Of course, Thanos is counted, especially after owning one or two Infinity Stones, Thanos is very skilled in using Infinity Stones.

Then there’s Thor, the man who slaughtered Thanos with his own hands, and although he was blessed in Avengers 4, he is a character who must not be underestimated.

The two characters above Thor and Thanos are two women.

Captain Marvel, able to withstand and absorb any energy, hard steel six gems Thanos, so that Thanos can not play the fingers, if not in the end Thanos in a hurry, took down a Captain Marvel overturned, Thanos may be defeated.

Finally, Thanos, the only woman to let Thanos call support, the Crimson Witch with the power of chaos, and her beauty also impresses Alan.

In addition to these four people, because of Susan’s existence, Alan is also more jealous of the silver surfers and star eaters in the future.

The Silver Surfer’s whole body is the strongest substance in the universe and cannot be destroyed, even if the Star Devourer can break down anything close to his core, but it does not affect the Silver Surfer.

Most importantly, this solid substance of the silver surfer is given by the silver surfer, that is, the star swallower gives the silver surfer the power to kill himself.

As for the star-devouring star, there is nothing to say, everything that comes close to him will be disintegrated, and the kind of cosmic-level monster that relies on devouring the planet is estimated to be afraid of Thanos.

“It should be penetrating, but this monster has super recovery ability, and most importantly, Rose wants to live!”

Tony said wordlessly.

“And then what?”

“Then I made two ultrasonic cannons for Rose, and Rose failed!”


“After that Ross didn’t know what to do, now that two pretty much the same monsters on Broadway are fighting, and they’ve destroyed two blocks, I want you to see if you can do it first, and if not, I’ll support you at any time, and we’ll take care of these two monsters together!”

Tony said firmly.

“To tell you the truth, I don’t want to care, if I go, my power will be exposed in front of the whole world, and then maybe I will face the persecution of the government, just like you, I heard that you received a summons from the court, and you are going to be heard next week?”

Alan said with a slight look on his face.

“Hey, we’re friends, and I hope you’ll be there by then, so you have to go today!” And aren’t you in a big way? Lately you have seen that you have nothing to do and don’t want to verify yourself? ”

Tony suddenly laughed. It would be interesting if the two geniuses went to the court-martial-court hearing at the same time.

“Well, I’ll go right over and hang up first!”

Suddenly a taxi on Alan’s side landed in front of Alan, and then three tattooed men rushed towards Alan, one of them holding a hood and about to cover Alan’s head.

“It won’t be a kidnapping, will it?”

The corners of Alan’s eyes twitched slightly.

Whether these three big men are moving, wearing, tattooing, or driving a car are wild roads, but the action is very sharp and self-contained.

It seems that it should be a general small kidnapper who often does robbery and kidnapping.

Alan guessed correctly, the three of them were the kind of little, but not the kind of people who collected protection money or the kind of boss, but the who robbed shops, burglarized, kidnapped some women or children.

A month ago, they suddenly found Alan wandering the streets, and then found that Alan would come here every day to hang out without bodyguards, although they were all crowded places, but as long as they were bold, they thought they could still get it.

They spent a month planning where to start, escape routes, fake license plates and so on.

It is ready to do an earth-shattering vote, either dead and buried, or drunk in the second half of his life.

In their eyes, Allen was a fool without a bodyguard, a walking billionaire.

“Balls, guns!”

Alan watched their movements wordlessly, said a faint word to the ball floating next to him, and held out his hand.

At this time, several men and women who were also drinking coffee around saw what was also happening, and quickly stood up to let go, afraid that these robbers would hurt them casually.

As the robbers approached, the ball appeared silently above Alan’s outstretched hand, and then a blue beam of light landed on Alan’s hand, and a dark red revolver appeared in Alan’s hand.

“Bang bang bang bang!”

Twelve shots rang out in a row, and Alan sounded as if he had fired only six shots, but in fact, because of the ‘ammunition mastery’, Allen was able to fire two shots in a row in an instant, and was able to accurately control the trajectory of the second shot.

Because it was so fast, the others could only hear the sound of six shots.

After the shooting, Alan did not look at the robbers, and as soon as his heart moved, the ball came to Alan’s feet and changed into a mercury disk, and as Alan jumped up, the disc broke into the air, leaving a shocked crowd of onlookers.

“Miserable, these three people are really miserable!”

“Did you see Alan Hammer’s marksmanship?” He didn’t even take aim! ”

“Sigh, every shot hits the joints of the hands and legs of these three robbers, and their hands and feet will not be able to be used in this life!” But I obviously heard that he only fired six shots? ”

After Alan left, the people around him slowly gathered around, some calling the police, others pointing around the three robbers lying on the ground and screaming with heartbreak.

Only to see the three robbers’ arm joints, as well as knee joints are all bloody, the clear-eyed people can see the fierceness of Alan’s shot.

Others were shocked by Alan’s miraculous marksmanship and the ball around him, the sudden appearance of the revolver, and the shock of carrying Alan through the air.

Allen did not care about this, the downtown shooting or something, Alan will not have any burden, S.H.I.E.L.D. will clean up the aftermath for Alan.

At the moment Allen had Hulk and Hate in mind.

“Finally able to play against the Hulk, I hope not to be defeated by me in a few clicks, then I will be disappointed!” And it should be time for the whole world to see my power, otherwise even the little bastards just now would dare to kidnap me! ”

There was anticipation in Alan’s eyes, the world was still a little too boring in Alan’s eyes so far, and what Alan wanted was a vast battlefield.

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