Five minutes later

“Well, I have a feeling, cut off the transmission immediately, I don’t want to put my own consciousness into it completely!”

Alan felt a sudden connection in his mind to the liquid that was cooling in front of him, and Alan immediately knew that he had succeeded, but he could not experiment with it now, because the liquid in front of him was still lacking in motivation.

“Put in the liquid ‘ark reactor’, and then turn on the quantum magnetic field, quantize the ‘eternity’, and form an anti-gravity field in itself!”

“Enter spatial technology data for ‘eternity’, independent intelligent data modules, and connect mechanical frequency waves like me!”

It is put into the liquid ‘ark reactor’ to be able to make it dynamic, able to move, deform, etc., and its energy, although not infinite, can be recharged as long as there is light.

This is the prominence of Allen’s ‘Ark Reactor’, which can be charged anytime and anywhere, as long as there is light, which is the result of the mechanic combining the light-heat reaction.

Quantizing it to form an anti-gravity field is to allow it to float and fly, and Allen’s future flight will depend on it.

Spatial data is entered to give it “spatial” capability.

The input of the independent intelligent module is so that it can act independently and autonomously when Allen is not in control, and it can also connect the network of the red queen and the white queen, becoming Allen’s third ‘intelligent program’ dedicated to Allen.

It is also an ‘intelligent program’ that has a body and can act.

Connect the same mechanical frequencies as Ellen in order to be able to detonate the mechanical army that Ellen has created just like Allen.

Why is it that Alan, as a human being, is able to control the machinery he makes? Is it through the red queen and the white queen? Yes and no.

It is said that it is because the control of those mechanical army operations does require the control of intelligent programs such as red queen and white queen.

It’s not because Alan can control these mechanical armies to explode no matter how far away, this is the mechanic’s “mechanical detonation” device.

It is because the machinery that Alan makes has a special frequency that Alan can detonate it at any time, anywhere.

For twenty-five minutes, Alan and the White Queen kept adding all kinds of technology to it, and finally did everything before it completely cooled down.

“Whew, open the hatch and let’s meet this new member of our family!”


The hatch opened, and Alan’s mind moved, and he saw that the pool of dark blue liquid suddenly turned into a palm-sized metal ball with a smooth mirror-like surface slowly floating.

This sphere has a perfect amplitude, the ultimate smoothness, and the perfect interpretation of what is called “beauty” to the whole world.


In an instant, I saw that this round ball rushed towards Alan at a speed that could not be captured by the naked eye, and then stopped in front of Alan’s eyes without warning.

“The speed is good, after quantization, this invincible smooth surface will not have the slightest friction with the atmosphere, sigh, this is my greatest creation so far!” What should I name you? After the white, I may not need you on my side from now on! Hahaha! Don’t be jealous! ”

“Congratulations sir for succeeding, but it will make me feel lost when he says this!”

“Haha, although I’m sorry, but you are not really ‘artificial intelligence’, there is no such emotion of loss!”

At this time, Alan was like a happy child, constantly using his own mind to control this metal ball to fly here and that.

And under Alan’s control, this thing is constantly changing, one moment into a metal boy, one moment into a two-meter metal hand, and the next into a metal puppy running on the ground.

However, as long as Alan does not take the initiative to control it, this thing will change back to the shape of a round ball and float around Alan, making Alan ask in doubt:

“Why do you like to look like this ball?”

“I don’t know, sir!”

The first time the thing made a sound, it sounded like a little boy’s voice, which was simulated after a short period of learning after connecting to the red and white network.

“Is that so? Then I’ll call you ‘Ball Ball’ from now on! Today is in a very good mood, I will no longer continue to work, the manufacture of several other things will be postponed first, how is the situation in the factory? ”

Alan asked.

“‘Red Destroyer’, ‘Steel Robot’, ‘Legger the Restore’, ‘Hercules Rex’, ‘Fighting Spirit Robot’ have each produced 100 units, and all of them have been put into the security work of the Umbrella Industrial Park!”

Alan had been waiting for Bai Hou’s answer, but he did not expect that the answer to himself was actually the “ball” created by the one that had been floating next to Alan.

“It’s not bad, step up production, go, ball ball, let’s go out for a walk, this time I’m also a flyer!” Open the lab’s access to the outside lawn! ”

Alan said that for the first time, he opened the outer passage of the laboratory connection, which was originally prepared by Alan for himself to fly in the future.

Alan didn’t want to be like Tony, who broke the ceiling of his lab on his first flight.

When the passage opened, Alan’s mind moved, and the ball floating around him immediately turned into a smooth mirror-like disc and came to Alan’s feet.

Alan lifted his foot and stepped on it, and his feet immediately sank down and were firmly fixed, which made Alan sigh:

“Worthy of the ‘Eternal’ system of the highest material masterpiece I have ever synthesized, how does it feel so similar to the surfboard of the silver surfer in Fantastic Four 2 seen in a previous life?” It’s just that the ball is dark cyan! ”

“I can change the color with ‘mechanical camouflage’ technology!”

The sound of the ball talking gave the feeling of a tiger’s head, and then the surface immediately changed to the same mercury color that Alan had in mind as the silver surfboard.

This color gives people a stronger sense of technology, which makes Alan very satisfied.

“Go, let me see how fast you can go!”

Alan’s mind moved, and then the ball under his feet immediately flew out of Alan’s underground laboratory like an arrow off the string, and flew out of the lawn of Alan’s Manor, leaving some of Alan’s servants stunned.

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