Alan took the pistol with one hand, and his dexterous fingers flicked it casually like a dance, and the black pistol was immediately split into many parts.

“Wow, that’s awesome!”

“Worthy of being a super genius!”

“He should be called the King of War, you see a gun in his hand like a toy, his technique is art, and it is incredible to underestimate it!” And it’s one-handed! ”

The people around them were immediately attracted by the movement of Alan’s hand, and as soon as the gun reached Alan’s hand, it was as if he had come alive, obediently letting Alan fiddle with it.

“The rifling of the pistol is somewhat aging, this gun should not have been used for a long time, and has never been maintained with gun oil, it is normal for this problem to occur, ball ball, restore the elasticity of this spring!”

Alan gulped down the apple pie as he casually threw a spring at the ball floating next to him and commanded.

Subsequently, in the unbelievable looks of the people around them, the water-silvery metal ball-like ball actually appeared with a mouth as if it had come alive, and the mouth was open, and the spring was swallowed.

“Lean, what is this?” Doesn’t that mean it’s just a metal ball with a suspended maglev? ”

“I don’t know, it’s a very powerful thing to get it right!”

“Mom, I want this thing too!”

The people around them were shocked again, and then they saw the metal ball flash a few times, then open its mouth again, spit out the spring, and then it returned to the state of the metal ball and floated quietly beside Alan.

The scene just now was like an illusion.

Allen caught the spring and once again flicked the parts like a butterfly with one hand, and in just two seconds, he assembled the pistol again.

“In the future, remember to maintain it from time to time, so as not to lose its temper at key moments and not save your life!”

Alan smiled at the boss and was about to say something more, when the ball suddenly came out:

“Sir, Mr. Stark pleaded for a call!”


As soon as Alan’s mind moved, the ball immediately turned into a pair of headphones and stayed in Alan’s ears, and then Alan heard Tony’s voice:

“Alan, there’s a very troublesome thing here, I can’t use more steel armor now, I may need you to go, and your position is not far from Broadway, of course, the strength of the enemy is unpredictable, you can choose to leave it alone!”

Tony’s voice sounded a little tired.

“Let’s hear it? A cup of black coffee, thank you! ”

Allen left the crowd that had sighed again because the ball had turned into headphones, and sat down at an open-air coffee shop in Times Square to ask for a cup of coffee despite the eyes of the others.

Apparently Alan had forgotten again that he didn’t have any money.

“General Ross of the military, you should know, right?” He’s your big patron! ”

Tony didn’t say it directly, but first talked about Rose, which made Alan move in his heart, and there was some speculation, so he said:

“Of course, I know that he is a rare hardliner in this era of peace, and this kind of hardliner is not popular in this era, but the government obviously needs the existence of such a person!”

If Ross had been in war years, he would have become a respected general, but in peacetime, his strong approach was very unpopular.

If there had not been someone to support him, and the United States would have needed a general of the kind to do something, Ross might have been retired.

“He is one of the military people who are close to my father, and our family has been supporting him, and he asked me to help him develop a weapon this time, saying that he was going to deal with a monster!”

Tony said.

“Oh? Did he tell you what kind of monster it was? He wants you to study weapons, and you always have to have some information to target, right? ”

Allen’s eyes narrowed, knowing that it was Hulk Hulk who had been exposed, and it was no accident that Tony and Ross had a good relationship.

Moreover, Ross caused such a big mess in the Hulk matter, and also made a hatred of this monster, and later he was promoted to the secretary of state of the World Security Council, with great real power.

This situation was partly due to Rose’s fierceness, strength, and uncompromisingness, and later the countries mainly wanted to deal with the Avengers, so Ross was able to rise to power.

The second reason why Ross was able to successfully ascend to the throne was because there was support behind him, and now it seems that Tony is the person behind Rose, or one of the people behind it.

“He only gave some information, and didn’t tell me the details, but I guess it has something to do with the original ‘super soldier serum’, and the last time I told you about the ‘super soldier serum’ military research was led by Ross!”

Tony says that apparently the monster that Rose doesn’t even tell him has aroused Tony’s curiosity.

“What did Ross tell you about that monster?”

Alan asked.

“He told me that the monster’s strength is very strong, the kind of strength that can lift a tank, and the body is very hard, able to resist shells!” It is also very tough, full of bouncing power, not afraid of air combat, and also has the ability to regenerate, with gamma ray radiation in the blood! ”

Speaking of this, Tony took a deep breath and said:

“Actually, Rose has given enough information, but I can’t believe that there is such a monster, and it is obvious that this is the military’s experiment using gamma rays to study the ‘super soldier serum’ to create this monster!”

“After Jarvis’s analog, this monster should be extremely powerful!”

Tony said with a headache.

“Can a penetrating bullet plus a sniper rifle penetrate the monster’s skin?” And Rose orders a lot of frozen grenades from me every time, I’m afraid it’s also for this monster, right? ”

Alan felt that this Ross was a bit of a waste, how could so many umbrella weapons still not be able to deal with a Hulk?

Alan actually thinks that Hulk is not so strong, especially in “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4”, so that Alan does not pay too much attention to Hulk.

Since Allen arrived in this world, there are actually only a few people who are more jealous.

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