“What is this? Why did the thing next to Alan Hammer emit a flash of light and two guns appeared in his hand? Is this magic? It’s incredible! And that orb can be split in two, and it can fly on its own! ”

The female reporter screamed one after another.

“It’s space technology, I can’t read it wrong this time!” Alan, you have indeed succeeded, your research direction I have not been very clear, but this time you have no scruples, is it to create momentum? Then let me help you! ”

Tony suddenly flashed an inexplicable smile in the lab and then shouted:

“Jarvis, connected to New York TV, said I would like to give them a first-hand explanation!” At the same time, collect the data of this battle closely and slowly analyze it! ”

Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D.’s side of Nick Fury, Natasha, Coulson, Barton, Hill and several other highest-ranking agents also gathered to watch the battle and analyze Alan’s strength.

Alan’s preparations made both Hulk and Abomination wary, but after waiting for a long time, they didn’t see any more moves from Alan, but just looked at them faintly.


At this time, the Hulk, who was already more violent, couldn’t help it at first, even if it felt that Alan was not simple, but the simple mind and strong anger made Hulk roar, suddenly open his legs, and rush towards Alan.

Disgusted with the sight of the situation, he couldn’t help it, and slowly Hulk rushed towards Alan.

“Ball, reload 300 consecutive automatic pistol with characteristic bullets, ice and burst bullets!”

As the ball flashed again, Alan immediately felt the bullet in the automatic pistol in his left hand change, so he unceremoniously raised the 300-shot automatic pistol in his left hand and shot at the two men in front of him.


As soon as Alan struck, countless bullets shot like a dense rain of bullets at the Hulk and the Abomination, and these bullets all burst open when they were about to hit the Hulk and the Abomination, forming a powerful firepower covering the front.

At the same time, due to the relationship between the characteristic bullet and the ice, the air temperature in front of it decreases rapidly.

It should be known that although the explosive bomb is called a burst bomb, it itself is only an explosive core inserted into the warhead, and it does not have its own properties.

That is to say, don’t look at the explosive shells used by those soldiers who usually explode and produce flames after they are fired, but in fact, it is only because their bullets have gunpowder that they explode like this.

And Allen’s characteristic bullet ice is not at all different, there is no trace of gunpowder in it, and after the explosive bullet explodes the bullet, it immediately forms a strong cold air in front of it mixed with ice chips hitting Hulk and Abomination.

This strong cold immediately made Hulk and Abomination feel their bodies stiffen, and the blood flow in their bodies began to slow down, and the movements of the two of them also began to slow down, and finally even stopped, and their bodies were slowly frozen.


But then with a roar, Hulk took the lead in breaking through the ice on his body and continued to rush towards Alan.

And Abomination was slow for a second before breaking through the ice and speeding up towards Allen again.

Now the two monsters that should have been fighting each other were inexplicably united at this time, as if they planned to take the lead in killing Alan, the troublemaker, and then duel life and death.

“It was good! Go on! ”

Alan sighed, as if unsurprised that Hulk and Abomination had broken through the cold, still raising his left hand and shooting frantically at the two monsters.

As soon as the bullets in Allen’s automatic pistol are used up, the ball next to Allen will immediately flash a ray of light to fill the bullets, so in the eyes of outsiders, the bullets in Allen’s automatic pistol seem to be endless.

And the Hulk and the Abomination could not be raised at all under Alan’s crazy shooting, and every time they just broke through the cold ice and wanted to speed up, they would once again be covered with a lot of cold and slowly freeze and frozen.

Then Hulk and Abomination would break through the ice again and continue to rush towards Alan.

This makes the scene a little weird.

Only to see Alan just raise his left hand and shoot indifferently, while Hulk and Abomination were slowly advancing, and it took ten seconds to rush to Alan’s face.

“Hey, great, let you go back to the liberation of the day, although I am not afraid of close quarters, but sharpshooters, of course, we must distance ourselves from you!”

Alan saw the two angry monsters rushing in front of him, and suddenly showed them a playful smile, and then the hands holding the guns suddenly crossed, and a powerful burst of fire shot out of Alan’s two guns.


Guns and bullets modified by ammunition experts can instantly explode the power of dozens of bullets in the hands of ammunition experts, producing a powerful impact to repel opponents close to the body.

Because of the fear that the firearm could not withstand it, the impact force was not instantaneous, but several eruptions in a very short period of time, showing a multi-stage impact.

As Allen’s ‘cross-shooting’ hit, only to see the Hulk and the Abomination two monsters were pushed ten meters away in an instant, followed by a slight pause, as if the second force was pushed out of the ten meters again, then the third, the fourth.

It wasn’t until the two monsters were pushed out more than forty meters later that the impact was over.

And because the bullets in Allen’s automatic pistol were characteristic bullets and ice, this huge impact force also carried a strong cold, and the two monsters that were pushed out forty meters were frozen again.

The first glimpse of the battle ends with Alan lightly repelling two monsters that have destroyed two blocks.

People all over the world sat in front of the TV in disbelief and watched this picture.

The look of Allen, dressed in a suit and holding a gun in both hands, shooting at random but bringing powerful repression, was deeply imprinted in their minds.

“This, this is really incredible, our Alan Hammer, this 22-year-old proud son of heaven, with two guns to hit the monsters can not get close, I think everyone should guess that this is Alan Hammer armed with technology, but everyone should also want to know what technology Alan Hammer uses to make him look like magic, right?”

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