“Johnny really, this girlfriend changes one a week! I actually brought another one today! ”

After Johnny left, Susan complained with a look of dissatisfaction.

“It’s all right, as long as Johnny is happy, come, let’s continue what we haven’t done, we really need a good rest, tomorrow you have a day off, the day after tomorrow I’ll accompany you to the formalities!”

Alan finished speaking, pounced on Susan again, and began a new round of fighting…

So on the third day, the news that Susan Stone, assistant to the CEO of the umbrella company and the interim CEO position of the past six months, became the new CEO of the umbrella company spread all over the world.

There are many voices of opposition from the outside world, but the umbrella company has not been listed, and it will not be affected by these voices at all.

And the products of the umbrella company are very hardcore, at present, the world is inseparable from the umbrella company, which country’s soldiers if they are not equipped with the umbrella company’s weapons, then they will fall behind in the war.

Therefore, although Susan’s ascension to the throne still produced no small turmoil, it was unexpectedly smooth, and soon with the help of Bai Hou, the internal turmoil of the company was calmed down, the company was once again managed in an orderly manner, and the mouth of the outside world was completely blocked.

After another two days, Alan finally got the ‘vibranium’ in the laboratory, the most versatile material on the earth.

“Zhenjin, 10,000 US dollars per gram, I want ten kilograms, that is, 10,000 grams, 100 million US dollars!” This time, because I was in a hurry, I gave ten times the price over there, so it cost me a billion dollars! ”

Alan looked at the vibrating gold raw material in front of him that was packed in a transparent vessel, with a faint dark green shimmer, and immediately felt that this billion dollars of gold was worth it.

“Then, let’s first synthesize this is not a mechanic technology material, but I combined with Zhenjin’s original super universal liquid metal ‘Eternal’!”

Alan murmured excitedly, then shouted:

“After the white, ready to calculate the simulation deformation results at any time, now inject my newly synthesized ‘superior catalyst’ into the ‘Vibranium’ and ‘Sky Crystal’!” Pay attention to the proportions! ”


As the voice of the white queen fell, the ‘vibrating gold’ placed in the special machine and the one-person high ‘sky crystal’ placed on the other side were immediately injected with the new materials that Allen had synthesized in the past six months.

The ‘superior catalyst’ liquefies and enhances the properties of any metal without destroying its structure.

As the two were injected with the ‘superior catalyst’, the ‘vibranium’ slowly turned into a pool of dark green fluorescent liquid, and the ‘sky crystal’ also became a light blue fluorescent liquid.

“The two liquids are fused and stirred, and the ‘superior hardener’ and ‘superior catalyst’ are slowly injected!”

As Alan watched nervously, the two liquids slowly flowed together under mechanical control and then began to be rapidly stirred by a stirrer.

At this time, with the addition of the ‘superior hardener’, the two liquids that were stirred together began to shape and harden madly, and the movement of the stirrer became slower and slower because of this.

However, the ‘superior catalyst’ that was then injected at the same time also began to liquefy it again, and the speed of the agitator increased.

So there is a strange scene in which the stirrer inside stirs the liquid is fast for a while, and slow for a while.

“Sir, the molecules between the two materials have been broken under the effect of ‘superior hardener’ and ‘superior catalyst’!”

Bai Hou had been monitoring and calculating the changes inside, reporting to Alan anytime and anywhere.

“Start the photothermal reactor to laser heat it, so that the characteristics of ‘vibranium’ can be exerted and fused with the ‘Sky Crystal’ autonomously, and the fusion of the two can be reported at any time!”


A laser immediately shot into it, and the liquid, which had turned dark cyan, was instantly melted into a magma-like color by the high temperature, and Alan immediately became more nervous.

“Autonomous integration has begun, and the degree of integration is 3%!”

“Fusion 7%!”

“Fusion 25%!”

“Fusion 47%!”

“Fusion 72%!”

“100% Fusion!”

As the white queen continued to report, Alan became more and more nervous, waiting until the white queen said “100% fusion!” After that, Alan knew that the fusion had succeeded.

Allen was not surprised by the successful fusion of a new universal liquid metal material “Eternal”, which Alan had long calculated to be completely feasible.

‘Vibranium’ itself is a universal material, but only Wakanda has developed it, but it cannot keep it in a state of liquefaction all the time.

However, Alan was able to make it change form at any time through the continuous polishing of the ‘superior hardener’ and the ‘superior catalyst’.

If you want to become a solid, you become a solid, if you want to become a liquid, you become a liquid, and if you want to become what shape you want, you can become what shape.

Of course, the metal itself does not have any consciousness, of course, he will not take the initiative to change anything, so Alan boldly thought of adding the ‘Sky Crystal’, which is also a synthetic material.

And after calculations, Alan knew that ‘Sky Crystal’ and ‘Vibranium’ could be fused, which is the magic of ‘Vibranium’.

You know, ‘vibranium’ can even fuse muscle tissue, can be used to make the body, and is a magical super material in itself.

Once the fusion of ‘Sky Crystal’ is successful and becomes the new material ‘Eternal’, Allen’s later ideas can be implemented.

“Next is the most critical time, don’t drop the chain for me after the white!”

Alan was already sweating from nervousness on his forehead at this point, and after saying a word to the dialogue, he began to continue with the next thing.

“Turn off the photothermal reactor and let the new material cool automatically ‘eternally’, and we’re going to get everything done before it cools, how much time is it?”

As Alan asked, he put a helmet on his head, and the other end of the helmet was attached to the instrument containing the ‘eternity’.

“Twenty-five minutes, sir!”

“Well, now start transmitting my neuronal consciousness waves, and since ‘eternity’ is formed by fusing the ‘sky crystal’, it will certainly be able to accommodate the consciousness waves, as if it were a ‘mind gem’!”

Alan said calmly, and then Bai Hou immediately activated the helmet that Alan had brought on his head, and a wave of consciousness began to transmit, as long as the connection with ‘Eternal’ was successful, then it was okay.

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