bad big hand.

Susan is a woman who values family very much, and she likes the feeling of having her family around every day, as if she were a big family.

“Oh? Your brother Johnny? How come I didn’t see him? ”

Alan said strangely.

“Hmm, he probably still soaks in the nightclub, but fortunately he still knows to come home every day!”

As soon as Susan thought of her brother, she immediately snorted coldly, and she couldn’t do anything with this brother.

“Hey, is it to take the girl home?” Does that make you even more lonely? But don’t be afraid, I’m back, today we will compare with him, haha! ”

Alan could only be so immodest in front of Susan.

“You also said! He can’t do this, although there is no shortage of money now, but men must have a sense of enterprise! He can’t just play for the rest of his life! ”

Susan glared at Alan.

“He’s still young, only a year older than me, just the age he likes to play!” And he is tall and handsome, plus he can play and have a luxury car and mansion, which are the conditions that attract girls to moth to the fire! ”

Allen said.

“It seems that you understand very well, but I am really busy during this time, and I really don’t have time to take care of him!”

Susan glanced at Allen and then shook her head.

“I haven’t asked you yet!” The company’s affairs have white back to help manage, everything is in order, how can you be so tired, is there something wrong with the company? But the Queen of Whites said that everything was normal! ”

Alan was a little strange at this time, and it was reasonable to say that the umbrella should not have any major problems under the supervision of the white queen and the red queen.

All Susan needs to do is go out and talk to people about collaborations, orders, business and the like, and it can’t be so tiring.

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